
wài yuán xìnɡ kànɡ yuán
  • exogenous antigen
  1. 结论同一种外源性抗原被DC和巨噬细胞内吞后,在这两类细胞中的运行路径明显不同。

    Conclusion The endocytic route of exogenous antigen in DC apparently differs from that in macrophages .

  2. MHCⅡ类分子递呈的抗原主要是外源性抗原。

    However class ⅱ molecules mostly present exogenous antigen .

  3. 不成熟DC通过俘获和处理外周组织中的外源性抗原而变成成熟DC。

    Immature DC capture and process exogenous agents in peripheral tissues and begin to mature .

  4. C3bα链N端42肽促进外源性抗原的交叉呈递

    42 residues of the amino terminus of alpha ' chain fragment of C3b enhances cross-presentation of exogenous peptides antigens

  5. 因此,Ii链在MHCⅡ类分子呈递外源性抗原给CD4+T淋巴细胞的过程中起着关键性作用,对于机体的免疫应答具有重要调节意义。

    So Ii plays a key role in MHC ⅱ molecular presenting exogenous antigen to CD4 + T lymphocytes and has an important regulated significance on immune reaction .

  6. IL-12也可作为疫苗组成成分以外源性抗原的佐剂形式促进和增强保护性细胞介导的免疫应答。

    IL-12 can also act as vaccine component , an exogenous adjuvant , to promote and enhance the immune response of protective cells .

  7. 在外源性抗原的加工提呈途径中,抗原肽与MHCⅡ类分子的结合是激活辅助性T细胞特异性免疫应答的先决条件。

    In the exogenous antigen processing and presentation pathway , peptide binding MHC class ⅱ molecule is an important prerequisite for activating helper-T-cell mediated immune response .

  8. 外源性抗原蛋白被抗原提呈细胞(APC)摄取送入溶酶体中被降解为长度不一的肽段。

    Exogenous antigen proteins are absorbed by antigen presenting cells ( APC ) and translated into lysosome in which they are degraded into short peptides with different length .

  9. 目前认为,当外源性抗原刺激T细胞活化时,需要抗原呈递细胞表面的Ag/MHC复合物与T细胞表面的CD3/TCR复合物相互结合;

    Now it is believed that the activation of T cells responding to foreign antigen requires the interaction of CD3 / TCR complex with Ag / MHC complex presented on antigen-presenting cells .

  10. 非经典的HLA-DM在外源性抗原加工递呈过程中发挥重要且独特的作用。

    Non-classical HLA-DM plays an important and unique role in the processing and presentation of exogenous antigens .

  11. 结论各种职业之间,引起过敏反应的外源性抗原存在差异。

    Conclusion Exogenous antigens are different in the induction of allergic response among various occupations .

  12. 其功能不仅限于移植排斥反应,它还与机体对外源性抗原的免疫应答之间存在关联。

    Its function is not only confined in rejection of transplant but also correlated with immune response for extra-antigen .

  13. 结论:在内耳的二次应答中,内淋巴囊能够吞噬、处理和清除外源性抗原说明其具有免疫防御和免疫应答功能。

    Conclusion : The rat endolymphatic sac can phagocytize , dispose and removal extraneous antigen , which verifies the immune defense function of endolymphatic sac in inner ear immune response .

  14. 目的评估外源性超抗原SEC对胶质瘤的体内杀伤效果。

    Objective To investigate the effect of external superantigen SEC against human glioma .