
wài yīn yán
  • vulvitis
  1. 93例女童外阴炎病因分析

    Analysis of Symptoms and Pathogens in 93 Prepubertal Girls with Vulvitis

  2. 妇乐灵治疗外阴炎及阴道炎的临床小结&附:135例病例报告

    Treatment on 135 Cases of Vulvitis and Vaginitis by Fu-le-ling

  3. 中药外用治疗女性外阴炎疗效观察

    Efficacy Observation of Treating Vulvitis with Traditional Chinese Medicine

  4. 念珠菌性龟头炎和外阴炎是老年糖尿病患者的主要症状。

    Glans of beads bacterium sex is phlogistic with vulvitis beSenileDiabeticMain symptom of the patient .

  5. 目的探讨女童外阴炎临床表现与病因的关系。

    Objective To study the relation ship between symptoms and pathogens of vulvitis in prepubertal girls .

  6. 胎儿较大、会阴水肿、外阴炎是Ⅲ度裂伤的高危因素。

    Fetal macrosomia , perineal edema , vulvitis are the high risk of third degree laceration perineum .

  7. 尤其是女性朋友,私处更易被细菌感染,引发阴道炎、外阴炎、盆腔炎等等。

    Especially female friends , privates are more likely to be infected with the bacteria cause vaginitis , genital infection , pelvic inflammatory disease , so on .

  8. 患外阴前庭炎综合征妇女甘露糖结合凝集素等位基因外显子Ⅰ第54位密码子的分布改变

    Altered distribution of mannose-binding lectin alleles at exon I codon 54 in women with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome