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  • extrapolation
  1. 该文利用外推的思想提出了一种基于同心圆轨道的锥束CT重建算法。

    This paper developed a cone beam reconstruction algorithm based on extrapolation .

  2. 利用BP神经网络进行测井资料外推

    Logging data extrapolation using BP neural network

  3. 进行了MATLAB仿真,比较了各个模型的可信度和外推能力;

    Conducts the simulation MATLAB , comparing the reliability and extrapolation of each model ;

  4. 外推-周期法测量ADS模拟装置的次临界度

    Sub-criticality Measurement With Extrapolation-period Method on ADS Model Facility

  5. 经理论记录和实际地震记录检验,表明经ω-x域算子外推后的去噪效果有显著改进。

    Theoretical and real data results prove that (ω - x ) - domain operator extrapolation brings obviously-improved noise reduction .

  6. 提出了一种基于PID算法以及外推算法的原理的双轴同步补偿算法,该算法在补偿过程中根据双轴的同步状态逐层设置了同步极限值。

    A synchronous compensation algorithm based on the common PID algorithm and the extrapolation is proposed in this thesis .

  7. 用FDTD计算结果外推近区场

    The Extrapolation to the Near Zone Field from FDTD Simulation Results

  8. 对连续性不满足外推要求的荷载函数进行了磨光,使q(x,y)∈C3(Ω)。

    Load functions which don 't satisfy extrapolations are polished to make ? ( x , y )∈ C_3 (Ω) possible .

  9. 介绍了灰色系统GM(1,1)模型的预测方法,并用该模型对学生近视率进行预测分析,拟合与外推预测的平均误差分别占实测值均数的1.43%和1.21%。

    Grey systems model GM ( 1,1 ) was used to predict the student 's myopia rate .

  10. 本文提出一种直接基于富里哀变换的带限信号外推新算法:FFT迭代算法。

    A new extrapolation algorithm for band-limited signals is proposed directly based on Fou-rier Transform .

  11. 球形地面上目标散射FDTD近-远场外推

    An FDTD Near-to Far-Zone Transformation for Scattering from Object over the Curved Earth

  12. 趋势外推与ARMA组合的能源需求预测模型

    An Energy Demand Prediction Model Based on Trend Extrapolation and ARMA

  13. 多角形域上Robin问题的边界积分方程的求积法与分裂外推

    Splitting Extrapolations for Solving Boundary Integral Equations of Robin Problem on Polygons by Mechanical Quadrature Method

  14. 粘弹性方程Hermite型有限元新的超收敛分析和外推

    A New Superconvergence Analysis and Extrapolation of Hermite-type Finite Element Method for Viscoelasticity Equation

  15. Hermite展开应用于介质柱散射的时-频域联合外推

    Simultaneous Extrapolation of Electromagnetic Scattering of Dielectric Cylinders in Time-Frequency Domains Based on Hermite Expansions

  16. Stokes问题各向异性B-R外推的研究

    Study on B-R Elements Extrapolating with Anisotropism Gridding about Stokes-problem

  17. 基于Laguerre展开的时、频域同时外推技术

    Simultaneous Extrapolation in Time and Frequency Domains Based on Laguerre Expansions

  18. 积分方程特征值问题的Richardson外推

    Richardson Extrapolation of Eigenvalue Problems for Integral Equations

  19. Richardson外推技术及其在电磁散射中的应用

    Application of richardson extrapolation technique in electromagnetic scattering

  20. Fredholm积分方程离散配置法的渐近展开及外推

    Asymptotic error expansion and extrapolation for discrete collocation method of Fredholm integral equation

  21. 研究了电力系统负荷预测的趋势外推预测技术,采用二次指数平滑技术和二阶自适应系数法进行发电量预测,并运用C语言编程,通过实际算例进行了比较分析。

    Studies the application of trends extrapolation on the power load forecast . By quadratic exponential smoothing and second-order adaptive coefficient forecasts the electricity quantity . Compares and analyses the actual examples by C language program .

  22. 渐近波形估计(AWE)方法是数值计算中一种非常有效的外推方法。

    The method of asymptotic waveform evaluation ( AWE ) is a very efficient extrapolation method in numerical computation .

  23. 通过线性外推,建立了直接跃迁的(αE)2模型,并确定了薄膜的Eg值(3.5~3.86eV)。

    The direct transition model of (α E ) ~ 2 versus photon energy E_g was established and a band gap energy E_g was obtained by linear extrapolation .

  24. 本文通过对图像的二维频谱进行外推,扩展了SAR系统的等效带宽以达到提高图像分辨率的目的。

    An extrapolation algorithm is used to expand the 2-D bandwidth of the detailed image to enhance the resolution and the implementation steps are discussed in detail in this paper .

  25. Stokes方程组Hood-Taylor元的分裂外推

    The Multi-Parameter Extrapolation of the Hood-Taylor Elements for the Stokes Problem

  26. f-x域算子外推去噪技术研究

    A technique for noise elimination using operator extrapolation in f-x domain

  27. 因此,可将H2S摩尔分数适当外推到0.0001%,来满足生产和设计的需要。

    Therefore , the mole fraction of H_2S could be used as 0.0001 % for the requirement of production and design .

  28. 该方法利用Gauss型求积公式,采取逐段积分逼近,并利用最小二乘法拟合外推,可以得到比较满意的计算结果。

    Employing the Gauss integral formulation , by means of the successive approximation and the approximation by least square , it can be obtained a satisfactory calculating result .

  29. 可以利用小波外推方法估值,但是小波函数的选择具有多样性,文中选用比较常用的Mexico草帽小波进行外推。

    In this paper , the wavelet extrapolation method for estimate is used . The choice of wavelet function is various , the familiar Mexico hat wavelet is used in extrapolation .

  30. 二维Fredholm积分方程Nystrom方法的渐近展开及其外推

    Asymptotic error expansion and extrapolation of the Nystrom method for two-dimensional Fredholm integral equations