
hēi sè xǐ jù
  • black comedy
  1. 那是个黑色喜剧。

    The play is a black comedy .

  2. 这是一个关于种族歧视、身份错位和期望落空的黑色喜剧。

    It 's a black comedy of racial prejudice , mistaken identity and thwarted expectations .

  3. 电影票房统计网站BoxOfficeMojo称,该片是全球有史以来最卖座的黑色喜剧电影。

    It has become the highest-grossing dark comedy of all time worldwide , according to box office mojo .

  4. AnneHeche的黑色喜剧《SaveMe》去年5月首次被预订,将会在今年5月23日首播。

    Anne Heche 's dark comedy Save Me , which was first ordered last May , will debut on May 23 .

  5. Netflix早期凭借剧集《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)和黑色喜剧《女子监狱》(OrangeIstheNewBlack)赢得了海外观众,一些竞争者和分析师认为,要复制这一成功将会很难。

    Some rivals and analysts said that replicating Netflix 's early success with the drama " House of Cards " and the dark comedy " Orange Is the New Black " for international audiences could prove challenging .

  6. 《女子监狱》第二季开播时间确定:这部Netflix的黑色喜剧将会在6月6日周五回归。

    Orange Is the New Black Season 2 has a premiere date : The dark comedy will return to Netflix on Friday , June 6 .

  7. 这部LauraDern主演的黑色喜剧两季以来一直在收视线上苦苦挣扎,但是也收获了一批忠实观众。

    The dark comedy , starring Laura Dern , struggled in the ratings for both seasons , but had earned a loyal following .

  8. 亚马逊于今年2月6日试播的五部喜剧和电视剧中,将有四部被正式拍成剧集,其中包括一部黑色喜剧《透明》(Transparent),围绕一个父亲是变性人的洛杉矶家庭展开;

    Four of the five comedy and drama shows that Amazon debuted on Feb. 6 will be made into a series . They include Transparent , a dark comedy about an L.A. family with a father who is transitioning genders ;

  9. 本周日,亚马逊的原创电视剧《透明家庭》(Transparent)获得了金球奖喜剧类最佳电视剧奖。这部黑色喜剧讲述的是一个变性父亲的家庭故事(这是流媒体电视剧首次获得金球奖最佳电视剧类奖项)。

    Just this Sunday , Amazon 's original series " Transparent , " a dark comedy about a family in which the father comes out as transgender , won a Golden Globe for best television comedy . ( It was the first time a streaming service had won a best-series in the TV category at the Globes . )

  10. 结合墨西哥历史文化与鬼故事的黑色喜剧。

    Part Weird Mexican Ghost Story . Part historical black comedy .

  11. 《布赖恩的一生》是部关于救世主一生的黑色喜剧。

    The life of Brian was a black comedy about the life of chrest .

  12. 黑色喜剧旨在以一种黑色幽默的口吻来揭示苦涩而荒诞的现实。

    Black comedy aims at revealing the bitter and absurd reality in a tone of black humor .

  13. 弗兰西斯麦克多蒙德在这个黑色喜剧故事中扮演一位悲伤的母亲,展现了出色的核心表演。

    Frances McDormand giving an outstanding central performance as a grieving mother in this darkly comic story .

  14. 在莱利·斯特恩斯编剧兼导演的这部以空手道为主题的黑色喜剧中,《功夫梦》遭遇了《搏击俱乐部》。

    Karate Kid meets Fight Club in this black-belt black comedy written and directed by Riley Stearns .

  15. 黑色喜剧一词更确切地说是把笑声和绝望难解难分地结合在一起的那种悲喜剧形式。

    Dark comedy refers rather to the tragicomic form in which laughter and despair are inextricably mingled .

  16. 很多观众都将这部电影形容成一部充满讽刺意味的黑色喜剧,因为其中不仅有难以置信的场景,还有歇斯底里的人物。

    Most audiences would likely describe the film as a mordant black comedy with hard-to-believe scenes and hysterical characters .

  17. 西恩·迈德斯的其他电影包含更多的中部地区口音,《死人的鞋子》就是一部非常棒的黑色喜剧。

    Shane Meadows ' other films contain further midlands accents , Dead Man 's Shoes is a particularly good dark comedy .

  18. 90年代末出了很多以高校为题材的电影。包括风骚坏姐妹,一个以谋杀为主题的黑色喜剧,跟希德姐妹帮电影比较像。

    The late '90s brought a ton of high school-centric films , including Jawbreaker , a murder-themed black comedy similar to Heathers .

  19. 这部黑色喜剧讲述的是一个变性父亲的家庭故事(这是流媒体电视剧首次获得金球奖最佳电视剧类奖项)。

    ( It was the first time a streaming service had won a best-series in the TV category at the Globes . )

  20. 而《无人区》不仅将美国西部片和现代黑色喜剧结合起来,更是巧妙地加入了中国神话色彩,使其独树一帜。

    But besides combining American westerns and modern black comedies , No Man 's Land smartly adds some Chinese mythology , making it one of a kind .

  21. 黑色喜剧《驴打滚》的主题曲《我要你》由女主角演员任素汐录制,并于10月26日发行。

    As the theme song of the black comedy , Mr. Donkey , I Want You was recorded by the leading actress Ren Suxi and released on Oct 26 .

  22. 他的第二部电影、关于日军侵华的黑色喜剧《鬼子来了》惹恼了中国官员,以至于他们把姜文列入禁导的黑名单长达五年。

    His second one , Devils on the Doorstep , a black comedy about the Japanese invasion , had so angered officials that they put him on an industry blacklist of directors for five years .

  23. 她在英国一部黑色犯罪喜剧《唐海明威》中扮演裘德洛的女儿。

    She played Jude Law 's daughter in the British black comedy Dom Hemingway .

  24. 其中最成功的是黑色家庭喜剧《透明家庭》,由《发展受阻》的男演员杰弗里o塔伯扮演一位变性父亲。该剧在今年荣获两项金球奖(最佳电视剧和最佳男演员)。

    The dark family comedy Transparent , with Arrested Development actor Jeffrey Tambor as a transgender parent , received two Golden Globe awards this year for best TV series and best actor .

  25. 《马男波杰克》迎来了第三季,这部极妙的黑色动画喜剧的主角是一匹拟人化的过气电视明星马,他在洛杉矶过着娇纵的半退休生活,并试图在这个物质需求皆被满足的世界寻找目标。

    Returning for a third season was this deliciously dark animated comedy about an anthropomorphic horse who 's also a washed-up TV star living in cosseted semi-retirement in Los Angeles , searching for a purpose in a world where all his material needs are met .