
The lessee may sublease the leased premises with the consent of the lessor in accordance with these Procedures .
Subject to consent by the lessor , the lessee may sublease the lease item to a third person .
Where the lessee sublets the leased property without the consent of the lessor , the lessor may rescind the contract .
Although illegal sublease isn 't authorized by the lessor , it is a valid behavior on the law and belongs to the verpflichtuyngeschaeft in nature .
On the Improvement of Chinese Third Party of Administrative Litigation Subject to consent by the lessor , the lessee may make improvement on or addition to the lease item .
An Explanation on Low Land Tax in Farmland Tenancy Article 224 Sublease Subject to consent by the lessor , the lessee may sublease the lease item to a third person .
Where the ship is to be employed by the charterer to carry live animals or dangerous goods , a prior consent of the shipowner is required .
If the lessee made improvement on or addition to the lease item without consent by the lessor , the lessor may require the lessee to restore the lease item to its original condition or claim damages .