
sǎo miáo qì
  • scanner
  1. 析象管扫描器是另一种常用而且很成功的微光探测器

    The image-dissector scanner is another heavily used and very successful low light level detector .

  2. Web中间件方式的隐患扫描器

    A Vulnerability Scanner Based on Web Middle-ware

  3. attheheartof在某事物的中心这些系统的核心大多是一个叫“扫描器”的病毒。

    At the heart of most of these systems is a virus " scanner . "

  4. 超声CT扫描器控制系统的设计

    The design of an ultrasonic CT scanner control system

  5. 三维CAD在光机扫描器设计中的应用

    Application of CAD to the Design of Optical Scanner

  6. 详细设计包括控制器、扫描器的硬件电路设计与控制器FPGA程序设计。

    Detailed design includes hardware circuit design and FPGA design .

  7. 只要具有可从Internet上免费获得的众多端口扫描器之一,任何人都可以轻松实现这种攻击。

    This attack can be fairly easily performed with any one of a number of port scanners available freely on the Internet .

  8. 由于目前的研究是使用全身临床MR扫描器,因而它应能用于病人检查。

    Since the current study was conducted using a whole-body clinical MR scanner , it should be adaptable to scanning patients .

  9. 顾客可以通过iPhone的指纹扫描器来确认这笔交易。

    Customers verify the transaction with the iPhone 's fingerprint scanning hardware .

  10. 基于UNIX主机系统的漏洞扫描器的设计

    Design of Vulnerability Scanner Based on a UNIX Host

  11. 对漏洞扫描的关键技术进行分析研究,提出一种适合于Web应用程序漏洞的基于网络的扫描器的模型,给出一套相对完整的、可行的设计方案。

    By analyzing the key technology for vulnerability scanning , a Web-based Web application vulnerability scanning model and a set of relatively complete and feasible design proposal are proposed .

  12. 后者利用前一行扫描高度数据作为当前行Z向扫描器驱动的参考输入。

    The latter uses the last line height signal as the reference input of Z-control in the current line scan .

  13. 在理想情况下,扫描器还应该检测出Javascript是否针对某个特性使用了恰当的检测/问题解决办法。

    Ideally the scanner should detect if the Javascript is doing proper detection / workarounds for that feature too .

  14. 网络CGI漏洞扫描器的研究与实现

    Research and implement of a scanner of holes in CGI

  15. SAINT漏洞扫描器只提供集成漏洞评估和渗透测试工具。

    The SAINT vulnerability scanner offers the only integrated vulnerability assessment and penetration testing tools available .

  16. 程控扫描器及其在LSI自动检测系统中的运用

    Program-controlled Scanner and Its Application in Automatic Testing System for LSI

  17. STM管式扫描器交叉耦合及非正交误差的研究

    A study on cross coupling error and nonorthogonal error of the STM tube scaner

  18. 红外热像仪扫描器光学MTF的测试

    Optical MTF measurement of scanner in IR imager

  19. DB2为扫描器实现了这种能力,通过锁属性和锁请求的反馈,使其忽略未提交的插入行,而不是等待。

    DB2 implements the ability for scanners to skip uncommitted inserted rows versus waiting when in conflict through lock attributes and feedback on lock requests .

  20. 纳米测量机扩展了普通AFM测头的测量范围,减小了压电扫描器固有特性的影响。

    The NMM expands the measuring range of a common AFM head , and minimizes the influence of piezo-scanner characteristics .

  21. SPRITE探测器在扫描器中的最佳化应用

    Optimum application of Sprite detector in scanner

  22. 指出经XML和RDF/XML描述后的DC元数据具有了语义标注,在网络资源抓取器、XML解析器和XML包扫描器等协同工作下,可实现语义网上数据的自动抽取功能。

    As a result , the automatic extracting technology of DC metadata can be come about truth work in coordination with network resources grabber , XML parser , XML packet and so on .

  23. 研究了用于扫描探针显微镜,特别是原子力显微镜(AFM)中的扫描器高精度定位问题。

    The high-precision positioning with scanners in Scanning Probe Microscopes applications , particularly in atomic force microscopes ( AFM ), was studied .

  24. 基于PLZT材料的光学相控阵扫描器的设计及模拟

    Design and Simulation of a PLZT-based Optical Phased-array Scanner

  25. 这使得DB2的行为和预期的一样:扫描器一直等到INSERT事务提交或回滚,然后返回数据&这和平常一样。

    This makes DB2 behave as one would expect : the scanner waits until the INSERT transaction commits or rolls back and then return the data-business as usual .

  26. Convention具有更好更快的类路径扫描器,支持更多配置元素,更好的日志功能,很多配置选项,配置重加载,便于文档化。

    Convention has a better and faster classpath scanner , supports more configuration elements , better logging , many configuration options , configuration reloading and it is better documented .

  27. 设计了激光扫描器的驱动电路,该驱动电路包括FPGA主控电路、DAC转换及电流信号处理电路和功率驱动电路。

    The drive circuit includes FPGA main control circuit , DAC ( Digital to Analog Convertor ) transform and current signal processing circuit and power drive circuit .

  28. 可口可乐(Coca-Cola)利用微信内置的二维码扫描器,在中国发起了歌词瓶活动。

    Coca-Cola tapped into Weixin 's built-in reader for QR codes , two-dimensional bar codes , to start its Lyric Coke campaign in China .

  29. DB2V8.2.2为使用CR和RS隔离级别的应用程序引入了只读扫描器的能力,以便忽略还没有被其他事务提交的插入记录。

    DB2 V8.2.2 introduces the ability for read-only scanners , from applications using the CR and RS isolation levels , to skip inserted records that have not yet been committed by other transactions .

  30. 在生产流程中,仪表就是指可编程的逻辑控制器、传送带、分流器(diverter)等设备,以及RFID和条形码扫描器。

    In manufacturing , instrumentation refers to devices such as programmable logic controllers , conveyors , diverters , and also RFID and barcode readers .