
  • 网络mondale;Robert Mundell;Robert A. Mundell;Robert A Mundell
  1. 蒙代尔率先提出了最优货币区理论(OCA),这一理论经过众多经济学家的发展,已经逐渐成为了指导国际区域金融合作的重要理论体系。

    Robert Mundell firstly mentioned the Optimum Currency Area ( OCA ) theory , and with the effort of many economists , it gradually becomes an important system for the direction of regional financial cooperation in the world .

  2. 罗伯特•蒙代尔和艾伦•梅尔策都是半个世纪以来最具影响力的经济学家。

    Robert Mundell and Allan Meltzer rank among the most influential economists of the past half-century .

  3. 蒙代尔先生在讲话中引用了杜鲁门的话。

    Mr. Mondale quoted from Truman in his speech .

  4. IS-LM模型与蒙代尔-弗莱明模型货币传导机制的比较与借鉴

    Differences of Conduction Mechanism between IS-LM and Mundell-Fleming Model

  5. 主要内容和分析方法本文共四章。第一章主要介绍了蒙代尔&弗莱明模型(M-F模型)。

    Main content : The 1st chapter introduces what is Mundell-Flemming model ( M-F model ) .

  6. 我国在资本账户开放过程中的资本管制不对称,以及我国经济的市场化程度不高,反映在蒙代尔&弗莱明模型中,其BP曲线斜率大于LM曲线。

    China 's asymmetric capital control during the process of opening its capital account , as well as insufficient liberalization of its economy , is reflected in the Mundel-Flemming model with the slope of BP line in M-F model bigger than LM line .

  7. 蒙代尔最适度货币区理论的发展及其现实意义

    Mundell 's Theory of Optimum Currency Areas : Development and Practise

  8. 蒙代尔&弗莱明模型与货币政策:一个综合分析

    The Mundell-Fleming Model and Monetary Policy : A Synthetic Analysis

  9. 蒙代尔最后惨败给里根。

    Mondale ended up losing the election in a landslide to Ronald Reagan .

  10. 证券市场的开放、创新与蒙代尔&弗莱明模型的扩展

    The Opening-up and Innovation of Securities Market and the Development of Mundell-Fleming Model

  11. 前副总统沃尔特?蒙代尔输给了来自明尼苏达州的共和党人诺姆?科尔曼。

    Former Vice President Walter Mondale lost to Republican Norm Coleman in Minnesota .

  12. 试论蒙代尔&弗莱明教学模型的发展

    Comment on the Development of Mundell-Fleming Model

  13. 欧元区财政与货币政策非对称性搭配的经济效应分析搭便车问题的蒙代尔弗莱明模型分析

    The Analysis of Economical Effects of Asymmetry Fiscal and Monetary Policy Arrangement in Euro Area

  14. 蒙代尔&弗莱明模型与我国的宏观经济政策

    Mundel-Flemming Model and China 's Macro-economic Policy

  15. 而蒙代尔实际上是暗示哈特的主张缺乏实质性内容。

    Mondale , in effect , suggested that Hart 's ideas were short on substance .

  16. 蒙代尔-弗莱明模型,是从一个开放经济的角度去分析外汇干预的机制。

    Mundell-Flemming Model analyses the mechanism of exchange intervention in terms of an open economy .

  17. 这句话让蒙代尔和观众们都笑了。

    Mondale laughed along with the audience .

  18. 1984年,民主党总统候选人蒙代尔选择了费拉罗女士作为他的竞选搭档。

    Democrat Geraldine Ferraro was selected as the vice-presidential candidate in 1984 by Walter Mondale .

  19. 蒙代尔的学术思想及评价

    Mundell 's Academic Thought and Evaluation

  20. 蒙代尔经济理论述评

    Review of Mundell 's economic theory

  21. 开放经济条件下我国货币政策效应分析蒙代尔弗莱明模型视

    Analysis of Our Country 's Monetary Policy under Open Economy & Regards of the Mondale-Fleming Model

  22. 资本管制与蒙代尔-弗莱明模型

    Capital Controls and Mundell-Fleming Model

  23. 蒙代尔在2011年的一篇文章中曾指出,他预测的这些欧元好处正是遵循了理论的指导。

    Mundell argued in a 2011 paper that the progress he predicted was actually following the theory .

  24. 根据蒙代尔三难悖论,研究了人民币汇率制度改革背景、目标及其原因;

    In this paper , the background , aims and causes of RMB exchange rate reformation are discussed .

  25. 从蒙代尔最优货币区理论看华元及亚元的推出

    Putting forward " China Dollar " and " Asian Dollar " Seen from Montale 's Optimal Currency Region Theory

  26. 结合当前宏观经济形势,运用修正的蒙代尔&弗莱明模型对名义汇率升值条件下的宏观经济政策搭配效果进行了研究,并提出了相应的政策建议。

    Raised policy proposals after study the effectiveness of policy combination of the macro-economy policies by using the widened Mundell-Flemming Model .

  27. 蒙代尔坚持称,欧元“表现出色”,问题在于政府支出无度,赤字过高。

    Mundell insists that the euro " has performed spectacularly " and that the problem is reckless government spending and excessive deficits .

  28. 根据著名的蒙代尔&弗莱明模型的三元悖论,资本自由流动、汇率稳定和货币政策独立这三者是不可同时兼得的,在选定了其中任何两者后必然以放弃第三者为代价。

    By the famous Mundell-Flemming model , freedom of capital movement 、 exchange rate stability and monetary policy autonomy are not concurrence .

  29. 蒙代尔&弗莱明模型则从开放经济的溢出效应和反馈效应方面对为什么必须进行国际货币协调进行了解释。

    Mundell-Flemming model explains why the International monetary need to coordinate from the point of spillover and feedback effects of the open economy .

  30. 倒回历史,还有可能沃尔特•蒙代尔会赢得上届总统大选,虽然可能性也许低了些。

    There might be a possible history in which Walter Mondale won the last presidential election , though maybe the probability is low .