
  • 网络Conch Cement;anhui conch;Anhui Conch Cement
  1. 安徽铜陵海螺水泥有限公司2×10000t/d熟料生产线工程概览

    Project outline of 2 × 10 000 t / d clinker production lines of Anhui Tongling Conch Cement Company

  2. 三季度股市颓势难改,海螺水泥不惧熊市反而加大了增持力度。

    Third-quarter stock market decline die hard , Conch Cement fear a bear market but increase the intensity of the holdings .

  3. 全国最大的水泥集团&海螺水泥集团;

    The largest cement producer in china & Hailuo Cement Group ;

  4. 枞阳海螺水泥股份有限公司10000t/d水泥熟料生产线设计

    A 10000t / d Cement Clinker Production Line Design for Zongyang Conch Cement

  5. 分宜海螺水泥有限责任公司2500t/d新型干法水泥生产线烧成系统100%燃用当地产无烟煤。

    Firing system of 2 500 t / d cement production line of Fenyi Conch Co. burns 100 % local anthracite .

  6. 国内最大的水泥生产商安徽海螺水泥的股价周二上涨了5.5%,以64.19元收盘。

    Shares in Anhui Conch Cement , one of the country 's largest cement producers , rose 5.5 % in Shanghai trading to close at 64.19 yuan Tuesday .

  7. 海螺集团宁国水泥厂供应物流管理现状与对策研究

    Research on Present Situation and Countermeasure of Supply Logistics Management for Ningguo Cement Plant of Conch Group

  8. 为什么海螺没有入围世界水泥6强?

    Why did not conch enter the ranking of top6 world cement companies ?