
  1. 不能简单地用M2/GDP取代FIR,M2/GDP只能说明二者地协调发展程度,不能说明经济货币化程度。

    We can 't replace FIR with M2 / GDP simply , M2 / GDP only explains the coordinate development degree of the two indexes , can 't state the monetary degree of economy .

  2. 英国对欧洲经济货币联盟的态度和设想

    Britain : Its Attitude and Conception towards European Economic and Monetary Union

  3. 第三章则对经济货币化这一现象的进程及特点进行了对比分析。

    Chapter three analyzed the process and characteristics of the economy monetization with comparison .

  4. 我国经济货币化水平理论与现实不符的原因分析

    The Reasons of Discrepancy between the Theory and the Fact of China 's Economy Monetization

  5. 中国经济货币化进程的度量、效果分析与对策选择

    Measurement , effect analysis , monetization and counterplan selection in monetization process of China 's economy

  6. 随着经济货币化和金融化进程的推进,金融对经济的推动作用不断增强,经济的货币化、信用化程度越高,货币信用对经济的可调节作用越强。

    With the growth of currency and financial economy , the effect of finance on economy is enhanced .

  7. 欧洲经济货币联盟将由独立于各国政府和欧盟机构的欧洲中央银行负责经管。

    The EMU will be run by a Europe central bank independent of both national governments and European union institutions .

  8. 金融部门不仅具有推进经济货币化的功效,而且具有促进社会资本形成数量的扩张和形成质量提高的作用。

    It not only helps in economy monetization , but also encourages formation of the social capital amount expansion and quantity improvement .

  9. 欧元问世标志着欧洲经济货币联盟正式进入第三阶段。

    The emergence of euro signified that the procedure of creating European Economic and Monetary Union has officially proceeded into the third stage .

  10. 结果表明,影响我国货币流通速度的因素是:经济货币化、金融发达程度、储蓄率和利率。

    The results imply that the main causes of down velocity are economy monetization , financial development degree , saving rate and interest rate .

  11. 目前陕西农村经济货币化程度和正规金融发展水平较高,从对其效率分析的结构来看,农村正规金融缺乏竞争,效率较低。

    At present , the monetization of the rural economy and the level of normal finance development are high , but its efficiency is lower .

  12. 其次,通过对江苏产业结构变动影响因素分析,投资对产业结构的变动产生深刻的影响,金融支持与产业结构变动相关性趋强,经济货币化程度不断提高。

    Next , analysis of factors influencing industrial structure change in Jiangsu is used to show investment and financial support is relevant with industrial structure change .

  13. 经过相同的时间范围之后,大国经济货币和中国邻国货币也已大幅贬值。

    And over the same time frame , the currencies of major economies and currencies of China 's neighboring countries have all depreciated by a large margin .

  14. 经济货币化是货币金融体系发挥作用的一个基本前提,同时又是一国商品经济发达程度的货币体现。改革开放以来,中国金融发展最显著的成果就是经济货币化水平的迅速提升。

    Economic monetization is not only a premise for the performance of financial systems , but also a symbol of the commodity economy development in a country .

  15. 资本市场在促进经济货币化,建立优胜劣汰的市场资源配置机制方面拥有独到的优势。

    The capital market shows its unique advantages in promoting economic capitalization and establishing the disposition system in market resources based on " Survival of the fittest " .

  16. 近代史(不仅是德国的近代史)告诉我们,没有政治联盟,要长期维持一个经济货币联盟是一种荒谬的想法。

    Recent history , and not just that of Germany , teaches us that the idea of sustaining an economic and monetary union over time without political union is a fallacy .

  17. 研究结果表明影响中国货币流通速度长期下降的因素有经济货币化程度的加深、利率的变动、居民的高储蓄率。

    We can discovered the factors which affected the monetary velocity of our country long-term drop include the economical monetization degree , the change of , interest rate , high savings ratio .

  18. 西班牙的当务之急是签署《欧洲经济和货币联盟条约》。

    Spain 's top priority is the signing of an EMU treaty .

  19. GDP数据修正前后中国货币缺口的变化&兼论未观测经济对货币供给的影响

    The Change of Money Gap of China for-and-aft Revising GDP Data : also Analyzing the Impact of Unobserved Economy on Money Supply

  20. 试论欧洲经济与货币联盟(EMU)财政政策的有效性

    On the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy of EMU

  21. 文章选择欧洲经济与货币联盟(EMU)中五个代表性国家德国、法国、荷兰、比利时、西班牙,对其进行了区域经济一体化条件下国家财政政策绩效实证分析。

    The article select 5 representative national of Economic & Monetary union ( EMU ) , including Germany Spain , France , Netherlands .

  22. 由此,中国的经济高货币化进程还将持续一段时期.直至资源资本化推动的M2增速低于GDP增速为止。

    Based on the up-mentioned points , the high monetization ratio of China will see a longer life until the growth rate of M2 which is driven by resources capitalization is lower than that of GDP .

  23. 自1999年经济与货币联盟(Emu)诞生以来,各国政府始终没有工具,用来实践各自有关减少失业和加快经济增长的诺言。

    Since the start of economic and monetary union ( Emu ) in1999 , national governments have not had the tools to realise their promises to reduce unemployment and increase growth .

  24. 欧洲必须制定出一项强有力且系统化的危机对策,向全球市场和欧洲公民发出明确信息,表明我们对欧洲经济与货币联盟(emu)以及欧元不可逆性的政治承诺。

    Europe must formulate a strong and systemic response to the crisis , to send a clear message to global markets and European citizens of our political commitment to economic and monetary union , and the irreversibility of the euro .

  25. “从欧洲视角看,我们对中国支持旨在保障欧洲金融稳定的欧洲及国际努力表示感激,”欧盟经济与货币事务专员奥利雷恩(ollirehn)表示。

    " From the European point of view we appreciate the support of China for the European and international effort to safeguard financial stability in Europe , " said Olli Rehn , European Commissioner for economic and monetary affairs .

  26. 开放经济下货币政策和汇率政策的冲突

    The Conflict between Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in an Open Economy

  27. 建立内部市场和经济与货币联盟是欧洲一体化取得的重要成就。

    Internal Market and Monetary Union are significant achievements of European integration .

  28. 欧洲经济与货币联盟的权力制度

    The Power System of the European Economic and Monetary Union

  29. 开放经济下货币政策国际传导机制分析

    Analysis on the International Conduction Mechanism of the Monetary Policy Under Open Economy

  30. 然而,对经济和货币政策制定者而言,这很大程度上仍是一片未知的海域。

    Yet these are still largely uncharted waters for economics and monetary-policy makers .