
jì huà shēnɡ yù ɡōnɡ zuò zhě
  • family planners
  1. 基层计划生育工作者对出生缺陷干预认知及态度调查

    Survey on knowledge and attitude of birth defect among primary family planning workers

  2. 计划生育工作者对婚前性行为和人工流产的态度与看法

    The Perspectives and Attitudes of Family Planning Worker to Premarital Sex and Induced Abortion

  3. 从计划生育工作者角度看四川省男性绝育应用下降

    Degression of Male Sterilization Application in Sichuan Province : from the Perspective of Family Planning Workers

  4. 中国八省市计划生育工作者对向未婚年轻人提供避孕服务的态度

    Attitudes of Family Planning Workers toward Providing Contraceptive Services for Unmarried Young Adults in 8 Centers in China

  5. 计划生育工作者要用生物-心理-社会医学模式的观点指导处理生殖健康问题。

    Medical workers deal with reproductive health issues , depending on the bio - psycho - social medical model .

  6. 当前基层的计划生育工作者多苦于没有对策、没有抓手,计划生育的执行越来越成为摆在基层工作者面前的难题。

    The implementation of family planning policy has increasingly become the difficulties which placed in front of the grass-roots workers .

  7. 结果各中心绝大多数的计划生育工作者赞成向未婚年轻人提供性和生殖健康知识和信息。

    Results The majority family planning workers in each center agreed to provide such information and knowledge toward unmarried young people .

  8. 目的分析计划生育工作者对向未婚年轻人提供性和生殖健康知识和信息的态度和观点。

    Objective The attitude of family planning workers to providing sexual and reproductive health knowledge and information for unmarried young adults was analyzed .

  9. 目的了解基层计划生育工作者有关出生缺陷干预知识、认知和态度,为加强服务能力培养和教育提供参考依据。

    Objective : To know the knowledge and attitude of birth defect among primary family planning workers , to provide reference of strengthening service ability .

  10. 同时,对人口学专家、人口与计划生育工作者、法律专家以及社会学学者就出生人口性别比偏高问题进行专家深度访谈,了解专家对此问题的看法。

    By In-depth interviews among the experts on population , population and family planning , legal and scholars on the sociology , understand the view of the high sex ratio at birth .

  11. 目的:了解我国不同地区计划生育工作者对向18~24岁未婚年轻成人提供避孕服务的态度及其可接受的服务方法。

    Objective : To explore the attitude of family planning worker toward contraceptive services for sex-active unmarried young adults and identify the acceptable and feasible ways to provide the services for unmarried young adults in different areas in China .

  12. 结果30.6%的妇女知道紧急避孕法,14.7%的妇女使用过紧急事后避孕方法,95.6%的妇女认为应加强紧急避孕知识的宣传教育,紧急避孕知识的获得主要来源于计划生育工作者。

    Results 30.6 % of peri-marital women knew EC , 14.7 % women used emergency postcoital contraception methods , 95.6 % of peri-marital women thought that it was necessary to strengthen the publicity of EC knowledge . The peri-marital women got their knowledge mainly from the family planning workers .

  13. 该机构在北京仅有132名工作人员,但全国参与执行计划生育政策的工作者估计约有100万(包括地方政府计划生育部门的工作人员和志愿者)。

    It has only 132 staff in Beijing , compared with an estimated 1m people – including local family planning workers and volunteers – involved in implementing its policies around the country .