
qīnɡ yǎnɡ huà yà tiě
  • ferrous hydroxide
  1. 在知道中大家都在讨论氢氧化亚铁的颜色问题,我在教学中发现:纯氢氧化亚铁是白色的。

    Everyone in the know in the discussion of the color of ferrous hydroxide , I found in teaching : purity of ferrous oxide is white .

  2. 电化学过程中产生的亚铁离子会导致pH的变化,pH的变化在电极表面形成预钝化膜,它可能是氢氧化亚铁膜。

    Fe2 + , produced by the electrodissolution of iron will lead the change of pH , which cause the formation of passive film at the electrode / solution interface .