
qīng rán liào
  • hydrogen fuel
氢燃料[qīng rán liào]
  1. 5月份工程师们在一条氢燃料管线上发现一条裂隙。

    In May engineers found a leak in a hydrogen fuel line .

  2. 他预计,太阳能板、氢燃料电池、锂离子电池和节能型发光二极管(led)照明器材的需求将会上升。

    He predicts an increase in demand in solar panels , hydrogen fuel cells , lithium-ion batteries and low - energy LED lighting .

  3. 这款氢燃料电池汽车是在B级紧凑型轿车平台上制造的。

    The F-Cell is built on the company 's B-Class compact car platform .

  4. 氢燃料发动机NOx排放特性与预测

    The NO_x Emission and Calculation on Hydrogen Fueled Engines

  5. 天使(英文)基于RBF优化控制氢燃料发动机点火提前角

    Optimize Advanced Ignition Angel of Hydrogen-fueled Engines Based on RBF Neutral Network

  6. 之后,我们在可驱使的Autonomy中融入氢燃料驱动一线传操控技术。去年的这个研讨会上曾展出过氢燃料驱动一线传操控技术。

    We then had Autonomy drivable with Hy-Wire , and we showed Hy-Wire here at this conference last year .

  7. 氢燃料电池电解质P2O5-SiO2快质子导电玻璃的Sol-Gel法合成

    Sol-Gel Synthesis of Super Proton - Conducting Phosphosilicate Glass as a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electrolyte

  8. 它是世界上第一款可驾驶的燃料电池汽车。在Autonomy和Hy-Wire之后,现在我们又带来最新一代的氢燃料电池车Sequel。

    Hy-Wire is the world 's first drivable fuel cell , and we have followed up that now with Sequel .

  9. 率先在普锐斯(Prius)汽车上采用混合动力的丰田(Toyota),已推出了完全由氢燃料提供动力的车型。

    Toyota , which led hybrid adoption with its Prius cars , has already launched a fully hydrogen-powered model .

  10. 通用相信基于电池和氢燃料电池的技术的电力驱动汽车,为个人交通提供了一种长期的解决方案,Nickel补充说。

    GM believes that electrically driven vehicles , based on battery and hydrogen fuel cell technology , offer the best long-term solution for providing sustainable personal transportation , he added .

  11. 1月24日,宝马(BMW)与丰田(Toyota)宣布,至2020年,两家公司将联合生产一款氢燃料电池汽车。

    On January 24 , BMW and Toyota ( TM ) announced that they would collaborate to release a hydrogen fuel cell-powered car by 2020 .

  12. 通过CFD软件STAR-CD建立了缸外预混合氢燃料发动机三维模拟仿真模型。

    The three-dimensional simulation model was built by the CFD software called STAR-CD for the hydrogen engine that was premixed outside cylinder .

  13. 通过求解广义一维非定常Euler方程,数值模拟了氢燃料的燃烧室,并和实验结果进行了比较和分析。

    First , hydrogen-air scramjet combustor is numerically simulated and analyzed by solving the general one-dimensional unsteady Euler equation . Second , compressible , reacting , turbulent flow solutions are obtained .

  14. 通用汽车展示了一款雪佛兰volt(chevroletvolt)电动概念车,由一块氢燃料电池提供动力,同时还有一块锂电池作为备份。

    General Motors is showing a version of its Chevrolet Volt Electric concept car , powered by a hydrogen fuel cell backed up by a lithium battery .

  15. 瓦格纳昨日访问上海时,试驾了通用的Sequel概念车。该车采用了氢燃料电池技术,但距商业化生产尚有多年时间。

    During a visit to Shanghai yesterday , Mr Wagoner test-drove the group 's Sequel car , which uses hydrogen fuel-cell technology but is many years away from being commercially available .

  16. 此原则已成功地应用于HDH型高氢燃料气燃烧器的设计中。

    These principles have been successfully applied in the design of the HDH type bumer for hydrogen-rich fuel gases .

  17. 而最近,戴姆勒(Daimler)、福特(Ford)和日产汽车(Nissan)也于1月28日共同宣布结盟,四家公司将在2017年之前推出一款氢燃料电池汽车。

    More recently , Daimler , Ford ( f ) , and Nissan one-upped the pair , announcing on January 28 that , together , they would bring a hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicle to market by 2017 .

  18. 结果表明,MCH随车脱氢供汽车氢燃料在小型汽车上应用是可行的,其贮氢系统的能效可达0.59。

    Car World The results show the auto hydrogen fuel based on MCH dehydrogenation on board seems to be feasible , and the MTH hydrogen storage system has a better energy utilization ratio up to 0.59 .

  19. 2015年,本田将开始销售用于民航业的首款飞机——HA-420本田喷气机,以及一款全新的氢燃料电池汽车FCV。

    It will be a year when the automaker begins selling its first airplane , the HA-420 Hondajet for general aviation , as well as a new hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle , the FCV .

  20. Zundt表示,氢燃料公交车平均可以行驶20年,而柴油机车仅可以使用5到8年。

    Mister Zundt says a hydrogen bus will last an average of twenty years , while a diesel bus can be used for five to eight years .

  21. Mirai等氢燃料电池汽车被一些人视为对纯电动汽车的改进,因为氢动力汽车的续航里程和补充燃料所费时间可与汽油车和柴油车媲美。

    Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles such as the Mirai are seen by some as an improvement on pure electric cars , as they offer range and refuelling time that is competitive with petrol and diesel models .

  22. 高氢燃料气燃烧器在重整加热炉的应用

    Application of High Hydrogen Fuel Gas Combustion Equipment to Reform Furnaces

  23. 美国和欧洲将集中注资到氢燃料电池的研究中。

    American and Europe will pool research into hydrogen-powered fuel cells .

  24. 氢燃料超音速燃烧带有限率化学反应的一维计算

    A One-Dimensional Calculation of Hydrogen-Fueled Supersonic Combustion with Finite Rate Chemistry

  25. 汽车用氢燃料系统的研发动向

    Trend of Development in Hydrogen - fueled Power System for Automobile

  26. 氢燃料汽车与氢燃料电池汽车

    Hydrogen Fuel Motor Vehicle and Hydrogen Fuel cell Motor Vehicle

  27. 然而,它也能容纳氢燃料电池。

    However , it also can accommodate hydrogen fuel cells .

  28. 氢燃料内燃机技术现状与发展展望

    Technical Status Quo and Development Prospect of Hydrogen IC Engine

  29. 氢燃料电池汽车的成本高于传统公交车。

    Hydrogen fuel cell buses cost more than traditional buses .

  30. 但是米特尔曼说,氢燃料车值得等待。

    But Mittleman says hydrogen cars are worth the wait .