
gǔ tòng
  • Bone pain;ostalgia;ostealgia;osteodynia
骨痛[gǔ tòng]
  1. 中医证型与骨痛比较P0.05,有统计学差异,肝肾不足兼血瘀证患者骨痛比例最高。

    By comparing traditional Chinese syndrome types with ostealgia , P0.01 has salient statistical difference , and the patients of syndrome of deficiency of liver and kidney with concurrent blood stasis have highest proportion of ostealgia . 5 .

  2. 对中分化前列腺癌止痛效果较好。结论应用同位素联合抗雄激素综合治疗前列腺癌骨转移是一种有效的骨痛姑息治疗技术。

    Conclusion The application of isotope with anti-androgen in treating osseous metastasis of prostatic carcinoma is an effective palliative way for ostealgia .

  3. 骨转移往往会引起进行性前列腺癌患者产生骨痛和病理性骨折;使用放射性磷(~(32)P)和甲状旁腺素作媒介物能取得满意的疗效。

    Radiotherapy with 32P and parathormone which as vector can get satisfactory effection for the patients who have the bone metastatic carcinoma .

  4. SPECT骨扫描诊断以骨痛为首发症状的甲状旁腺瘤的临床价值

    Clinical value of SPECT bone scan to diagnose parathyroid gland tumor with bone pain as the first symptom

  5. 鲑鱼降钙素(calcitonin,CT)已临床应用30多年,是治疗骨质疏松、变形性骨炎、骨痛等的一线药物。

    Salmon calcitonin ( sCT ) is first-line drug to treatment of osteoporosis , osteitis deformation and bone pain in clinical application , which has been used more than 30 years .

  6. 结果:6例BMN均以骨髓坏死为首要表现,以骨痛和发热为主要表现。

    Results : BMN was the primary syndrome in all the6 cases .

  7. TURP、输尿管皮肤造瘘、局部放疗或同位素内放射治疗等可有效解除尿路梗阻,保护肾功能,减轻转移性骨痛。

    Urinary obstruction , renal function damage and metastatic bony pains could be relieved effectively by TURP , ureterocutaneostomy and local radiotherapy .

  8. 治疗前后测量L2,C7、左股骨颈的骨密度及骨痛状况,并与对照组比较。

    BMD of L2 , C7 and left femoral neck and the symptoms of bone ache were measured in both groups before and after treatment .

  9. 观察骨痛缓解效果、活动能力、Karnofsky评分及毒性反应。

    The effect on relief of bone ache , mobility , Karnofsky grade , and toxic reaction were observed .

  10. 结果:血清NTx浓度和患者骨痛评分呈成正相关(P0.01);但与患者骨转移涉及部位及转移灶数目没有明显相关性。

    Results : NTx concentration and digree of pain existed a positive correlation ( P0.01 ); But no significant correlation with the number and bone metastasis position .

  11. 结果47例患者治疗后下尿路梗阻症状、转移性骨痛均得到明显改善,血清PSA在治疗后3个月内均显著下降,其中16例降至正常范围。

    Results The symptoms of urethral obstruction and metastatic bony pains were alleviated in all 47 patients . The serum PSA were significant reduced 3 months after the treatment and in 16 cases were reduced to the normal range .

  12. 结果:68例中CD+44/nm23·H+130例中有14例肝脾肿大,10例脾肿大,2例淋巴结肿大,10例中枢神经系统白血病,4例牙龈增生,6例骨痛;

    Results : In 30 cases with CD + 44 and nm23 · H + 1,14 showed hepatosplenomegaly , 10 splenomegaly , 2 enlarged lymph nodes , 10 central nervous system leukemia , 4 hyperplastic gum , and 6 bone pain .

  13. 方法57例老年骨质疏松爆发性骨痛患者,年龄58~92岁,平均为67.4岁,疼痛强度VAS评分为9.0±0.4,疼痛持续时间为3~8天。

    Methods : 57 patients aged 58 ~ 92 years ( averaged 67.4 years ) were employed in this study . The VAS was 9.0 ± 0.4 , and pain duration was 3 ~ 8 days .

  14. 结论:UNION-2000型骨质疏松治疗系统通过激活酶系统,改善骨代谢,对绝经后骨质疏松症具有缓解骨痛,增加骨密度的作用,值得在临床上推广应用。

    Conclusions : PEMFS could improve bone metabolism and increase BMD . It is a convenient and effective method for the treatment of osteoporosis .

  15. 结果:对骨痛止痛显效率为81.67%。

    Results : The remission rates of bone pain were 81.67 % .

  16. 鲑鱼降钙素治疗骨痛36例观察

    Observation on the effects of salcalcitonin in treating 36 bone pain patients

  17. 癌性骨痛放射治疗分割模式研究

    Study of fractionation regimen of radiotherapy in bone pain caused by cancer

  18. 主要的症状有骨痛、发热;

    The main symptoms are bone pain and fever .

  19. 骨痛等临床症状减轻或消失。力学信号在骨骼中的转导

    Bone pain and other clinical sign decreases and diminishes . Mechanotransduction in Bone

  20. 多发性骨转移癌骨痛的内照射治疗

    Therapy on Bone Pain of Multiple Metastases with Radio-pharmaceuticals

  21. 必须加强环境保护,防止骨痛病出现。

    The environmental protection must be strengthened to prevent from the itai-itai disease .

  22. 骨膦治疗恶性肿瘤溶骨性转移骨痛47例临床报告

    Bonefos Treated 47 Cases of Bone Pain Patients With Lytic Malignant Bone Metastasis

  23. 骨痛、骨质疏松症状明显改善。

    The symptoms of bone pain and osteoporosis improved .

  24. 舒筋活络,消肿止痛,用于跌打扭伤,风湿骨痛。

    Relief of swelling and pain , for the bruises sprains , rheumatism .

  25. 降钙素对老年人椎体压缩性骨折骨痛的疗效观察

    Pain relieve of vertebral compression fracture with calcitonin

  26. 肿瘤患者的骨痛与骨转移分析

    Analysis on the relation between bone pain and bone metastases in patients with malignancy

  27. 12例有明显骨痛患者,术后亦明显减轻或消失。

    Bone pain in 12 cases was ameliorated .

  28. 希特勒感到切骨之痛。关节痛和骨痛可能会发生。

    Hitler was stung to the quick . Arthralgia and bone pain may occur .

  29. 关节痛和骨痛可能会发生。

    Arthralgia and bone pain may occur .

  30. 骨痛仙胶囊在临床实践中对骨折愈合有良好的促进作用。

    Gu Tong xian ( GTX ) Capsule has a good effect in fracture healing .