
  1. 我这计算机死机的时候比运行的时间还长。

    The down time of my computer is longer than the up time .

  2. 今天早晨我的计算机死机,所有的文件都丢失了。

    My computer program crashed this morning , and I lost all my documents .

  3. 电磁脉冲作用下计算机死机故障研究

    Study on computer breakup under EMP

  4. 微机实验室电脑死机原因和解决方法电磁脉冲作用下计算机死机故障研究

    A Study on the Causes and Solutions to Dead Stop Faults in Computer Lab ; Study on computer breakup under EMP

  5. 计算机死机时,根本就不能告诉信用卡机该从你的账户中扣多少钱。

    When our computer is down , it can 't tell the credit card computer to charge the fare to your account .

  6. 瞬态干扰脉冲信号可使电子系统功能混乱,计算机死机,通讯、导航等系统紊乱甚至烧毁电子元器件等。

    Transient interfering electromagnetic impulse signal can lead to electronic system 's function confusion , computer corruption , communicating , navigation system mess or even destroying electronic components etc.

  7. 分析了雷管激光编码过程中引起爆炸的主要原因:扫描系统误动作、激光功率过大、同一发雷管上的激光停留时间过长和计算机死机。

    The paper describes the main reasons of exploding while marking the detonator by laser , such as the scanner default , the laser with over power , the laser acting on the same detonator over time and the computer default .

  8. 将从组成系统的多个功能模块:自主创建考试科目、动态随机出题、考试时间锁定、系统自动判卷、计算机死机问题应对、考试信息管理对该考试系统进行设计并最终实现。

    The system according to the following modules is designed : Dynamically-randomly displaying the test questions on screen , locking the examination time , automatically marking the examination paper , dealing with the " system halted " problem and managing the examination information .

  9. 计算机的死机将教会你储存你的信息。

    Crashes are to teach you to back up your data .

  10. 计算机常见死机故障的浅析

    Discussion on the Common Computer Fault of System Halted

  11. 他说这很有趣,此外,如果他做的好,说不定能够让计算机突然死机的时候自动重启。

    It is fun , he said , and , besides , if he gets good , he might be able to do stuff like get a computer to turn on when it has suddenly died .

  12. 还在为你的计算机为什么老是死机而困扰吗?

    Wondering why your computer just crashed again ?

  13. 我每次断网,计算机都会突然死机。

    My computer crashes every time I disconnect from the Internet .

  14. 当我的计算机第十次死机的时候,我想我要发疯了!

    When my computer crashed for the tenth time , I thought I would go insane !

  15. 在计算道一半时,计算机突然中断并死机。

    Suddenly , in the middle of a calculation , the computer ground to a halt , dead .

  16. 启动计算机要花费宝贵时间,但每当计算机死机后,重新启动又是不可避免、绝对必要的,这就更花时间。

    Booting a computer takes valuable time , compounded by the rebooting that is inevitably necessary whenever a computer freezes .

  17. 温度升高会使计算机运行速度下降,有时会使计算机出现死机甚至芯片烧毁等,解决CPU散热问题非常迫切。

    High temperature will speed the computer down and sometimes the computer will crash or chip burning , etc. It is very urgent to solve the CPU heat problem .

  18. 八岁的詹姆斯解释说,编程就是“让计算机自己做事”。他说这很有趣,此外,如果他做的好,说不定能够让计算机突然死机的时候自动重启。

    James , 8 , explained that programming is " getting the computer to do something by itself . " It is fun , he said , and , besides , if he gets good , he might be able to do stuff like get a computer to turn on when it has suddenly died .