
  • 网络compute;Computed column;calculated column
  1. 在此情况下,用户可能需要对计算列具有select权限。

    In this case the user would also need select permission on the computed column .

  2. 'Efk74JK'+row[“STATENAME”]该计算列会匹配状态表中的ID值。

    ' _Efk74JK ' + row [ " STATE_NAME " ] This computed column matches the ID value in the state table .

  3. 有关计算列的索引视图和索引所必需的set选项设置的详细信息,请参阅影响结果的set选项。

    For more information about required set option settings with indexed views and indexes on computed columns , see set options that affect results .

  4. 对于ComputedColumns项,添加一个String类型且名为SeverityName的新计算列。

    On the Computed Columns tab , add a new computed column with the type String and a name such as Severity Name .

  5. 本文基于增量Reissner变分原理,对不可压缩的Mooney型橡胶类材料,进行了非线性的有限元分析,给出了杂交应力元的计算列式。

    In this paper , on the basis of the incremental Reissner variational principle , a nonlinear finite element analysis has been accomplished and a formulation of hybrid stress element has been presented for incompressible Mooney rubber-like materials .

  6. 能够保持此类型的计算列。

    The ability to persist computed columns of this type .

  7. 您还可以在计算列中使用此函数。

    You can also use this function within computed columns .

  8. 您没有权限更改此列表中的计算列。

    You do not have permission to change calculated columns in this list .

  9. 计算列示例是处理归档销售事务的包。

    The calculated columns sample is a package that processes archived sales transactions .

  10. 对于计算列同样如此。

    This is true also for computed columns .

  11. 合并复制中所用的表必须至少有一个非计算列。

    A table used in merge replication must have at least one non-computed column .

  12. 计算列值的分布。

    Calculate the distribution of column values .

  13. 我们原本还可以对最初的例子使用具有计算列的关系视图来实现这一点。

    We could have done this with the original example also by using a relational view with computed columns .

  14. 首先简介结构热应力分析的有限元方法。接着基于离散模型,提出与热传导耦合的结构热应力灵敏度分析方法,井推导上直接法和伴随法的计算列式。

    The sensitivity equations are deduced based on the discrete model by the direct method and adjoint method respectively .

  15. 指定列的可选名称或可以为计算列使用的名称。

    Specifies either an alternative name for a column or the name you can use for a computed column .

  16. 推导了考虑几何非线性项的结构形状优化位移灵敏度和应力灵敏度计算列式。

    This thesis deduces computational formulations of displacement sensitivity and stress sensitivity in structural shape optimization considering geometric nonlinear element .

  17. 对计算列创建索引可能导致之前正常运行的插入或更新操作失败。

    Creating an index on a computed column may cause the failure of an insert or update operation that previously worked .

  18. 由于此数据库的兼容级别小于80,无法在视图或计算列上创建索引。

    Cannot create an index on a view or computed column because the compatibility level of this database is less than 80 .

  19. 作为应用,建立了随机有限元的计算列式。独立可测的可编程序逻辑阵列

    As an application of this principle , the formulation of stochastic finite element method is constructed . autonomous testable programmable logic array

  20. 当执行语句时,重新计算列中的值,如果新表达式无效,则语句执行失败。

    The values in the column are recalculated when the statement is executed , and the statement fails if the new expression is invalid .

  21. 例如,如果您有一系列的工作项,那么您就可以添加显示严重程度的计算列了。

    For example , if you have a data set of work items , you can add a computed column that shows the severity .

  22. 此功能不能在列表的标题行、插入行、总计行、只读列或计算列中修改单元格。

    This feature cannot modify cells within the header , insert row , total row , read-only columns , or calculated columns in a list .

  23. 由此建立了相应的计算列式。数值算例显示,本方法是有效的并能大幅度节省机时,它在岩土工程中具有应用前景。

    Numerical results of two examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method , showing that it is promising in the numerical analysis of geotechnical engineering .

  24. 在能够编辑计算列的公式之前,必须将所有待定的更改提交到服务器,并且解决所有冲突和错误。

    Before you can edit the formula of a calculated column , any pending changes must be submitted to the server , and all conflicts and errors must be resolved .

  25. 您正试图移动的区域在计算列中被引用。在移动数据时,引用该数据的公式将不会更新到新位置。

    The range that you are attempting to move is referenced in a calculated column . The data will be moved , but the formula that references the data will not be updated to the new location .

  26. 首先,基于随机有限元摄动技术,分别推导出了针对全量法和增量法的非线性结构随机有限元分析的计算列式;

    Firstly , based on the perturbation technique of stochastic finite element method , the general recursion expression of nonlinear stochastic finite element analysis is derived in this thesis by using perturbation technique to deal with the stochastic factors of the nonlinear problem .

  27. 基于哈密顿变分原理,建立了增加内部自由度的结构动力分析高精度非协调有限元法计算列式,揭示了它与动态有限元法的内在联系;

    Based on Hamilton 's law of variation principle , the high accuracy incompatible formulation of finite dynamic element that increased internal degree of freedom was established . The relationship between the derived formulation and the conventional finite dynamic element method was revealed .

  28. XML函数extract()和extractxmlclob()计算XML列、文档或字符串上的XPATH表达式。

    The XML functions extract () and extractxmlclob () evaluate an XPATH expression on a XML column , document , or string .

  29. 美国高德纳咨询公司分析家将2010年商界运用的“云计算”列为2010十大高新技术商业策略之一。

    Analysts at US-based Gartner Inc list cloud computing as one of the top10 high-tech technologies used by the world 's business arena in2010 .

  30. 本文对企业集团中母公司编制合并会计报表时,如何抵销由于集团内部无形资产交易所引起的会计报表要素的重复计算填列的问题进行了研究。

    The paper studies how to deal with the duplicated calculation caused by interior intangible asset transaction in combined accounting statements made by a parent company .