
jì huà shēnɡ yù lǜ
  • Family planning rate;ratio of planned parenthood
  1. 1985年福州市区通过避孕措施而避免出生的人口数为27481人,约为已出生人数的2倍,计划生育率94.12%;

    In 1985 , the number of averted births by contraceptive methods is 27481 , about two times of numbers of births , the family planning rate is 94.12 % in urban district , Fuzhou .

  2. 结果:试点地区采取一系列改革措施服务流动人口,使流动人口计划生育率由56·40%上升为70·21%。但与计划生育优质服务的要求和流动人口的实际需求尚存在一定的差距。

    Results : A series of reform measures were adopted , and the family planning rate of floating population rised from 56.40 % to 70.21 % , while did not reach the need of quality of care and the actual demand of floating population .

  3. 基于这些结论或假设,本文利用中国省级数据,再次考察发展计划生育生育率关系,结果表明在过去30年里,计划生育的作用在下降,而社会经济发展的作用在增强。

    The analysis using data at provincial level across time demonstrates a dynamic balance between socio-economic development and family planning in determining fertility decline .

  4. 中国1979年实行计划生育前,生育率就已持续下降了几十年。

    Chinese fertility was falling for decades before the one-child policy took effect in1979 .

  5. 计划生育避孕方法知晓率不高、对避孕方法的效果、副作用了解有限。

    Understanding rate of planning birth contraceptive methods is not high , the awareness of contraceptive methods effects are limited .

  6. 外来人口不仅逐年增多、量大,而且持证率、计生率、计划外生育处结率都较低。

    The population there is increasing year by year but the series of rates of family planning remain obviously low .

  7. 计划生育政策对生育率的影响随时间推移而减弱,生育水平的空间分布随经济社会发展水平提高而降低。

    The impact of family planning policy on fertility rate is declining over time . The spatial distribution has shown that the fertility rate reduces as economic and social development improves .

  8. 可见,榆林市的人口发展还是很快,还必须加强计划生育,降低出生率,控制外来人口。

    It is obvious , the people 's development of YuLing City is still quickly , must also strengthen the family planning , reduce birth rate , control the population from other places .

  9. 研究表明,我国当前流动人口的计划生育管理中存在不少问题,如流动人口的计划生育率低、流动人口违法生育所占的比例高、对流动人口违法生育处结难等。

    Studies show that there are some problems in the administration of floating population 's Fertility planning , for instance , the low Policy-obeying rate of fertility also the high proportion of illegal fertility , and the difficulty in dealing with illegal fertility .