
  1. 人与自然共生理念在现代居室设计中的体现

    Conceptions about Harmony between Man and Nature in Modern Room Design

  2. 甚至在科技发达的今天,他们仍然过着与自然共生共存的生活。

    Even if nowadays in a technological version , with their environment .

  3. 生态的景区&强调节约、人与自然共生,维护自然过程与格局;

    The Ecological area & emphasize economy , balance between human and nature , nature protection .

  4. 千百万年来,人类都是被动的适应这个赖以生存的自然环境,建筑与自然共生共融。

    Millions of years , humans are passive adaptation to the survival of the natural environment , architectural harmony with nature .

  5. 生态环境发展状况直接关系着人类的生存和发展,环境是人与自然共生的基础,也是人类发展的前提。

    Ecological environment development directly influences the survival and development of human being ; environment is the foundation of coexistence of human and nature , and human development .

  6. 目前,最重要的就是形成以水、绿网络为主的生态网络,特别是对城市河流来说更要注意创建与自然共生的水域环境。

    At present , the most important is to form the ecological net dominated by water and green net , especially pay more attention to construct water area environment co-existing with nature for urban rivers .

  7. 因而,应根据人类与自然共生原理,对不同湿地进行景观生态的分析、评价、规划和设计,逐步恢复原有的自然湿地景观,使其发挥多种湿地功能。

    Thus we should carry out analysis , evaluation , planning and design of different wetland according to the principle of symbiosis of human beings and nature , and gradually recover the original natural wetland landscape in order to let it exert full wetland functions .

  8. 要在严格保护生态环境的前提下,全面提高资源利用效率,加快推动绿色低碳发展,努力建设人与自然和谐共生的绿色发展示范带。

    We should comprehensively improve the efficiency of resource utilization coexistence between human and nature .

  9. 整个站房在远山的衬托下,体现建筑与自然的共生。

    Whole station room is in of far hill foil below , reflect building and natural accrete .

  10. 环境保护:人与自然和谐共生

    Environment protection : man and nature in harmonious coexistence

  11. “香格里拉”是人与自然和谐共生的理想境地。

    Shangri-la is an ideal land for the harmonious coexistence between man and nature .

  12. 我们与自然和谐共生。

    We live with the nature harmoniously .

  13. 希望生活在一个能听到鸟语虫鸣,与自然和谐共生的地方几乎成为人们奢侈的想象。

    It almost is luxury who can live in the house that can be harmony with nature .

  14. 第四章从教育方面视角提出人与自然和谐共生。

    Part IV put forth people and nature can coexist in harmony from the perspective of education .

  15. 包括,人的自我生态化意识、人与自然融合共生意识、社会绿色化意识、全球合作化意识。

    It induces self-ecological awareness , human-nature harmonious symbiosis awareness , social afforestation awareness and global cooperation awareness .

  16. 三是加强党的执政能力建设。实现人与自然和谐共生。

    Strengthening the administration ability construction of the Party to realize the harmony between the human being and nature ;

  17. 住区中的水景是人与自然和谐共生、持续发展的集中表现,是现代居住区的特色荟萃。

    The living area waterscape represents the harmoniousness as well as the sustainable development relationship between human being and nature .

  18. 因此,只有从主体间性的视角中去审美,匡正人的主体性,建构起反映人与自然和谐共生的生态美学,才能真正地解决生态危机,重建人类美好的生存家园。

    As a result , the ecological crises can be truly solved and the comfortable and harmonious homeland can be rebuilt .

  19. 人与自然的共生共荣就是我们可以选择的一条通向人与自然和谐相处与发展的道路。

    Intergrowth and Co-prosperity between human and nature is a new choice for us to get human and nature live in harmony .

  20. 人类不得不寻求建立一种人与自然互惠共生、协调发展的新文明&生态文明;

    Mankind must set up a new civilization-ecological civilization that human being live together with nature for both benefits and coordinate development .

  21. 而可持续发展观则是社会、经济、人与自然协调共生的一种综合发展观。

    While the sustainable development is a comprehensive viewpoint , which combines society , economy , human beings and nature into co-existence and harmony .

  22. 摘要生态生产力思想不同于传统的生产力理论,它是人与自然和谐共生的生产力。

    The ecology productive forces is different with the traditional social productive forces , it is the human and the nature harmonious productive forces .

  23. 当代居民是萨米人,自古以渔猎为生,即使在今天,他们仍然与自然环境共生共存。

    The native population is the saami who live traditionally from hunting and fishing , in symbiosis , even nowadays , with their environment .

  24. 呼唤保护意识,弘扬生态责任,倡导人与自然和谐共生是生态文学的突出特点。

    Provoking the awareness of environmental protection and advocating the duty to nature and the synergetic develop of human and nature is the distinctive characteristics of eco-literature .

  25. 环境友好型社会是人与自然和谐共生的社会形态,是可持续发展社会的具体表现形式。

    The environment-friendly society is a form of society where mankind and the nature keep a harmonious relationship . It is a concrete form of sustainable society .

  26. 在创造人与自然和谐共生的山地城市人居环境建设中,山水园林城市规划常常忽略了置身城市生活的个体感受。

    In the creation of the mountain city environment in which humanity and nature accrete harmoniously , landscape garden city planning is often overlooked the individual feelings on urban living .

  27. 生态省建设是河南寻求人与自然和谐共生的可持续发展之路,是实现经济、社会、生态环境良性循环和协调发展的有效途径。

    The construction of provincial ecosystem is the sustainable road to seek for harmonious society and the efficient way to realize the harmonious development between economy , society and ecology .

  28. 具体表现为:(1)人与自然普遍共生、浑然不分的自然审美观。

    Based on the three parts above , the thesis main results about modern aesthetic conception may be summarized as followings : ( 1 ) Natural aesthetic conception about coexistence between man and nature .

  29. 环境友好型社会是一种人与自然和谐共生的社会形态,其核心内涵是人类的生产和消费活动与自然生态系统协调可持续发展。

    Environment-friendly society is a harmonious coexistence between man and nature of social forms , the core content of the production and consumption of human activities and natural ecosystems , coordinated and sustainable development .

  30. 构建出晋南地域性、适应性极强的山地民居建筑形式,充分体现了晋南居民与自然和谐共生及对中国传统民居理念的认识和理解。

    Highly adaptive form of aboriginal residential construction fully reflects that the residents living in the south of Shanxi and the nature coexist in harmony and the comprehension of the traditional Chinese concept of residential areas .