
  • 网络achievements view
  1. 构建以绿色GDP为核心的科学政绩观

    Scientific Achievements View of Constructing Green GDP as the Core

  2. 树立正确政绩观需要把握的几个问题

    Several questions about how to establish correct political achievements view

  3. 树立和落实以绿色GDP为核心的政绩观

    Setting up and Carrying out the View of Achievements Centering on Green GDP

  4. 质疑社会评价缺位下的科学政绩观

    An Interrogation on the Scientific Achievement Ideology without Social Assessment

  5. 环境经济核算与科学政绩观的关系研究

    On the Relationship between Environmental Accounting and Scientific Policy Achievement

  6. 第三部分:树立和落实科学政绩观的基本要求。

    The third part : The basic request of scientific achievement view .

  7. 树立正确的政绩观十分的紧迫和重要。

    Establish a correct view of achievements is very urgent and important .

  8. 和谐社会构建中的政绩观问题研究

    On the Achievements View in the Construction and Practice of Harmonious Society

  9. 树立正确的政绩观,加强行政伦理建设;

    Developing honesty opinions of achievements and strengthening the construction of administrative ethics ;

  10. 政绩观的扭转与绩效评估的推进

    Turn of Achievement Concept and Advance of Performance Evaluation

  11. 政绩观是领导干部从政的重要价值取向。

    Performance concept is the important value of leading cadres in political orientation .

  12. 领导干部应努力树立正确的政绩观

    Leading Cadres Should Have a Correct Concept of Performance

  13. 论科学发展观和正确政绩观

    On Scientific Development Concept and Correct Political Achievement Concept

  14. 第二,政府短期行为与扭曲的政绩观。

    Secondly , the government short-term and the distorted view of achievements are formed .

  15. 领导干部树立正确政绩观应把握好的几个问题

    Some problems of how to set up correct testification of official leaders ' career

  16. 在政绩观中,事实判断从属于价值判断。

    In the political achievement view , fact judgments from belong to value judgment .

  17. 正确政绩观之三问

    Three Questions on Correct Conception of Political Achievement

  18. 科学发展观的提出,有利于我们树立正确的政绩观。

    The development of scientific concept will help us establish a correct view of achievements .

  19. 坚持执政为民树立正确的政绩观

    Sticking to Serving the People with Power , Establishing the Right View of Political Achievements

  20. 正确的政绩观是增强政治合法性的重要保证,二者统一于实现人民利益之中。

    The political validity and the right achivement view are unified in people 's benefits .

  21. 第二部分:科学政绩观的内涵、原则和基本特征。

    The second part : The content , principle , basic characteristic of scientific achievement view .

  22. 以科学发展观为指导树立正确的政绩观

    Building the Correct View of Achievement on the Guiding Ideology of the Scientific Concept of Development

  23. 我们党一再强调,领导干部要树立正确的政绩观。

    Our party repeatedly emphasize that leading cadre must set up correct view of achievement in post .

  24. 用科学的发展观念如何实践正确的政绩观,从科学的政绩考核体系设计着手考虑,能有效地督导和考察政府的政绩。

    The scientific government performance appraisal system is proved to supervise and inspect the government performance effectively .

  25. 政绩观是领导干部创造政绩的思想基础,反映了领导干部从政的价值取向。

    As an ideological basis of leading cadres ' performing , their performance concept reflects their value orientation .

  26. 当前一些地方政府政绩观扭曲现象严重。

    At present , the phenomena that some local government distorts the view on the political achievement are serious .

  27. 完善政府绩效评估体系需要引入正确的政绩观和科学发展观。

    To better the assessment system of governmental performance needs the right conception of governmental performance and scientific development .

  28. 科学发展观视角下中国领导职务公务员政绩观探析

    An Analysis of Leading Officials ' Achievement View in China from the View of the Scientific Concept of Development

  29. 第四部门提出从提高熟习,坚持准确政绩观、科学发铺观;

    From the fourth part to raise awareness , uphold the correct concept , the concept of scientific development ;

  30. 本文试图通过我国与发达国家环境经济核算的比较研究,探索新的国民经济核算模式,在国民经济核算框架的基础上构造环境经济核算体系,以此作为地方政府科学政绩观的基础。

    This paper explores new National Economic Accounting by comparing environmental accounting between China and the developed countries in the world .