
ɡuǎn lǐ ɡé mìnɡ
  • managerial revolution
  1. 建设学习型组织,不能简单地等同于传统的一般性的学习方式的改进,是一场深刻的管理革命。

    Construction learning-type organization can 't equal improvement of traditional learning way , it is a deepgoing managerial revolution .

  2. 企业信息化是企业高层次、全新的管理革命和技术革命的融合,而企业资源计划(EnterpriseResourcePlanning,ERP)是企业信息化建设的高级阶段。

    Enterprise informationization is the fusion of enterprise high level , brand-new management revolution and technological revolution , moreover , enterprise resource planning ( ERP ) is the senior stage of enterprise informationization construction .

  3. 信息技术的发展是企业管理革命的催化剂,由此而来的BPR推动了企业经营模式的彻底变革。

    The development of IT is catalysis of management revolution of enterprise , and BPR brought about by it changed operational model of enterprise completely .

  4. 随着我国成功加入WTO以来,已兴起一场企业管理革命,JIT、敏捷制造和动态企业联盟等成为新的企业竞争模式和发展模式。

    As China has successfully joined the WTO , a revolution in business management has been launched , JIT , agile manufacturing and dynamic corporate alliances etc. has become the new competitive model and development model .

  5. 从管理革命勃兴看劳资关系走向

    To Explore a Trend of Industrial Relations From a Thriving Management Revolution

  6. 基于创新人才培养的大学管理革命与管理队伍建设

    University Management Reform and Management Personnel Construction Based on Cultivation of Innovation Intellects

  7. 品牌经营:酝酿中的学校管理革命

    Famous Brand Management : School Administration Reform

  8. 银行再造是20世纪80年代在美国兴起银行管理革命。

    Reengineering the bank is revolution of bank management , which rose in the 1980s in USA.

  9. 第二次管理革命&企业再造及其特征显示

    The Second Management Revolution & a New Lease of life to Enterprises and its Display of Features

  10. 随着信息技术为先导的社会变革,各国政府相继引发了一场行政管理革命&电子政务。

    With the social change of the information technology , one administration revolution has happened to all of the countries .

  11. 而在信息经济和知识军事时代,军事后勤领域也呼唤知识管理革命。

    In the time of information economy and knowledge warfare , logistics calls for a revolution of knowledge - based management .

  12. 品牌经营是新形势下的一场酝酿中的学校管理革命,是成人院校在市场竞争中面对的现实。

    Famous brand management is a new kind school administration reform which is a reality college have to face in the social competition .

  13. 网络经济引发了一场管理革命,使企业管理呈现出诸如柔性化管理、绿色管理等一些新趋势。

    As a result of management revolution brought by network economy , enterprise management seems to have such new trends as flexible management and green management , etc.

  14. 本文试从分析本书揭示企业管理革命对美国工业化的促进作用。

    This text try from the analysis originally the book announces to public the business enterprise management revolution to industrialize to the United States of promote the function .

  15. 企业重建是一场新的管理革命,是对已经运行了二百多年、建立在亚当·斯密提出的分工理论基础上的企业传统运作方式的彻底改革,它要求变革传统的企业组织结构形式。

    It 's a new revolution for managing and completely improves the . traditional enterprise managing method , which is based on the dividing theory by Smith for over two hundred years .

  16. 这场管理革命,不仅很快风靡全球,而且对企业的经营管理方式、管理者的思维理念等产生了强烈的冲击和深远的影响。

    This management revolution , not only quickly became popular in the world , but also produced the strong pound and profound influence on the enterprise 's management method and governor 's thinking principle .

  17. 解决中国农村能源问题,必须因地制宜大力发展现代生物质能等新能源与可再生能源,不断提高能源利用效率,进行一场新的农村能源利用与管理革命。

    It was urgent to optimize rural energy . Therefore , it was necessary to develop new energy and renewable such as modern biomass energy , so as to resole the problem of rural energy .

  18. 本文介绍了国外一些有代表性的化工专业网站并指出各网站的特点,对网络贸易在全球经济发展中引起的思想革命,管理革命给与了高度重视。

    In this paper the author introduces some representative chemical professional commerce web - sites , and points out their characteristics , meanwhile pays more attention to the thinking and managing reforms by web trade in the global economic developments .

  19. 智慧城市是城市的管理革命和发展模式的创新,其核心在于运用现代信息通信技术构建一个智能感知环境。

    Smart City is the revolution of city management and innovation of development mode , and is also the direction of city development , whose core is using modern communication technology to create a complete high-speed fusion network and intelligent sensing environment .

  20. 由于乡镇企业整体上尚未发生企业发展史上所说的“管理革命”,因而,其劳动关系的根本特征是企业所有者和新型工资劳动者之间的特殊利益关系。

    Because TVEs as a whole have not emerged so-called " management revolution " in the development history of enterprises , the basic characteristics of industrial relations in TVEs is a special interest relation between owners in enterprises and new wage laborers .

  21. 目前工商银行正处于风险管理革命与产权革命并存的关键时期,提升工商银行的核心竞争力,构建有效兼顾业务发展与风险控制的先进信贷风险文化显得尤为重要。

    At present , ICBC is at a critical juncture where risk management revolution and ownership revolution coexist . It is extremely important to improve the core competitiveness of ICBC and create a credit risk culture that effectively balance business development and risk control .

  22. 每一个企业都要做好准备来迎接这样一场企业管理的革命。

    Each enterprise has to prepare for the revolution of the business management .

  23. 最重要的,是建立先进的信用风险模型,实现信用风险量化管理的革命;

    Most important , to achieve the revolution of credit risk management , Credit Risk Models should be set up ;

  24. 传统的图书馆学、情报学已难以完成新的历史任务,网格技术将会对知识管理带来革命,并将引发知识管理学的诞生。

    The traditional library and information science is difficult to accomplish new history task , it will call knowledge management science .

  25. 其次,探讨了中国特色行政管理在革命战争时期的探索、建国初期遭受的曲折和改革开放以后随着五次行政体制改革的进行,不断的发展完善。

    Then the author discusses the course of exploration of administration with Chinese characteristics in the revolutionary period ; the setbacks confronted at the early period of the foundation of new China and its improvement along with the five administrative reforms after the reform and open policy .

  26. 电子政务是政府管理方式的革命。

    E-government is the revolution of government management manner .

  27. 业务流程重组&管理的新革命

    Business Process Reengineering & the New Revolution of Management

  28. 本周的事件应当推动世界足坛掀起一场管理方式的革命。

    This week 's events should be the catalyst for a revolution in the way global football is run .

  29. 企业信息化建设不单单是信息技术在企业中的应用,它更是一场管理思想的革命,管理模式的调整、业务流程的优化。

    Enterprise 's information construction is not merely the application of an information technology in enterprises , it is a revolution of a management thought even more , the adjustment of the management mode , optimization of the business procedure .

  30. 这些政策主要有:要增加对农业的投资;保证农民收入稳步提高;允许一部分人先富、先富带后富、共同富裕;我们要在管理上来个革命等。

    These policies mainly includes : increase the agricultural investment ; guarantee the farmers ' income rises steadily ; allow part of people rich first , and then lead others to the common enrichment ; launch a revolution in management and so on .