
  1. 自然垄断业务部分宜采取寡头垄断的市场结构;

    The natural monopoly business part should adopt the market structure of the oligopsony ;

  2. 非自然垄断业务部分则应运用一般的市场竞争规则。

    Only if the natural monopoly business part should be applicable to the general market competition rule .

  3. 若不立即对弱自然垄断业务进行有效的法律规制,将影响整个自然垄断行业,甚至整个国民经济的发展。

    If its legal regulation is not carried out immediately and efficiently , the development of the whole natural monopoly , even the national economy will be affected .

  4. 如果中国实施去年宣布的经济改革(尤其是打破除电网等自然垄断业务以外的一切垄断),让市场成为资源配置的决定性因素,私企将取代国企在服务业的角色。

    If China enacts economic reforms announced last year - particularly eliminating all but natural monopolies such as power distribution - and making the market the decisive factor in the allocation of resources , private businesses will displace state enterprises in services .

  5. 通过市场结构重组,将垄断性产业的自然垄断性业务和竞争性业务分离;通过不对称管制扶持新的竞争力量;通过民营化,促使民间资本进入垄断性产业。

    Through the reorganization of market structure , we separate the natural monopoly industries from the competitive operations ; through asymmetric regulation , we support the new competitive powers ; through prevarication , we encourage the private capital to enter the industry of monopoly .

  6. 只有强自然垄断行业的大部分自然垄断业务和弱自然垄断行业的小部分自然垄断业务才属于反垄断法豁免的内容。

    Only most of the business of natural monopoly of trades of strong natural monopoly and a small portion of business of natural monopoly of trades of weak natural monopoly belong in the scope of anti-monopoly legal immunity .

  7. 在城市公用事业这种自然垄断产业中实行竞争,首先要区别对待自然垄断性业务和非自然垄断性业务。

    For the implementation of competition in such monopoly industry as city public utilities , difference should be firstly made between natural monopoly operations and non-natural monopoly operations .

  8. 从动态上看,随着需求和技术的变化,自然垄断行业的边界越来越窄,过去典型的自然垄断业务演变为竞争性业务。

    On the other hand , in dynamic , with the changes of the demand and technology , the boundary of natural monopoly industries become narrower and narrower .

  9. 20世纪下半叶以来,随着技术的进步与需求的扩大,原有自然垄断产业的性质呈现出动态变化的趋势,自然垄断业务范围的缩小,新竞争领域的生成,使公用事业民营化成为可能。

    In the second half of the 20th century , with the development of science and the increase of demand , the scope of traditional monopoly industry was reduced .

  10. 对于自然垄断行业的改革,必须科学界定自然垄断行业的自然垄断业务部分和非自然垄断业务部分。

    Must science define natural natural monopoly business of monopoly industry part and natural monopoly business part as to natural reform of monopoly industry ;

  11. 最后,根据模型的结论并结合价格上限规制模型,尝试着设计了我国自然垄断产业的价格规制模型,并按照自然垄断产业中不同业务的性质对原有的进入规制进行了调整。

    Finally , according to conclusions of the model and price cap regulation model , the article tries to design price regulation model of natural monopoly industry in China , and adjusts original entry regulation in the light of property of different transactions .

  12. 在自然垄断产业实现有效竞争,应区分具体产业中的自然垄断性业务和竞争性业务,实行区别对待的管制政策。

    Once the operations of natural monopoly and competition have been distinguished , and the government can execute different regulation policies .