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  • endomorphism
自同态[zì tóng tài]
  1. 最后给出了一般群的自同态集合能作成Near环的充要条件。

    Finally , we obtain the equivalent condition for the endomorphism set of a group is a mapping Near - ring .

  2. 称图X为弱s-弧传递图,如果自同态幺半群End(X)在X的s-弧上传递作用(s≥1)。

    A graph is called weakly s-arc transitive if the endomorphism monoid acts transitively on the s-arc ( s > 1 ) .

  3. 给出了任意自同态像图都是收缩核的分裂图的结构

    The split graph is given endomorphism images are retracts .

  4. 线性流形的自同态环的n级幂等结构

    The Structure of N-order Idempotent of the Endomorphism Ring in the Linear Manifold

  5. F幂集的一类自同态的分解定理

    Decomposition and Representation for a kind of Homomorphism Change on the fuzzy set

  6. 基于新截集的广义扩展原则和F幂集自同态

    Based on Generalized Augmented Principle of New Cut Set and Endomorphism of F Power Set

  7. 群G的一个元素g称为G的检验元素,如果G的每一个保持g不变的自同态都是G的自同构。

    An element g is a test element of a group G if every homomorphism of G which keeps g fixed is an automorphism .

  8. 超圆盘上全纯自同态的Landau型定理

    Generalization of Landau theorem for Holomorphic endomorphisms of the polydiscs

  9. 假设M是一个具有可分预对偶的vonNeumann代数(特别是有限的vonNeumann代数),End(M)是它的自同态半群。

    Let M be a von Neumann algebra with separable predual ( esp. finite von Neumann algebra ), End ( M ) be its endomorphism semigroup .

  10. 本文证明了若半∑准投射模是弱n满投射的,则其自同态环的稳定秩至多为n,从而部分推广了文献[3]的&个主要结果。

    We prove that the endomorphism ring of semi - ∑ - quasi-projective module P has stable range at most n provided P is weakly n-epi-projective . Consequently , we partially generalize a main result in [ 3 ] .

  11. ZIF环上有限生成投射模的自同态环

    Endomorphism Rings of Finitely Generated Projective Modules over ZIF Rings

  12. 本文应用李群理论,对紧单李群G,给出了旗流形G/T的上同调环自同态的完全分类,并对典型群计算了相应自同态的Lefschetz数。

    In this paper , the cohomology endomorphisms of flag manifold G / T of compact simple Lie group G is completely classified , and the Lefschetz number of these endomorphisms are computed .

  13. 本文讨论环的加群自同态环,从而得到Cayley定理在环上推广。

    The Endomorphism ring of the additive group of a ring is discussed in this paper . Then we get an extension of Cayley theorem in ring category .

  14. 第四章中,我们主要研究具有三个点的且不带方向圈的有向箭图的路代数上的完备例外序列的自同态代数的Hochschild上同调群。

    Especially , we compute the Hochschild cohomology of endomorphism algebras of complete exceptional sequence of the path algebra whose quiver has 3 vertices and has no orientation .

  15. 在此基础上指出了Sinclair双站散射矩阵是散射变换在两个不同坐标系下交叉构成的,是散射变换的非自同态矩阵,它不能直接确定散射变换的特征多项式。

    Then , it is proved that Sinclair scattering matrix is based on a cross process in two different coordinates , i. e. , it is a non-common-basis-state matrix of the scattering transformation , it can not determine the eigenvalue polynomial of this scattering transformation .

  16. 图的强收缩核与图的强自同态幺半群的正则性

    Strong Retracts and the Regularity of Strong Endomorphism Monoids of Graphs

  17. 半∑准投射模自同态环的稳定秩

    Stable Range of Endomorphism Rings of Semi ∑ Quasi Projective Modules

  18. 图的自同态摹群的整矩阵表示

    The Integral Matrix Representation of the Endomorphism Monoid of a Graph

  19. 最后对根投射模的自同态环进行了讨论。

    Finally , the endomorphism ring of radical-projective modules is discussed .

  20. 强自同态半群构成并群的图族

    Graphs with Strong Endomorphism Monoid being the Union of Groups

  21. 具有有限生成元的阿贝尔群的自同态环的矩阵表示

    The representations of matrix of endomorphism ring of finitely generated Abel groups

  22. 关于一些自同态环为半完全环的模

    On Certain Modules Whose Endomorphism Rings Are Semi - perfect

  23. 图的字典序积和自同态幺半群

    The Endomorphism Monoids of the Lexicographic Product of Two Graphs

  24. 加法群的自同态环的一个子环

    A subring of the endomorphism ring of an additive group

  25. 关于BCI&代数一类自同态的象集

    On the Image of a Class of endomorphism in BCI-algebras

  26. 关于加群自同态不变的环的根

    Radical QF rings on endomorphisms invariance of additive group

  27. 正蕴涵BCI-代数的自同态

    Self - homomorphism of Positive Implicative BCI - Algebra

  28. 图的自同态幺半群的格林关系

    Green 's Relations on Endomorphism Monoids of Graphs

  29. 图的局部强自同态元和准强自同态元的正则性

    Regularity of the locally strong endomorphisms and the quasi - strong endomorphisms of Graphs

  30. 环加群的自同态环

    Endomorphism ring of additive group of a ring