
  • 网络psychopathy;psychopath;Psychopathic deviate
  1. 白天进行明尼苏达多相人格测验量表测量,评估观察对象的疑病、抑郁、癔病、精神病态、性度、偏执、精神衰弱、精神分裂、轻躁狂、社会内向性共10个临床量表因子分。

    In the daytime , all the subjects were evaluated with Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory ( MMPI ), including 10 clinical factors of hypochondriasis , depression , hysteria , psychopathic deviate , masculinity-feminity , paranoia , psychasthenia , schizophrenia , hypomania and social introversion .

  2. 你是准备在这测试我的精神病态量表吗

    Are you just gonna run the psychopathic checklist here ?

  3. 以施虐为主要动机的虐杀者,但拥有精神病态性格。

    Torture-murderers , with torture as the primary motive , but in psychotic personalities .

  4. 科学家们对100名受试者进行了性格测试以评估他们的黑暗性格,即权谋主义、自恋和精神病态。

    Scientists gave personality tests to more than 100 subjects to rate them for what 's called Dark Triad trait - that 's Machiavellianism , narcissism and psychopathy .

  5. 卡森通过这些残疾人物的生理残疾表现人类的精神病态和残缺,描绘了当代社会中人们的精神生存处境,也借此寻求和表达着自我的救赎。

    By the expression of physical disability , Carson conveyed the psychopathy and incomplete , described the spirit situation of people in contemporary society , and she also seeked and presented the redemption of herself . " The disability " means a lot or Carson .

  6. 他将研究建立在对正常行为而不是精神失常和病态行为的观察上,因而提出了原创性的思想。

    His thinking was original in that it was based on observations of normal behaviour , rather than on aberrations and mental sickness .

  7. 反思主题主要表现了现代城市文明在高度发达的物质生活下如何将人异化,人们精神世界的病态。

    Rethinking theme shows that in the modern highly developed urban civilization and the material life the people how to alienation , it also shows the sick spiritual world .