
kàng jiāo lǜ yào
  • antianxietic;antianxiety agent
抗焦虑药[kàng jiāo lǜ yào]
  1. 结果:各市与总用药金额均逐年增长,2004年是1998年的4.49倍,总构成比是抗抑郁药>抗精神病药>抗焦虑药>情感稳定剂。

    RESULTS : Total consumptive amount of money in each city increased year by year , it is 4.49 times larger in 2004 than that in 1998 . The total constituent ratio is antidepressant > antipsychotics > antianxietic > mood stabilizer .

  2. ddy小鼠替代大鼠的经济简便的抗焦虑药筛选改进模型&间氯苯哌嗪诱导的小鼠明暗箱焦虑模型

    MCPP-induced Anxiety Model in Light-dark Box in ddy Mice & A New Economic and Simple Method for Screening Anxiolytic Activity

  3. 很多动物园的大猩猩都会被喂精神病药和抗焦虑药。

    Many zoo gorillas have been given antipsychotics and antianxiety medications .

  4. 结论:安神一号胶囊是一种安全有效的抗焦虑药。

    CONCLUSION : Anshen yihao capsule is a safe and effective antianxiety drug .

  5. 结论西酞普兰是一种安全、有效的抗焦虑药。

    Conclusion Citalopram is an effective and safe antianxiety drug with good tolerance and compliance .

  6. 目的AF5是正在研究、开发的抗焦虑药,本文探讨其合成方法。

    Aim To find out synthetic methods for AF-5 that is a potent anxiolytic under development .

  7. 方法对76例海络因依赖者统一采用抗焦虑药、抗抑郁药、抗精神病药、脱水剂及营养支持等非替代综合戒毒法进行治疗。

    Methods 76 heroin dependent patients who volunteered to abstain were hospitalized and received non-substitution therapy .

  8. 针对恐慌发作,有好几种不同的治疗方法。从抗焦虑药到行为纠正。

    Several different therapies now exist for panic attack , from anti-anxiety medications to behavior modification .

  9. 医生让他口服抗焦虑药舍曲林和镇静药硝氯安定,并让他重返战场。

    The doctor sent him back to war armed with the antidepressant Zoloft and the antianxiety drug clonazepam .

  10. 他们本应该给我抗焦虑的药

    They 're supposed to give me an anti-anxiety medication

  11. 我正给你开抗焦虑的药。

    I 'm prescribing anti-anxiety pills for stress .

  12. 服用抗抑郁抗焦虑药如百忧解、舍曲林或者帕罗西汀的患者更应该注意。

    Those who also are taking antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications , such as Prozac , Zoloft or Paxil , should beware .

  13. 结论老年人抑郁、焦虑等心理障碍与睡眠障碍互相影响,提示对抑郁焦虑伴随的睡眠障碍可使用抗抑郁、焦虑药及认知治疗。

    Frightening dream and anxiety Conclusion The results suggested depression and sleep disorder affeced each other in elderly people . We would treat sleep disorder with depression and anxiety using antidepressants , anti anxiety drugs and cognitive therapy .

  14. 无如抗抑郁药或抗焦虑药的副作用。

    No side effects as seen in anti-depressants or anti-anxiety drugs .

  15. 我不知道这广告卖了多少香水,但我保证,它省了不少抗抑郁药和抗焦虑药。

    I don 't know how much perfume that commercial sold , but I guarantee you , it moved a lot of antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds .

  16. 而狗狗,像我的奥利弗一样吃抗抑郁药和抗焦虑药是为了防止它们从楼房里跳出去,或跳进车来车往的交通。

    But dogs like my own Oliver are given antidepressants and some antianxiety medications to keep them from jumping out of buildings or jumping into traffic .

  17. 目的通过较大量的临床实践,观察抗抑郁药、抗焦虑药治疗各种功能性胃肠疾病的用药特点及疗效,从而探讨本病的本质。

    Aim By a relatively large amount of clinical practices to observe the characteristics and effects of antianxiety and antidepressive drug therapy on various kinds of functional gastrointestinal disorders , so as to investigate the nature of the disease .