
jǐn zhāng
  • nervous;tense;stress;intense;tight;keyed up;twitter;dither;tizzy;collywobbles
紧张 [jǐn zhāng]
  • (1) [nervous]∶精神处于高度准备状态

  • 神情紧张

  • (2) [tense]∶激烈;紧迫

  • 紧张气氛

  • (3) [tight]∶供应不充分,难于应付

  • 货源紧张

紧张[jǐn zhāng]
  1. 真奇怪,我一点也不紧张。

    Strangely enough , I don 't feel at all nervous .

  2. “我很紧张。”她勉强承认说。

    ' I 'm very nervous , ' she admitted reluctantly .

  3. 出问题时,我尽量不紧张。

    I try not to stress out when things go wrong .

  4. 蒂娜心情紧张,手悬在电话机上。

    Tina was tense , her hand poised over the telephone .

  5. “放开我!”他紧张地尖叫道。

    ' Let go of me ! ' he squeaked nervously .

  6. 洗个热水澡,让紧张疲劳的肌肉放松一下。

    Take a warm bath to soothe tense , tired muscles .

  7. 她紧张得六神无主。

    She was so nervous , her insides were like jelly .

  8. 她动不动就哭,而且神经紧张,总为她的小宝贝担心。

    She was weepy and nervy , anxious about her baby .

  9. 一个人只要避免紧张,健康状况就会改善。

    A person 's health improves with the avoidance of stress .

  10. 出现意见分歧表明该党内部的关系紧张。

    These disagreements are symptomatic of the tensions within the party .

  11. 种族间紧张状态的升级是对我们社会的一种威胁。

    The increase in racial tension constitutes a threat to our society .

  12. 最近的政治危机显示了社会关系的紧张。

    Social tensions were manifested in the recent political crisis .

  13. 他表面上自信,内心极度紧张。

    Beneath his confident exterior , he was desperately nervous .

  14. 我听不清她说的话,但听得出她很紧张不安。

    I could not distinguish her words , but she sounded agitated .

  15. 她紧张得说不出话来,只好听人提示。

    She was too nervous to speak and had to be prompted .

  16. 当你紧张的时候,就很难显得轻松自然。

    It 's difficult to look natural when you 're feeling nervous .

  17. 她的笑声很快消除了紧张气氛。

    Her laughter soon dissipated the tension in the air .

  18. 他愤然拒不同意,使得会议的气氛紧张起来。

    His angry refusal to agree raised the temperature of the meeting .

  19. 她以过分自信的态度来掩饰她紧张的心情。

    Her over-confident attitude was a cover for her nervousness .

  20. 由于工作紧张她不能出席。

    She was unable to attend because of the pressures of work .

  21. 表面上看,她显得信心十足,而实际上她紧张得要命。

    Outwardly she seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous .

  22. 不要什么事都紧张兮兮的。

    Don 't get yourself in a dither over everything .

  23. 目前,与邻国的关系正处于紧张状态。

    Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present .

  24. 第一次总是会紧张的。

    You 're bound to be nervous the first time .

  25. 当地的警察竭力缓和这个社区种族间的紧张局面。

    Local police are trying to defuse racial tension in the community .

  26. 我们必须在时间紧迫、资金紧张的限制下工作。

    We have to work within severe constraints of time and money .

  27. 她说话时紧张地晃动着她那串汽车钥匙。

    She dangled her car keys nervously as she spoke .

  28. 她一走上台紧张情绪便迅速消失了。

    Her nervousness quickly disappeared once she was on stage .

  29. 这些训练旨在抵消压力与紧张的影响。

    These exercises aim to counteract the effects of stress and tension .

  30. 他们排队等候时紧张地傻笑着。

    They giggled nervously as they waited for their turn .