
jí dù wàng xiǎng
  • delusion of jealousy
嫉妒妄想[jí dù wàng xiǎng]
  1. 结果凶杀组文化程度普遍较低,且在内感性不适,感知综合障碍,逻辑推理障碍,嫉妒妄想,情感迟钝或淡漠等方面较为突出。

    Results The homicidal group has lower degree of education and being notable in senestopathia , psychosensory disturbance , logic disturbance , delusion of jealousy and dullness or apathy .

  2. 极晚发组与晚发组相比,除同住人口少,感官缺陷多,嫉妒妄想无外,无明显差异。

    There were no significant differences between very late onset group and late onset group except that very late patients showed less cohabitant and much sensory deficits and without delusion of jealousy .

  3. 在本组杀人案件中,尤为突出的是受嫉妒妄想支配的犯罪动机。

    Homicide motivation is controlled by Envy and deliria mainly in our analyses case .

  4. 酒精中毒性嫉妒妄想

    Alcoholic delusion of jealousy

  5. 为了解老年痴呆患者中嫉妒妄想的发生频率及妄想的特征,我们对88例住院的痴呆病人进行了分析。

    Eighty-eight in-patient dements were analysed to understand the occur-ing frequence of jealousy delusion and trait of delusion for senile dementia .

  6. 结果发现嫉妒妄想占15.8%,在各型痴呆中均有。

    It was found that the jealousy delusion took up 15 . 8 % , all of the types of dementia showed jealousy delusion .

  7. 目的了解酒精所致精神障碍患者嫉妒妄想的发生频率及妄想的特征,所致的攻击行为。

    Objectives To study the patients with mental disorder caused by alcohol the occurring frequence of jealousy and delusion and trait of delusion , the result that of aggression .

  8. 结果有嫉妒妄想占60.9%,嫉妒妄想组在伴有被害妄想、幻听、幻视及对配偶攻击行为方面显著高于无嫉妒妄想组。

    Results Delusion of jealousy occupy 60.9 % , delusion of jealousy set in the companion contain delusion of persecution 、 auditory hallucination 、 visual hallucination and the aggression to spouse significantly higher than have no delusion of jealousy set .

  9. 所有伴有嫉妒妄想的痴呆患者与60%无嫉妒妄想的痴呆患者均至少伴有一种或一种以上的其它精神症状,嫉妒妄想组在伴有被害妄想及幻听症状中有显著性差异。

    Both dement patients with jealousy delusion and 60 % ones without jealousy delusion showed one or one and over other mental symptoms at last . There was significant difference in delusion of persecution and auditory hallucination in the group of jealousy delusion .
