
  • 网络Anti-Japanese National Salvation Movement
抗日救亡运动 [kàng rì jiù wáng yùn dòng]
  • [the Movement of Resistance Against Japan and Save the Nation from Extinction] 中国人民反对日本帝国主义侵略、反对国民党政府卖国政策的爱国运动。1931年九.一八事变后,面对日军步步紧逼的进攻,国民党政府坚持不抵抗政策,民族危机严重。全国各地学生、工人在中国共产党领导下纷纷举行罢课、罢工,向国民党政府请愿、示威,要求抵抗日本的侵略。民族资产阶级和上层小资产阶级也公开表示支持,要求国民党政府改变政策。各地人民还组织抗日救国会等团体,募捐支援抗日军队和开展抵制日货等爱国运动。1935年华北事变后,中国共产党提出停止内战、一致抗日的主张,广大人民积极响应,成立各界人民的抗日救亡团体,掀起了全国抗日救国的新高潮

  1. 在民族危机时刻他奋起投入了抗日救亡运动。

    At the critical moment , he plunged himself into the anti-Japanese war .

  2. 论红军东征与山西民众抗日救亡运动

    The Easter Expedition of Red Army and the Anti-Japanese and National Salvation Movement of Shanxi Masses

  3. 他们积极从事国统区的抗日救亡运动,其自身组织也有了初步发展;

    They positively devoted themselves to the anti-Japanese and self-saving movement , and their organizations began principally to develop .

  4. 七七事变前后抗日救亡运动特点之比较到西安事变以后、七七抗战以前,才实现了。

    A Comparison of the Characteristics of Anti-Japanese and National Salvation Movement before and after July 7 Incident of 1937 ;

  5. 金华、丽水出版事业的兴起,不但促进了战时浙江省文学创作的蓬勃开展,而且还形成了战时新闻传播的新样式,对推动国统区的抗日救亡运动也起了重要的作用。

    Jinhua-Lishui 's thriving publishing undertakings promoted wartime literary creation in Zhejiang Province , formed a new wartime news propagation style and played an active role in resisting the Japanese invaders for national salvation in the Kuomintang-controlled areas .

  6. 国民政府也对这一抗日救亡爱国运动积极提倡与支持。

    And the KMT government also advocated this patriotic movement of national salvation .