
  1. 一部开创性的云南抗日战争史研究著作&《云南抗日战争史》评介

    An Initiative Masterpiece in the Studies of the Anti-Japanese War History of Yunnan

  2. 刘大年与中国抗日战争史学会

    Liu Danian and the Society of Historical Studies of China 's War Against Japan

  3. 而目前广大青少年对抗日战争史了解的情况也不尽如人意。

    And now many Chinese adolescents know little about the history of Anti-Japanese War .

  4. 抗战时期根据地之间地下交通线是抗日战争史的重要组成部分,因此抗日战争地下交通线的研究是抗日战争研究不可或缺的一部分。

    Underground transit of anti-japanese base areas is an important part in Anti-Japanese War . So the research about underground transit is an integral part of Anti-Japanese War research .

  5. 为了战后向日本索赔,抗战期间国民政府曾设置机构专门负责损失调查与统计的工作,抗战损失调查已成为抗日战争史的重要部分。

    For the purpose of damages reparation from Japan after the war , the Government then established , during the war , a special organ in charge of damages investigation and statistics .

  6. 军事问题一直是抗日战争史研究的核心问题之一,而战争期间,军事制度的变动对整个战争的影响又尤为重要。

    The military affairs problem is always one of the core problem that Anti-Japanese War history studies , but during war , the impact of military affairs system alteration over entire war is especially important .

  7. 上海是近代中国的金融、商业中心,对抗战前期上海外汇市场的研究在推动上海近代金融史研究的同时,将有助于拓宽抗日战争史的视野。

    Shanghai was finance and commerce center in modern China . It is helpful to study foreign exchange market to impel the studying finance history of modern Shanghai and expand the vision of Anti-Japan War history .

  8. 华莱士访华是抗日战争时期中美关系史上具有重要意义的事件。

    The visit of Wallace to China was a significant matter in Sino-US relation history during the Anti-Japanese War .

  9. 60年前结束的抗日战争,是近代史上中国人民反抗外敌入侵第一次取得完全胜利的民族解放战争。

    The Anti-Japanese War that ended 60 years ago signaled the first and thorough victory over the foreign invasion in Chinese contemporary history .

  10. 抗日战争时期的湖南工矿业是一个非常复杂的问题,在湖南抗日战争史的研究当中占有十分重要的地位。

    The hunan 's industry and mining of sino-japanese war is a very complicated question , it 's a very important part of the history of hunan anti-japan .