
  • 网络sperm count
  1. 医生认为他的精子数太低是问题所在。

    Doctor believed that his low sperm count was the problem .

  2. 我丈夫的精子数很低。

    My husband had a very low sperm count .

  3. 但是只有三分之一的是因为那些明显的原因,比如精子数不足,精子畸形或者是精子动力不足。

    But in only one third of cases is the cause obvious , such as a low sperm count , malformation or poor swimming ability .

  4. 英国伦敦动物学会的科学家们表示,暴露在含有多氯联苯的环境下的港湾鼠海豚睾丸较小,这表明多氯联苯对其精子数和生殖能力有所影响。

    Scientists at the Zoological Society of London say harbour porpoises exposed to PCBs had smaller testicles , suggesting an effect on sperm3 count and fertility .

  5. 化验精子数及活跃度在有无VC的人群中亦有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    The number and activity of sperm between normal adults and varicocele had significant difference ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 各染砷组精子数均低于对照组(P>0.05),且中、高剂量组精子畸形率上升显著(P

    The stained sperm count were lower than those of arsenic exposure group ( P > 0.05 ), and malformation rate of sperm were significant increase in middle-and high-dose group ( P

  7. 一般来说,经IVF受孕出生的男性精子数减少46%,并且所产生的精子更有可能没有活性及形状异常。

    On average , men conceived through IVF had46 per cent fewer sperm , and those they did produce were more likely to be inactive and abnormally shaped .

  8. 但据爱丁堡大学(UniversityofEdinburgh)男性生育健康专家理查德&12539;夏普(RichardSharpe)说,在北欧展开的联合调查发现,精子数低到影响生育的男性比例已高达五分之一。

    But coordinated studies across Northern Europe found that as many as 1 in 5 young men have sperm counts low enough to affect fertility , according to Richard Sharpe , a male reproductive health specialist at the University of Edinburgh .

  9. 结果表明,EtO引起睾丸重量减轻,附睾尾精子数及活精率降低。

    The results showed that EtO induced decreases in weights of testis and accessory sex organs , sperm counts and sperm motility and increases in numbers of abnormal sperm in the tail of epididymis .

  10. 按摩后其配偶宫颈粘液每高倍视野活精子数明显增加。

    The number of Living semen has increased after the massage .

  11. 不育男性精子数及活动率与体液表皮生长因子的相关性

    The correlation between body fluid epidermal growth factor concentrations and male infertility

  12. 某些药物或不明物质也会影响精子数。

    Certain drugs and other substances can also affect your sperm count .

  13. 不过,你仍需要用自然的方式来提高精子数。

    You need natural ways to improve sperm counts .

  14. 使精子数的数量和活动度降低,畸形率升高。

    The sperm quantity and the activity reduced , and increased malformation rate .

  15. 大多不孕患者精子数很低或者精子低活性。

    Most of the infertile men had low sperm counts or poor sperm motility .

  16. 注入活动精子数对宫腔内人工授精妊娠率的影响

    Effect of the amount of motile sperm inseminated on pregnancy rate of intrauterine insemination

  17. 有效精子数与生育的关系

    Relationship between number of effective sperms and fertility

  18. 当精子数很低时,怀孕的机会就很小。

    When the sperm count is low , your chances of conceiving are slim .

  19. 如果你太肥胖了,你的精子数就会降低。

    If you have too much body weight , your sperm count will be lower .

  20. 总体上讲,男性一毫升精液的精子数在6000万以上。

    In general , men produce upward of 60 million sperm per milliliter of semen .

  21. 10个方法助你提高精子数

    10 Ways to Improve Your Sperm Count

  22. 避免辛辣食物,多吃一些有助于增加精子数的蔬菜。

    Avoid spicy foods , and load up on the vegetables to raise your sperm count .

  23. 精子数越高,怀孕的几率就越高。

    The higher the sperm count is , the more likely a pregnancy is to occur .

  24. 精子数甚至还被发现与预期寿命相关,不管死因是什么。

    Sperm count has even been linked with life expectancy , independent of cause of death .

  25. 与精子数下降相关性最大的因素之一,就是母亲孕期吸烟。

    One of the most robust links with decreased sperm count is maternal smoking during pregnancy .

  26. 注入宫腔内a+b级精子数对妊娠结局的影响

    Effect of the count of a + b class sperm through intrauterine injection on pregnancy outcome

  27. 当你身体有一个健康的体态时,精子数也处于良好水平。

    Get Lots of Exercise . When your body is in good shape , so is your sperm count .

  28. 在该研究中387名男性中,精子数低的那些人并没有通过医学手段帮助完成生育。

    Although some of the387 men in the study had low sperm counts , they had all conceived children without medical help .

  29. 上世纪90年代的一项著名研究也表明,之前半个世纪男性的精子数下降了一半。

    This comes after a prominent study from the 1990s suggested that sperm count has decreased by half over the last half-century .

  30. 美国有一些历史数据表明该国男性精子数减少,但并没有近期数据发表。

    In the U.S. , some historical data suggest a decrease in sperm count among American men , but no published recent data exist .