
shuì shǔ
  • dormouse;glirid
睡鼠[shuì shǔ]
  1. 榛睡鼠是一种在夜间活动的胆小动物。

    The dormouse is a shy , nocturnal creature .

  2. 他们正打算把睡鼠塞到茶壶里去。

    They were trying to put the dormouse into the teapot .

  3. 榛睡鼠从10月冬眠到5月。

    Dormice hibernate from October to May

  4. 在非洲,在多种动物身上都可见到猴痘感染;绳松鼠(ropesquirrels)、松鼠、冈比亚巨鼠、条纹小鼠、睡鼠(dormice)以及灵长类动物。

    In Africa , monkeypox infection has been found in many animal species : rope squirrels , tree squirrels , Gambian rats , striped mice , doormice and primates .

  5. 据悉,这种名为睡鼠的哺乳动物是最稀有野生物种之一。

    The mammals are some of the rarest in the wild .

  6. 由于栖息地越来越少,现在已经很少能看到睡鼠了。

    Due to loss of habitat , dormice are now rarely seen .

  7. “正是这样,她们都病了,病得很厉害。”睡鼠说。

    So they were , 'said the Dormouse ; 'VERY ill . '

  8. 体育领域的种族隔离睡鼠及其它旧域种类。

    Apartheid in sports dormice and other Old World forms .

  9. “把那只睡鼠揪出来!”王后尖声叫道。

    Collar that dormouse , the queen shrieked out .

  10. “在这里你没有权利长呀!”睡鼠说。

    ' You 've no right to grow here , 'said the Dormouse .

  11. 睡鼠:你想加入我们吗?

    Dormouse : Would you like to join us ?

  12. “但是睡鼠说了什么?”一位陪审员问。

    ' But what did the Dormouse say ? 'one of the jury asked .

  13. 新疆准噶尔盆地北缘晚渐新世睡鼠化石的发现

    The discovery of late Oligocene dormice from CMNa

  14. 睡鼠:拿些松饼来行吗?

    Dormouse : Pass the scones , please .

  15. 睡鼠及其它旧域种类。

    Dormice and other Old World forms .

  16. 睡鼠:幸好血猎犬是我们的人,否则你就…

    Dormouse : Good thing the blood hound is one of us , or you 'd be ...

  17. 她们靠吃糖浆生活。睡鼠想了一会儿说。

    ` They lived on treacle , ' said the Dormouse , after thinking a minute or two .

  18. “睡鼠又睡着了,”帽匠说着在睡鼠的鼻子上倒了一点热茶。

    The Dormouse is asleep again , 'said the Hatter , and he poured a little hot tea upon its nose .

  19. 约翰·马尔科夫在他研究反主流文化群体与计算机产业关系的书《睡鼠说了什么》中这样写道。

    John Markoff wrote in his study of the counterculture 's convergence with the computer industry , What the Dormouse Said .

  20. 这个回答把可怜的爱丽丝难住了,她好大没打搅睡鼠,让它一直讲下去。

    This answer so confused poor Alice , that she let the Dormouse go on for some time without interrupting it .

  21. 她回头一看,三月兔和制帽人正想法子把睡鼠塞到茶壶里去呢。

    She looked back once , and the March hare and the Hatter were trying to put the Dormouse into the teapot .

  22. 这只可爱的小睡鼠爬到了花朵的顶部,春天终于到来了,小家伙也抑制不住自己内心的欢喜。

    The tiny dormouse could not suppress his delight that spring has finally come when he got to the top of this blossom .

  23. 睡鼠们听觉甚佳,属于杂食动物,常以水果、浆果、花朵、坚果和昆虫为生。

    They have an excellent sense of hearing , are omnivorous and feed on fruits , berries , flowers , nuts and insects .

  24. 睡鼠又想了一会,说:因为那是一个糖浆井。

    The Dormouse again took a minute or two to think about it , and then said , ` It was a treacle-well . '

  25. 睡鼠正在寻找一个可以过冬地安身之地&这个时候它要冬眠了(睡觉)。

    The dormouse is looking for a place to live in during the winter-it is time to hibernate ( to go to sleep ) .

  26. 小睡鼠开心得身体微微颤抖,后仰着脑袋,嘴上的小胡须在空气中抖动着,发出了发自内心的轻声笑。

    Quivering with glee , the little giggler threw back his head , thrust his whiskers in the air and let out a hearty chuckle .

  27. 睡鼠们常在夜间活动,身体可以长到6.5英寸长7盎司重,寿命可以活到5年。

    They are nocturnal creatures and grow to up to 6.5in in length , weigh about seven ounces and can live up to five years .

  28. 好,可你在这儿这样可不行,睡鼠生气了,他站起来,坐到别的座位上。

    ' Well , you can 't do that here , 'said the Dormouse crossly , and he got up and moved to another seat .

  29. “我希望你不要挤我,我透不过气来了。”坐在爱丽丝旁边的睡鼠说。

    ' I wish you wouldn 't squeeze so . 'said the Dormouse , who was sitting next to her . 'I can hardly breathe . '

  30. “这睡鼠可够不舒服的了,”爱丽丝想,“不过它睡着了,可能就不在乎了。”

    Very uncomfortable for the Dormouse , ' thought Alice ; ' only , as it 's asleep , I suppose it doesn 't mind . '