
shuì mián zhànɡ ài
  • Sleep disorders;somnipathy
  1. 睡眠障碍是常见的疾病和多种疾病的伴随症状。

    Somnipathy is a common disease and some diseases ' concomitant symptom .

  2. 对稽延性戒断症状的单项分分析显示:在戒断d15时症状最明显的是睡眠障碍,其次是焦虑情绪和躯体不适。

    The evaluation of single protracted withdrawal symptom showed that at 15 days after withdrawal , the most obvious symptom was somnipathy and the next were anxiety and bodily discomfort .

  3. 睡眠障碍和睡眠时间不足的问题近年来在中国日益突出。

    Sleep disorders4 and insufficient5 sleeping hours have become more prominent in China in recent years .

  4. 睡眠障碍被定义为难以入眠、频繁醒来和过早醒来。

    Sleep disturbances4 were defined as difficulty falling asleep , frequent awakening5 and waking up early .

  5. ICU病人睡眠障碍的相关因素分析及护理对策

    Analysis of related factors of patients with sleep disorder in ICU and its nursing strategies

  6. 组间比较,治疗组的睡眠障碍因子得分低于对照组(p0.05)。

    Comparison between the two groups showed that the sleep disturbance score in the treatment group is less than that of the control groups .

  7. 抑郁症睡眠障碍与血清IL2及sIL2R水平的关系

    Relationships between Serum Levels of IL-2 and sIL - 2R with Sleep Disorder in Depressive

  8. 结论:PD患者睡眠障碍较为常见,主要表现为白天过度困倦、失眠、多恶梦、睡眠破碎和早醒等;

    Conclusion : Sleep disorder is very common in Parkinson 's disease and the main type is excessive daytime sleepiness ( EDS ), insomnia in the second place .

  9. 其中HAMD4因子分析,睡眠障碍、情感淡漠及躯体障碍试验组评分低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    HAMD 4 factor analysis of them , sleep disorders , emotional indifference and after physical therapy in the treatment group scoring lower than the control group ( P0.05 ) . 3 .

  10. 经PSQI评分,轻度睡眠障碍14例,占13.7%;

    According PSQI grading , there were 14 cases of lower grade somnipathy patients , accounting for 13.7 % ;

  11. 结论PD患者伴发睡眠障碍常见,正确治疗PD患者的睡眠障碍,可以延缓病情发展,降低残疾程度,改善生活质量。

    Conclusion Sleep disorders were more common in PD patients as compared to controls . Treating sleep disorders in PD patients will help to delay progress of PD , reduce disabled degree and improve quality of life .

  12. 失眠症组SCL-90总分及躯体化、抑郁、焦虑、睡眠障碍各因子分与对照组比较,有显著差异(P<0.01)。

    There were significant differences in total score of SCL-90 and factor score of somatization , depression , anxiety and sleep disorder between insomnia group and normal control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  13. 目的观察埋针配合SSRI类药物治疗抑郁症睡眠障碍对HAMD量表睡眠积分改善的差异以及与治疗频次的关系。

    Objective To investigate an improvement in HAMD sleep score and its relationship with treatment frequency in treatment of dyssomnia by needle embedding plus SSRIs in depression patients .

  14. 临床治疗方面,西医尚且没有特效药物与方法,以对症治疗为主,疗效不胜满意,不能有效地改善伴睡眠障碍FD患者的症状,且复发率很高。

    Clinical treatment , there is no known cure for and method of Western medicine , to individualized treatment for symptomatic , effect be satisfied , effectively improve the symptoms of FD patients with sleep disorders and relapse rates are high .

  15. 澳大利亚墨尔本睡眠障碍中心的睡眠专家DavidCunnington博士说有一些病人有睡梦中发短信的病例记录。他也建议人们不要把手机放在卧室里。

    Sleep specialist Dr David Cunnington , of Melbourne Sleep Disorder Centre in Australia , said patients had reported incidents of sleep texting - and he has advised people to leave their mobile phones outside the bedroom .

  16. 结论患者在ASCT治疗后,多数具有较好的总体健康状况和功能状况,经济困难、乏力、呼吸困难、睡眠障碍和腹泻是影响他们生活质量的主要症状;

    Conclusion Most patient have good global health status and function after autologous stem cell transplantation , they are more suffered from financial dysfunction , fatigue , dyspnea , sleeping disturbance and diarrhea .

  17. HDRS各因子得分最高的是睡眠障碍,其它依次是焦虑/躯体化,体重,迟滞,绝望感,日夜变化,认识障碍。

    Further analysis of HDRS factors showed that the sleep disorders got the highest score , followed by the anxiety / body , weight change , retardation , hopelessness , diurnal flucturation and cognitive deficits .

  18. 结果65名退休人员PSQI评分平均为6.09±3.73,27人有睡眠障碍,其相对有关因素依次为心血管病、糖尿病、性别、脑血管病、高血压病、饮酒等。

    RESULTS PSQI score is average 6.09 ± 3.73 in 65 the retiree . 27 of them are present sleep disorder . The related factors with sleep disorder are cardio vessel disease , diabetes mellitus , sex , cerebral vessels disease , hypertensive disease and drink wine .

  19. 波士顿医疗机构睡眠障碍中心的负责人SanfordAuerbach指出,睡眠不足是一个复杂的问题,药物和其他因素都会对睡眠产生影响,因此这一最新发现并不能推而广之。

    Sanford Auerbach , head of the Sleep Disorders Center at Boston Medical Center , noted that sleep deprivation is a complex issue , with medication and other issues influencing sleep as well , and urged that the new findings be kept in context .

  20. 申请人有抑郁情绪症状,过份忧虑及睡眠障碍。

    He has depressive mood , excess worries and sleep impairment .

  21. 163例老年患者睡眠障碍的原因分析及护理对策

    Etiology Study on 163 Cases of Senile Somnipathy and Nursing Countermeasure

  22. 飞行人员常见睡眠障碍的类型、影响及对策

    Common sleep disorders in flight crew : their effects and countermeasures

  23. 石河子市学龄儿童睡眠障碍及影响因素调查分析

    Sleep disorders and their influencing factors in school-age children from Shihezi

  24. 湖南省4~16岁儿童睡眠障碍的流行学调查

    Epidemiological Survey of Sleep Disorders in 4 16 Year old

  25. 对于这种睡眠障碍目前无有效的治疗方法。

    There is no known cure for the sleeping disorder .

  26. 睡眠障碍的诊断包括几个步骤。

    The diagnosis of a sleep disorder involves several steps .

  27. 儿童厌食和睡眠障碍共病的初步探讨

    Preliminary study of anorexia nervosa and sleep disorders in children

  28. 脑卒中患者睡眠障碍及影响因素研究

    Study of dyssomnia and influential factors in patients with stroke

  29. 临床症状以睡眠障碍和认知缺损较为突出;

    Clinical symptoms were mainly sleep disorder and cognitive impairment ;

  30. 结论睡眠障碍是老年人群中带有普遍性的健康问题,睡眠障碍调查应采用统一的方法和标准。

    Conclusions Sleep disorders are the health problem with generality in elderly .