
  1. 结论:输尿管肿瘤早期诊断较为困难,持续性镜下血尿并有原因不明的肾积水者,应及早行螺旋CT成像和输尿管肾镜检查。

    Conclusions : It is difficult to diagnose ureter tumor in early period .

  2. 结论:在新生儿评分≤7分出现新生儿窒息时,应尽早行CT检查,有助于早期诊断颅内出血,减少后遗症。

    Conclusion : In newbron Apgar mark ≤ 7 of asphyxia , early CT scan will be helpful to diagnose intracranial hemorrhage and decrease sequela .

  3. 结论:对心肌梗死患者及早行PCI,可使患者的心率变异指标显著增加,明显改善患者预后。

    Conclusion : Early PCI in AMI patients can increase the heart rate variance indexes significantly and improve the prognosis dramatically .

  4. 对于可疑病例应及早行CT检查+血管造影,明确诊断后积极抗凝、溶栓治疗可有效避免肠管切除。

    For suspected patients , early computed tomography ( CT ) and DSA examination should be performed , and prompt thrombolysis and anticoagulation therapy can be performed to avoid the bowel resection after definite diagnosis .

  5. 结论依照AA预测SAP及早行综合疗法非手术治疗SAP,有潜在的临床应用价值。

    Conclusion : Early diagnosis by AA and combined modality therapy may be a new way for treating SAP and it has potential clinical application .

  6. 结论加强对AIDS的警惕性,对反复发热、慢性咳嗽、长程腹泻的病人应尽早行抗HIV检查;

    Conclusion Physicians should be alert of the occurrence of AIDS . Anti HIV antibody should be promptly tested for patients of repeating fever , chronic cough and long term diarrhea .

  7. 方法对该组12例术后胆漏患者及早行ERCP检查并ENBD治疗。

    [ Method ] 12 cases with postoperative biliary leakage were applied to ERCP early and then using the ENBD .

  8. 认真分析病史及全面体检,血气分析、D-二聚体测定、超声多普勒心动图检查对鉴别诊断有帮助,及早行肺核素或螺旋CT确诊有助于早期诊断治疗。

    Careful and full examination , blood gas analysis , D-dimmer measure and color Doppler echocardiography will contribute to differential diagnosis , and examinations of pulmonary ventilation / perfusion scanning , spiral computed tomography would be helpful to early treatment .

  9. 结论:LC术后疑有胆道损伤者应尽早行ERCP检查,不仅可以及时诊断、治疗,同时可避免不必要的开腹手术。

    Conclusions : ERCP should be to done early in doubtful biliary tract injure after LC . It not only diagnose and treat , but also prevent unnecessary operation .

  10. 因此应对产前携带GBS者做好心理护理、健康教育及早行抗生素预防治疗。

    So psychological nursing , healthcare promotion and the early use of antibiotics among the pregnant women carrying GBS should be good preventive strategy .

  11. 对怀疑病例应尽早行腰穿检查,并行CTA、MRA、DSA等影像学检查以明确病因。

    We should make lumber puncture as early as possible when the suspensive cases were found , and CTA , MRA , DSA should be made for the pathogeny .

  12. 结论早期的HBO治疗可以及时提高血氧含量,阻止恶性缺血缺氧的发生。重症脑挫裂伤患者术后在可能的条件下应尽早行HBO治疗,以提高患者的生存质量。

    Conclusion Earlier HBO treatment can elevate the oxygen saturation in blood to block the malicious cycle of brain hypoxia , so as to increase the clinical cure rate and improve the living quality of the patients .

  13. 治法一方面在全身条件允许的情况下,应尽早行下肢牵引,手法复位,闭合AO中空松质骨螺丝钉内固定。

    In a hand , the therapeutic methods is ought to have lower limber traction as possibly as early , manipulative reduction , closure AO hollow spongy bone screw internal fixation , under the permission of condition of total body .

  14. 结论临床初诊ACS患者应尽早行CAG检查,对ACS患者早期正确诊断,了解病变血管部位、程度提供客观依据,以利于及时进行冠脉血运重建术。

    Conclusion Patients with clinical diagnosis of ACS should undergo CAG . The procedure not only provides early correct diagnosis , elucidates the location of coronary lesions and severity of the lesions , but also provides information to facilitate the coronary arterial bypass graft .

  15. 而贫血的发生会进一步加重CKD的恶化进展,严重影响糖尿病患者的生活质量,因此,需对此类患者尽早行相关检查,做到及时诊断和治疗。

    The anemia will deteriorate further aggravate the progress of CKD , seriously affecting the quality of life of diabetic patients , and therefore , the need for such patients as early as possible the relevant checks , timely diagnosis and treatment .

  16. 定在明天一早行吗?

    Could I possibly make it early tomorrow morning ?

  17. 结论急性膝关节损伤,由于关节肿胀、剧痛,临床检查受限,误诊率较高,应及早行关节镜检查,以提高诊断率。

    Conclusions Arthroscopy should be done for acute knee injuries to ensure correct diagnosis .

  18. 结论真菌性角膜炎在无条件行角膜移植手术时,易尽早行深层板层角膜切除联合药物治疗。

    Conclusions Fungal keratitis should perform excision of deep lamellar cornea and drug therapy .

  19. 结论先天性主动脉瓣下狭窄一经诊断宜早行手术治疗。

    Conclusion Early treatment of congenital subaortic stenosis should be conducted when the disease was diagnosed .

  20. 对不明原因低热和呼吸道症状经积极抗炎治疗无效者,应怀疑支气管结核及早行纤支镜检查。

    Patients with lower fever and respiratory symptom should receive bronchofiberscope , examination after long time of treatment .

  21. 结论眼部碱烧伤后尽早行羊膜移植对防止各种烧伤后遗症并发症的发生有明显的疗效。

    Conclusion Early amniotic membrane transplantation is effective to prevent the complications of serious ocular region alkali burns .

  22. 结论重症急性胆源性胰腺炎应尽早行内镜治疗。

    Conclusion It is more effective that the patients with severe acute biliary pancreatitis undergo early endoscopic therapy .

  23. 结论:早期诊断并尽早行呼吸机治疗可有效降低本病的死亡率。

    Conclusion : Early diagnosis and mechanical ventilation treatment of ARDS are effective methods to decrease the mortality of ARDS .

  24. 结论对疑有中度以上吸入性损伤的患者应及早行预防性气管切开,尽量避免紧急气管切开。

    Conclusion Early and prophylactic tracheostomy should be advocated in patients suspected to be with moderate or severe inhalation injury .

  25. 及时发现,尽早行内、外科联合处理对于移植肾破裂的治疗是重要的;明胶海绵或医用粘合胶粘贴联合减压、引流是一种有效的治疗方法。

    It is considered that medical adhesive , decompression and drainage is an effective procedure for the treatment of spontaneous renal allograft rupture .

  26. 因此,目前认为法乐四联症患者均应尽早行外科手术治疗。

    Therefore , it is widely believed at present that tetralogy of Fallot patients shall be treated with surgery as early as possible .

  27. 结论对卵巢子宫内膜单房囊肿系统药物治疗无效者,应尽早行超声下穿刺乙醇硬化术。

    Conclusions If systemic drug therapy had no effect on ovarian single endometrial cyst , the interventional therapy guided by ultrasound should be used early .

  28. 结论对久治不愈的阴囊皮炎或湿疹,应尽早行皮肤活检确诊,积极手术治疗。

    Conclusion Persistent scrotum dermatitis or eczema should be examined early by biopsy . Once accurate diagnosis was made , the operation should be performed immediately .

  29. 结论眼球穿通伤是眼内炎的最主要原因,及早行玻璃体切割术对取得较好疗效具有重要作用。

    Conclusion Penetrating ocular injury is the most common cause of suppurative endophthalmitis , and early vitrectomy plays an important role in the therapy of endophthalmitis .

  30. 如果第一阶段术后足畸形好转不明显,应及早行第二阶段手术,以免患儿站立行走后足畸形加重。

    If the malformed foot improved unremarkably the secondary stage operation should be performed earlier , in case malformed foot becoming exacerbated after arise and walking .