
jiāng hú
  • rivers and lakes;all corners of the country;itinerant entertainer and quack;itinerant entertainers,quacks,etc.;live in seclusion


jiāng hu
  • itinerant entertainers, quacks, etc
江湖 [jiāng hú]
  • (1) [rivers and lakes]∶河流湖泊

  • 远涉江湖。--《资治通鉴》

  • (2) [all corners of the country]∶指四方各地

  • 转徙于江湖。--唐. 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》

  • 走江湖

  • 流落江湖

  • (3) [itinerant entertainer and quack]∶旧时指四处流浪、靠卖艺、卖药等生活的人

  • (4) [itinerant entertainers,quacks,etc.]∶四处流浪、卖艺、卖药

  • (5) [live in seclusion]∶隐士居处

  • 处江湖之远。--宋. 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》

江湖[jiāng hú]
江湖[jiāng hu]
  1. “江湖”过去泛指四方各地。

    The term “ rivers and lakes ” in old days meant in general all corners of the country .

  2. 自叙少小时欢乐事,今漂沦憔悴,转徙于江湖间。(白居易《琵琶行》)

    She told me of the pleasures of her youth and said now that her beauty had faded she was drifting from place to place by rivers and lakes .

  3. 我四处求医,看过了各种各样的江湖郎中。

    I went everywhere for treatment , tried all sorts of quacks .

  4. 为什么聪明人会被江湖医术所吸引?

    Why do intelligent people find quack remedies so appealing ?

  5. 在有些人看来,用草药治病纯属江湖医术。

    To some people , herbal medicine is quackery .

  6. 他确实一度销声匿迹,但是很快就重出江湖,继续他的各种活动。

    Once , he did dive for cover but he soon reappeared and continued his activities .

  7. 结交江湖好汉

    Make friends with the good fellows of the green woods

  8. 辛勤工作的医生可能变成江湖郎中那样的骗子。

    Hard-working medical men may come to be almost as mischievous as quacks .

  9. 但是沙尔瓦并不打算重出江湖。2004年他帮助警方缉捕了一起白人少年谋杀案中巴基斯坦罪犯之后,受到了死亡威胁。

    But Mr Sarwar does not plan to stand again ; he received death threats after helping police to find the Pakistani perpetrators of a particularly ugly murder of a white youth in2004 .

  10. 江湖排名第二的社交媒体平台Twitter也是如此。

    The same is true for twitter , the No. 2 social media platform .

  11. 江湖庸医现在在零售摊上加上科学字眼,以使人相信他们的正统性(简E.布罗迪)

    Quacks now lace their pitch with scientific terms that may sound authentic to the uninformed ( Jane E. Brody )

  12. 抱着重掌江湖的希望,HBO在摩肩接踵的剧情剧市场推出了主打犯罪剧《真探》(TrueDetective)。

    In hopes of reasserting its clout , HBO entered its hit crime show ' True Detective ' into the crowded drama field .

  13. 婕西的主打歌《PriceTag》发布了近4年,至今依旧拥有稳定的播放量,这足以证明她的“江湖地位”。

    Jessie J 's hit song Price Tag , almost four years after its initial release , still regularly gets airplay , proving that the star is here to stay .

  14. 坊间盛传上身裸露的模特、也是“众多八卦新闻”缠身的当事人在《太阳报》(TheSun)上持续刊登45年后,会“退隐江湖”,该传闻事后被证明是谣传。

    Rumours that The Sun 's topless mascot and author of " news in briefs " was to be retired after her 45-year tenure at the tabloid paper proved unfounded .

  15. 我的同事丹•普里迈克撰文记述了一位希望MySpace重出江湖的风投资本家。

    Colleague Dan Primack reports on the VC who wanted MySpace back .

  16. 对莎拉佩林(sarahpalin)及其同党来说,由人类导致的全球变暖不过是些“江湖科学”。

    For Sarah Palin and her pals , man-made global warming is nothing but a " bunch of snake oil science " .

  17. 门户化的网页&可部署的widget,portlets或是其它构建在AdobeAir、GoogleGears或甚至是(重出江湖的)javaapplet之上的元素。

    The portable Web-deployable widgets , portlets or other elements that are built on top of Adobe Air , Google Gears or even ( big throw back ) a Java applet .

  18. 今年1月,她重出江湖,出任惠普公司(HP)董事。而惠普董事会如今已成为硅谷史上最具争议的一个董事会。

    In January , she resurfaced as a new director of Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ), joining a board that has become one of the most questioned in the history of Silicon Valley .

  19. matchesfashion.com男装部主管达米安保罗(DamienPaul)把标识的“重出江湖”视为服务内行、而非那些伪内行者。

    Damien Paul , head of menswear at matchesfashion.com , sees the logo 's rehabilitation as something for those in the know , rather than those aspiring to look in the know .

  20. 硅谷那些最成功的公司几乎都散发着强烈的使命感【想想苹果公司(Apple),Salesforce.com和谷歌公司吧】,而那些现在不堪一击的江湖老大则丧失了目标感【比如惠普公司(HP)和微软公司(Microsoft)】。

    The most successful Silicon Valley companies almost universally exude a sense of mission ( think Apple ( AAPL ) , Salesforce.com ( CRM ) , and Google ) , while the vulnerable incumbents have lost their sense of purpose ( think HP ( HP ) and Microsoft ) .

  21. 几年之后,人们会见到一座尽善尽美的CalNevaResort,这座度假村过去属于歌手弗兰克·辛纳塔(FrankSinatra),经过一场大规模的改建翻新之后,它将新增若干水滨酒店,在南太浩湖地区重出江湖。—

    In the next few years expect to see everything from the Cal Neva Resort , once owned by Frank Sinatra , open after a big renovation , to a South Lake Tahoe with new waterfront hotels . -

  22. 三层分布图与AVHRRNDVI卫星图像重叠分析后,显示出西部四川、西部云南、中部江湖洲滩和东南部沿海4个明显不同的区域。

    Analysis for overlaying three stratum distribution map with AVHRR NDVI satellite image showed four distinctly different spatial zones , including west Sichuan zone , west Yunnan zone , middle zone of river , lake and marshland , and southeast coastal zone .

  23. 如今的Nordea的前身,在1992年被全部国有化,虽然于三年后部分地重出江湖但瑞典政府仍然是它最大的股东。

    Nordbanken , the seed of today 's Nordea , was fully nationalised in1992 and partly refloated three years later but the Swedish state remains its largest shareholder .

  24. 而如今,这类电影又重出江湖。歌手兼演员麦浚龙(JunoMak)的导演处女作《僵尸》(RigorMortis)已于周四在香港和马来西亚首映,并很快将在亚洲其他地区上映。

    Now , the genre is getting a kick-start from singer-actor Juno Mak , who makes his directorial debut with ' Rigor Mortis . ' The movie opened in Hong Kong and Malaysia on Thursday , and will soon be released elsewhere in Asia .

  25. 上世纪90年代初作为村办铁矿诞生的宏达,将要收购在线角色扮演游戏《江湖》(RuneScape)的英国开发商Jagex。

    After beginning life as a village-owned iron ore mine in the early 1990s , it is bolting on Jagex , UK developer of online role-playing game RuneScape .

  26. 随后,AltaVista和Inktomi基于简单的搜索框建立了搜索引擎,接着谷歌横空出世、一统江湖。它首先推出了更好的搜索框,然后又不断对其进行改进。

    Then AltaVista and Inktomi built search engines based on the simple search box , and Google cleaned up , first by building a better search box and then by continually improving it .

  27. 诺基亚传奇3310手机将在芬兰巨头诺基亚大举卷土重来之际重出江湖。据报道这款经典手机将在本月的世界移动通信大会上重新发布,届时诺基亚手机制造商HMD公司还将推出一系列诺基亚新款设备。

    Nokia is going to bring back the historic 3310 in the biggest tech comeback of all time . A homage to the Finnish giant 's classic feature phone will reportedly be released later this month when HMD unveils its new range of Nokia branded devices at Mobile World Congress .

  28. 汽车和政治一样,混迹江湖的日子越久,影响力就越大。

    In cars as well as politics , incumbency equals power .

  29. 可别上当他纯粹是江湖医生。

    Don 't is taken in he 's just a quack .

  30. 江湖险恶,我从来都不轻易留下我的姓名!(大话西游)

    The world is dangerous , I never left my name .