
wú dù
  • excessive;immoderate
无度 [wú dù]
  • [immoderate;excessive] 无节制,没有限度

  • 无度不丈夫

  • 饮食无度

无度[wú dù]
  1. 但仍存在减刑被过多无度适用的情况。

    But there are still commutation applies too much excessive .

  2. 但他所信奉的终是建设性的后现代主义,而不是散漫无度的自由多元主义甚至是虚无主义。

    But what Fiske believes in is constructive postmodernism but not the excessive liberal pluralism and thus the nihilism .

  3. 他无度地溺爱娇惯孙子孙女。

    There is no limit to the indulgence he shows to his grandchildren .

  4. 症状之一是饮食无度。

    One of the symptoms is binge eating .

  5. 尽管放荡无度,弗林英俊样貌并未有什么变化。

    Flynn was still handsome , though dissipated .

  6. 此人贪贿无度。

    This man is greedy and gluttonous to the extreme .

  7. 正如海曼明斯基(hymanminsky)所警告的那样,自鸣得意迟早都会滋生无度和危机。

    Sooner or later , as Hyman Minsky warned , complacency breeds excess and crisis .

  8. 但是请让我让我指出来,我同样也警告过了联邦抵押协会和联邦房贷抵押机构,警告过了(金融)企业的贪婪和无度,还有CEO的(高)薪水,所有这些。

    But but let me let me point out , I also warned about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and warned about corporate greed and excess , and CEO pay , and all that .

  9. 但是--请让我--让我指出来,我同样也警告过了联邦抵押协会和联邦房贷抵押机构,警告过了(金融)企业的贪婪和无度,还有CEO的(高)薪水,所有这些。

    But -- but let me -- let me point out , I also warned about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and warned about corporate greed and excess , and CEO pay , and all that .

  10. 妻子浪费无度,丈夫不会出头。

    A man can never thrive who had a wasteful wife .

  11. 因为人们取之无度,用之无节的滥伐树木。

    Because people take the excessive use of non-section of deforestation .

  12. 这种紧张恰恰相反则隐含着某种无度的狂欢纵乐。

    The tension has by contrast an almost extravagant gaiety .

  13. 所以我也是一个消费的无度者之一。

    This easy action takes me a lot of cost .

  14. 还有,西方福利社会一定要像个自助餐一样无度吗?

    And do Western welfare states have to be quite so buffet-like ?

  15. 这两个人之中前者确是一个好色而无度的人;

    Whereof the former was indeed a voluptuous man , and inordinate ;

  16. 谁是那我们应该去挽救的纵欲无度的残暴的人?

    Who is that intemperate and brutal man whom we would redeem ?

  17. 他纵欲无度、荒淫无耻是出了名的。

    He was renowned for his incontinence and profligacy .

  18. 走向因饮食无度而疾病缠身

    to being afflicted by the diseases of excess .

  19. 他是出了名的沾花惹草,纵欲无度,但凡是他征服了的人便不屑一顾。

    He was notably priapic , but he treated his conquests with disdain .

  20. 当然也无法遏止人类对所谓文明科技的需索无度。

    Neither can they halt mankind 's endless craving for the so-called modern technology .

  21. 你无度的挥霍将使你父亲穷困潦倒。

    Your reckless spending will beggar your father .

  22. 冷战期间无度的挥霍为计算机发展提供了资金

    Cold War superspending helps fund computer development ,

  23. 要小心信用额度别订得太高,这可能会导致花费无度。

    Beware of outrageous credit limits , which may lead to uncontrollable spending . credit rating

  24. 深广无度的学习任务威慑着学生,他们以参差不齐的学习成绩挣扎着消化知识,以求生存。

    Awed by the dimensionless task , students struggle with uneven success to assimilate and survive .

  25. 饮食无度使他折寿。饮食适度[不过度]

    His excesses shortened his life .

  26. 海洋综合管理滞后,加剧了海洋资源开发的无序和无度。

    The lag of comprehensive marine management increased the disorder and extravagant development of marine resources .

  27. 那位王子奢靡无度。

    The prince indulged in luxury .

  28. 他说,以孩子为中心的家庭会让父母变得焦躁不安、身心俱疲,并让孩子索求无度、恃宠而娇。

    He says families centered on children'create anxious , exhausted parents and demanding , entitled kids . '

  29. 一次性能源的无度消耗所导致的全球变暖已引起世界范围的关注。

    By over consumption of fossil fuels leading to global warming has caused widespread concern around the world .

  30. 如果要喝,也要避免畅饮无度,否则饮酒的一切潜在的健康益处都会荡然无存。

    If we choose to drink , we should avoid bingeing , which erases any potential health benefits .