
  • 网络forwarding culture;early maturing culture
  1. 果菜类蔬菜特早熟栽培技术

    The special early maturing culture techniques of the fruit-bearing vegetable

  2. 株距25~35cm是本地区大棚番茄早熟栽培的合理密度。

    It suggested that 25 to 35 cm spacing was available for tomato forwarding culture in plastic greenhouse in this region .

  3. 春茬4L处理的黄瓜定植后79d单株产量显著降低,但8L处理与前两个处理无显著差异,生产中可利用8L的根域体积进行春季黄瓜的早熟栽培;

    In spring stubble , yield per plant of 4L treatment decreased obviously after 79d of setting , but yield per plant of 8L treatment had no distinct difference with CK and 12L treatment ; so we can use 8L rooting-zone volume to produce early ripe cucumber in spring .

  4. 绿色食品蔬菜&番茄大棚早熟栽培品种比较试验

    Green food vegetable-comparison experiment of precocious cultivar of tomato in the greenhouse

  5. 略论云南鲜食葡萄早熟栽培

    On the viticulture of early-maturing table grape in the area of YunNan province

  6. 寒地中棚草莓早熟栽培技术研究

    Studies on the cultivation techniques for strawberry early maturing in cold field covered with shed

  7. 草莓保护地早熟栽培品种比较试验

    Comparison of Early - maturing Strawberry Cultivars

  8. 在生产中,①早熟栽培可增加种植密度、减少蔓数,以增加果数,提高早期产量;

    First , planting density should be increased and vine number be diminished to enhance fruit set , increase early yield in forcing culture .

  9. 早佳品种熟期早、前期产量高、可溶性固形物含量高、品质优、风味佳、种植效益高,适合设施早熟栽培。

    The main results are as follows : ( 1 ) Watermelon cultivar " Zaojia " is of early maturity , high earlier yield and superior quality with high sugar content and good flavor .

  10. 我国华东地区由于其自然条件、气候条件、资源条件以及区位、经济与技术等优势,主要发展以塑料大棚为主的春季蔬菜早熟栽培和夏秋季延后栽培。

    Because of the advantage of the natural condition , climatic condition , resource condition , location , economy , and technology etc , China East area mainly develops spring premature vegetable planting and autumn serotinous planting using plastic greenhouses .

  11. 根据新疆辣椒的主要栽培方式,结合新椒10号的栽培特性,制定了温室春季早熟栽培、塑料拱棚早熟栽培、地膜覆盖早熟栽培及温室秋延迟栽培技术标准。

    The standard of cultivation technique of spring-early-maturing culture in greenhouse , the early-maturing culture in plastic tunnel and under plastic mulch , and autumn-delay cultivation is established on the basis of the main cultivation ways of pepper in Sinkiang and combining with the cultivating characterization .

  12. 适宜西瓜早熟嫁接栽培新品种春一的选育

    A new early watermelon hybrid special for grafting & Chun No. 1

  13. 高山苦瓜早熟嫁接栽培技术研究及模式指引

    Study & Technique - mode of the Grafting Cultivation of Alpine Balsam Pear

  14. 草莓早熟促成栽培试验

    Study of Strawberry Early-Maturing Accelerating culture

  15. 泰州市大棚早熟西瓜栽培的农业气象条件分析及其灾害的防御第四章气象预报与灾害性天气警报

    Analysis of Agro-meteorological Conditions and Disaster Countermeasures on Greenhouse Watermelon cultivation Chapter IV Meteorological Forecast and Severe earlier Warning

  16. 从育苗、定植、定植后管理及适时采收四个方面具体介绍了高寒地区紫甘蓝春早熟地膜栽培技术。

    Culture technique on purple cabbage film cover were introduced according to the technique of breeding , fix planting , management and harvesting .

  17. 机械化麦后直播棉早熟高产栽培技术研究

    Study of Cultivated Techniques on early mature , high yielding , saving labour in direct sowing cotton after barley under conditions of mechanized production

  18. 研究了不同定植时期和不同保温时间对早熟草莓栽培的生长发育和产量的影响。

    The work on the effect of different setting and heat preservation time on the growth and development and output of early-maturing strawberry was carried out in Laiyang , Shandong Province .

  19. 果蔗设施栽培技术针对近年来甜糯等鲜食玉米在我市种植面积迅速扩大的现状,本文根据田间试验点总结出鲜食玉米超早熟设施栽培技术。

    Facilities culture technique on mature early fresh food maize was summarized according to maize of sweet and glutinous to plant the area to extend quickly in Tianshui region recent years and field experiment result , tally up super early facilities culture technique .

  20. 以绿源有机肥与园土1:15的比例进行基质配比在设施草莓栽培中应用效果较好。研究了不同定植时期和不同保温时间对早熟草莓栽培的生长发育和产量的影响。

    1 part of ' Lv Yuan ' manure to 15 parts of orchard soil was appropriate . The work on the effect of different setting and heat preservation time on the growth and development and output of early-maturing strawberry was carried out in Laiyang , Shandong Province .

  21. 绵阳市近郊区花生特早熟高效种植栽培试验

    Peanut Culture Test for Very Early Mature and More Income in the Outskirts of Mianyang

  22. 黑龙江马铃薯复种早熟高产高效栽培技术研究

    Study on Potato Multiple Cropping Practices with Early Maturing , High yield and High Profit Heilongjiang

  23. 湘西南低海拔区早熟苹果新品种栽培试验

    Test of New Apple Cultivars in Low Altitude Area of Southwestern Hunan Province

  24. 为探索寒冷地区早熟品种的高产栽培途径,采取了育种研究和栽培研究同步上路,互相渗透的方法,开展了多年的试验研究。

    The study on the way of the early varieties ' high-yield in cold region was made with breeding and culture methods in Tonghua for several years .