
zǎo cái
  • early wood;springwood
早材[zǎo cái]
  1. 管泡长度由早材向晚村逐渐增加,白材管胞平均长度大于红材管胞长度;

    The tracheidal length is gradually increase from early wood to late wood , while the white wood is longer than the red one on the average ;

  2. 不同生长环境全树及0.5m树高处的早材、晚材管胞长度,管胞宽度,管胞长宽比,差异均不显著。

    Secondly , the differences of tracheid length , tracheid width , ratio of length to width of both early wood and late wood were insignificant among the whole trees and the trees of 0.5 meter height as well in different growth environments .

  3. 结果表明:与PF相比,UF在杨木表面的润湿性能较好,UF对早材的润湿性能比对晚材好;

    The result showed that UF resin exhibited a better wettability on poplar surface than PF resin .

  4. 夏季(6~8月)NDVI与早材密度指数显著相关,但早材宽度指数却与前一年夏季NDVI有关。

    Averaged NDVI in summer ( from June to August ) correlates with earlywood density index significantly , whereas , the effects on earlywood width index are given by averaged NDVI in the previous summer .

  5. 早材管胞微纤丝角明显大于晚材。

    The microfibril angle of earlywood tracheid bigger than that of latewood .

  6. 按照20%的选择率,早材和晚材的微纤丝角的遗传增益分别为21.82%和29.75%。

    The average genetic gains were 21.82 % and 29.75 % for the microfibril angle of earlywood and latewood if 20 % of the best clones was selected .

  7. 早材与晚材的微纤丝角也相关显著。早材和晚材的微纤丝角受中到强度遗传控制,广义遗传力分别为0.7674、0.8043。

    The broad sense heritability estimates of clones were 0.767 4 and 0.804 3 , indicating the microfibril angle of earlywood and latewood was under strong genetic control .

  8. 物理特征主要是早材密度和晚材宽度,木纤维主要是早晚材的木纤维壁厚。

    The physical characteristics mainly refer to the density of early wood and the width of late wood . Wood fibers mean the thickness of fiber walls of early wood and late wood .

  9. 研究结果如下:(1)同一生长轮内,应压木年轮较对应木宽,生长轮明显,早材带至晚材带为缓变。

    The results obtained were as follows : ( 1 ) Compared with the opposite wood in the same growth ring , the growth ring is wider and more obvious on compression wood , and it was varied slowly from earlywood zone to latewood zone .

  10. 以沙洲早水芹为试材,比较了在不同季节和不同栽培方式下产品的部分品质指标的差异。

    Differences of some quality indexes of edible organs of Shazhou precocious water dropwort in different seasons and different cultivation patterns were analyzed .