
zǎo shì
  • morning market;morning sales
早市 [zǎo shì]
  • (1) [morning market]∶专在清晨做买卖的市场

  • (2) [morning sales]∶早晨的营业

  • 本店早市供应各种早点

早市[zǎo shì]
  1. 逛早市已经成为许多北京人的习惯。

    Going to morning market has been many people 's habit in Beijing .

  2. 胡学兵正赶往县城,他要在早市上卖掉今天的豆腐。

    Hu Xuebing is on his way to the county town . He needs to sell his tofu at the morning market .

  3. 茶树修剪时期和程度对早市名优茶品质的影响

    Effect of Pruning Date and Degree on Early Marketed Famous Tea Quality

  4. 妈妈出去上早市了。

    His mother went out to do some morning shopping .

  5. 对于今日早市的最后一点思考:是否这就是经济衰退的图景?

    Final thought for this morning – is this what recession looks like ?

  6. 早市名优茶的综合配套栽培技术

    Synthetic mating cultural practices for famous and quality tea maturing in early spring

  7. 他俩在一个卖东西给渔人吃的早市上用炼乳罐头喝了咖啡。

    They had coffee from condensed-milk cans at an early morning place that served fishermen .

  8. 本试验采取随机区组,就不同修剪时期和不同修剪深度对早市茶的品质影响作出了探讨。

    The effect of different pruning date and depth on early marked tea quality was studied .

  9. 不管怎么,早市结束时,我们这些职员就凑在一起核对记录。

    In any case we clerks get together at the end of a morning session and compare notes .

  10. 我发现了一个秘密:奶奶从早市买来廉价的洗面奶当作护手霜来用。

    I found a secret : she used the very cheap soft soap as the lotion to protect her hands .

  11. 该体系模式包含三个子系统:批发市场核心系统,一体化经营和早市、直销市场系统;

    This system includes three branches : sales market core system , delivering center , integrated running and morning market system ;

  12. 由于欧洲进一步银行救市行动的利好刺激,亚洲市场早市开盘走高。

    Asian markets opened on the rise this morning as they took to the news of further bank bailouts in Europe .

  13. 最新一起是上周发生在乌鲁木齐一早市的暴力袭击事件,31人在袭击中身亡。

    In the most recent incident , 31 people were killed last week in an attack at a market in northwest Urumqi .

  14. 现在交易所的早市已经结束。市场内就只剩十来个人,经纪人和顾客都有,三三两两地在那里闲谈。

    The morning session was now over , only a dozen or so brokers and customers remained , chatting in twos and threes .

  15. 21岁的他发现很多白领不是太忙就是太累,所以根本没法去早市挑选新鲜产品。

    The 21-year-old noticed that many white collar workers are either too busy or too tired to pick up fresh products at morning markets .

  16. 在纽约,道琼斯工业平均指数在早市中下跌超过300多点,或百分之三。在一天前。

    In New York , the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down more than 300 points , or three percent , early in the day .

  17. 当你清晨醒来的时候,外面一片寂静,只有纳西妇女的谈话声,或是早市开始忙活了。

    As you wake in the morning it is all quiet bar the chatter of two Naxi women , or perhaps it 's the morning market I can hear coming to life ?

  18. 最多的“音乐”还是来自小麻雀的叽叽喳喳,热热闹闹地,如同赶早市的人们一样兴致勃勃。

    Most of the morning " music " comes from the little sparrows , their songs liveliness and some noisiness , liking the noise of the people hurried merrily in the morning market .

  19. 按山地环境的垂直变化分带发展芒果、香蕉、石榴、早市枇杷等特优水果;

    According to vertical variation of mountainous region it is suggested to mark off belts to develop superior fruit , such as mango , banana , pomegranate , morning market loquat and so on ;

  20. 昨日国家油价创近期新低,跌破70美元的阻力点,今日早市上涨了3.6%,收于72.4美元每桶,由于全球经济需求的萎缩,分析师们认为石油价格将继续探低。

    Crude reached a recent low yesterday breaking the $ 70 barrier – however is up3.6 % to $ 72.4 this morning as analysts expect further unwinding of crude prices as global demand drops .

  21. 除了有珊瑚礁外,岛上还有光线柔和带有超宽阳台的房子,有一些海水比较平静的海湾适合孩子游玩。岛上周六早晨有早市,游客们可以在那里买各种各样的热带水果。

    Along with coves buffeted by coral reefs , the island boasts pastel houses with wide verandas , bays with calm waters for children and the Saturday Morning Market , where visitors can buy all manner of tropical fruits .