
  • 网络early Christianity
  1. 那篇博士论文主要论述早期基督教里的粗话。

    The PhD was mainly on foul language in early Christianity .

  2. 从个体和团体的层面上,早期基督教在不断地适应着生存环境的变化。

    Early Christianity constantly adapted itself to the changes of the environment .

  3. 在早期基督教时代:ST段的讲道词。

    In early Christian times : the Homilies of ST.

  4. 在她最近出版的《伟大的大祭司》(thegreathighpriest)中,收录了许多关于犹太教和早期基督教之间关系的观点。

    Her latest book , " the great high priest " , is a collection of densely woven arguments about the continuity between Judaism and early Christian practices .

  5. 犹太人先知,早期基督教会以他为耶稣基督的先驱。

    Jewish prophet revered in Christianity as the forerunner of Jesus .

  6. 女信徒形象是早期基督教时期极为常见的女性题材之一。

    Female image is a general theme in early Christian art .

  7. 教条较少的早期基督教。

    Christianity in the early days when there was less dogma .

  8. 早期基督教美术中的上层女信徒形象

    The Image of Upper Class Female Devotees in the Early Christian Art

  9. 早期基督教最初就是犹太教启示主义派系。

    Early Christianity starts off as an apocalyptic Jewish sect .

  10. 从保罗书信看早期基督教婚姻伦理

    On the Marriage Ethics of Early Christianity by Studying the Pauline Epistles

  11. 这是早期基督教一个很少见的隐喻。

    It 's a rather rare metaphor in early Christianity .

  12. 《新约》包含了早期基督教文学。

    The New Testament consists of early Christian literature .

  13. 早期基督教福利思想的转变&从奥古斯丁到托马斯·阿奎那

    The Shift of Early Christian Welfare Thought & From Augustine to Thomas Aquinas

  14. 早期基督教禁欲主义的兴起及对女性的影响

    Early Christian Asceticism : Rising and Impact on Women

  15. 威廉是早期基督教艺术的专家。

    William is an expert inion early Christian art .

  16. 所以当我们研究早期基督教团体时,会显得很奇怪。

    So this 'll be odd , when we get to early Christian groups .

  17. 论早期基督教发展的社会道德原因

    On the Social Ethics Reasons in the Early

  18. 第二章主要论述《圣经》和早期基督教时期的神学美学思想。

    Chapter two mainly discuss the Bible and aesthetics thinking of early Christian ' s.

  19. 这个节日是以两个早期基督教殉教者中叫瓦伦仃的人名命名的。

    The holiday is named after two among the numerous Early Christian martyrs named Valentine .

  20. 我认为这很重要,早期基督教会众使用这个词。

    I think it 's important that early Christian groups use that term for themselves .

  21. 早期基督教曾出现许多启示著作,“启示录”是这类作品唯一的正典代表。

    Revelation is the only canonical representative of a large genre of early Christian apocalyptic literature .

  22. 早期基督教美术中的女性形象

    Female Image in Earlier Christian Art

  23. 一份早期基督教文件《克莱门汀布道》也提到耶稣多次再生。

    The Clementine Homilies , an early Christian document , also taught many incarnations of Jesus .

  24. 以格里高利圣咏为代表的早期基督教音乐,从某种意义上来讲,是西方音乐的重要源头。

    Represented by Gregorian Chant , it is a significant source of Western music in a sense .

  25. 在早期基督教之初,是没有独身神职的。

    In the beginning of early Christianity , see , you did not have the celibate ministr .

  26. 在早期基督教和基督教历史上,这些问题都是同时存在。

    Often in early Christianity , in the history of Christianity , these two things go together .

  27. 君士坦丁一世与早期基督教

    Constantine and Early Christianity

  28. 这是因为我几乎把新约研究,及早期基督教历史当作民族志来教。

    This is because I teach New Testament studies and the history of early Christianity almost like ethnography .

  29. 所以这是一幅我们看到的反对罗马政治的,早期基督教的图景。

    So that 's one picture definitely of early Christianity that we see an anti-Roman kind of politics .

  30. 这种早期基督教是反家庭,在很大程度上,也是反对爱国主义的。

    This form of early Christianity was anti-family , for the most part , and it was anti-patriotic .