
  • 网络Good MOrning America;GMA;Good Morning American
  1. 门萨俱乐部向《早安美国》证实,现年3岁的卡什·奎斯特于2021年3月29日加入门萨俱乐部美国分会,当时年仅两岁的她智商高达146,这使她成为门萨俱乐部最年轻的美国会员。

    Kashe Quest , now 3 , joined the American branch of the organization on March 29 , 2021 , at age 2 with an IQ of 146 , making her the youngest American member , Mensa confirmed to " Good Morning America . "

  2. 她还在《早安美国》(GoodMorningAmerica)中亮相,罗宾·罗伯茨(RobinRoberts)说她为变性人能更多的被社会所关注“照亮了道路”。

    She appeared on " Good Morning America , " where Robin Roberts said she was " blazing a path " for transgender visibility .

  3. 这里是ABC新闻的早安美国,纽约为您发回的报道。

    For Good Morning America , ABC News . New York .

  4. 这里是早安美国,ABC新闻报道,尼克,洛杉矶报道。

    For good morning America , Nick , ABC NEWS , LA .

  5. 这里是莎拉·海因茨,早安美国,纽约ABC新闻为您报道。

    For Good Morning American , Sarah Heinz , ABC News New York .

  6. ABC新闻,早安美国,林赛詹尼斯,巴哈马群岛报道。

    For Good Morning America , Lindsey Janis , ABC News , the Bahamas .

  7. 早安美国,ABC新闻,林兹·詹尼斯,纽约报道。

    For Good Morning America , Linzie Janis , abc NEWS , New York .

  8. ABC新闻,克里斯·康纳利,早安美国,洛杉矶报道。

    Good Morning , America , Chris Connelly , ABC News , Los Angeles .

  9. 我不谈论我的爱情生活。泰勒斯威夫特在接受ABC的早安美国节目采访时说。

    I dont really talk about my love life , said Taylor Swift , interviewed Monday on ABCs Good Morning America .

  10. 在荷尔蒙的影响下,我们会产生不理智的思想和行动。在ABC电视台的早安美国节目中,他这样说道。

    He told ABC 's Good Morning America that the season is fraught with hormonally-driven behaviour - driving irrational actions and thoughts .

  11. 我是早安美国节目的HilarieBarsky,今天我们的嘉宾是CindyCrawford。

    I 'm Hilarie Barsky for Good Morning America , now my guest is Cindy Crawford .

  12. 美国罗德岛洲的一位女观众对《早安美国》主持人LaraSpencer说,如果没有《奥普拉温弗瑞脱口秀》看的话,那她都不知道下午该干什么了。

    The Rhode Island woman told Good Morning America anchor Lara Spencer that she 's not sure what she 'll do with her afternoons without the show .

  13. 《早安美国》去年制作了一档新节目《走吧!Freshman15》,里面给出了一些相当实用的建议,其中一条“别把食堂当成美味天堂”真是直击大学生的要害呀。

    The truism is still taken so seriously that the news program " Good Morning America " did a 2014 segment titled " Beat the Freshman 15 " and offered helpful tips such as , " The dining hall is not an all-you-can-eat steakhouse . "

  14. 你的初中毕业致词上了“早安美国”了吗?

    Was your junior-high graduation on " Good Morning America " ?

  15. 《早安美国》上的英国口音?

    A British accent on US / AM .

  16. 摩?米内蒂为了生孩子准备离开早间新闻节目《早安美国》。

    Mo Minetti was leaving the US / AM breakfast show to have a baby .

  17. 我们从来从来没想过事情会发展成这样。玛丽莎这样告诉《早安美国》的记者。

    Never , ever did we think this was going to happen , Marisa Urbano told GMA .

  18. 岩石区已收到早安美国,福克斯新闻和泰拉班克斯显示来电。

    The Rocks have received calls from Good Morning America , Fox News and The Tyra Banks Show .

  19. “早安美国”栏目的李·伍德夫和她的丈夫鲍勃·伍德夫就是其中的一对。

    " Good Morning America " life and family contributor Lee Woodruff and her husband , ABC 's Bob Woodruff , are among them .

  20. 他的作品已被视为美国广播公司世界新闻周六,早安美国,泛美和环球航空公司的飞行计划。

    His artwork has been seen on ABC 's World News Saturday , Good Morning America , and Pan Am and TWA 's in-flight programs .

  21. 他在美国广播公司的电视节目“早安美国”上说,华尔街的金融失败对美国工薪阶层来说具有负面影响。

    He told ABC television 's Good Morning America program that the financial failures on Wall Street are having a negative impact on American workers .

  22. 斯嘉丽还出言过电影《她》。早在一月中旬,这位《迷失东京》女演员就告诉《早安美国》她还没有和未婚夫举办婚礼的打算。

    As recently as mid January the Lost In Translation star told Good Morning America she had not yet put together her nuptials to the Paris-based Dauriac .

  23. 凯恩在美国广播公司早间节目“早安美国”中承认自己在外交政策方面经验不足。但是,他说如果自己当选了,他将努力团结美国的同盟国,例如以色列;

    Cain acknowledged on ABC 's Good Morning America program that he has little foreign policy experience , but said if elected he would work to solidify ties with U.

  24. 在早安美国报道之前,视频仅被浏览了200次,他们只是和朋友家人分享而已。

    Gwynn said the video had only about 200 views on YouTube , and they had shared it with only friends and family , until Good Morning America called .

  25. 任期内是否有生育计划这个问题从2008年奥巴马宣誓就职以来一直大家谈论的话题,昨天也就是父亲节奥巴马终于在《早安美国》节目的访问中给了大众一个答案。

    The question has been on everyones lips since Barack Obama was sworn in in 2008 , and the president finally revealed his baby plans in a Fathers Day-themed interview on Good Morning America !

  26. 《早安美国》节目问彭妮邓普顿工作室的表演指导汉克?朔布说,是否有可能不花这350美元,自己在家安全地做打脸美容。

    Good Morning America asked Hank Schob , an acting coach from Penny Templeton studios , if it was possible to forgo the $ 350 fee and carry out the procedure safely at home .

  27. 令人欣慰的是,在早安美国节目所引用的该协会另一项调查中,有近80%的美国人称他们在节日期间感到快乐。

    Some comfort , though , can be taken in another finding by the American Psychological Association , as cited by GMA , that almost 80 per cent of Americans feel positive and happy around the holidays .

  28. 克里格拉斯曼是膳食营养生活组织的创始人和注册营养学家,今天,他在“早安美国”节目中让您一瞥一些顶级运动员的膳食,他们的一些饮食可能会令你惊讶。

    Keri Glassman , a registered dietitian and founder of nutritious life meals , appeared on " Good Morning America " today to give you a glimpse into the diets of some top athletes . Some of their meals could surprise you .

  29. 她被《早安美国》宣布为世界上最可爱的猫,和演员罗伯特德尼罗共同亮相于该节目。她还在在翠贝卡电影节上获得最佳网络故事片的纪录片中担任主角。

    Shes been declared the Cutest Cat in the World by Good Morning America , posed with actor Robert De Niro , and been the subject of a documentary that won the Best Online Feature Film award at the Tribeca Film Festival .

  30. 艾薇儿首次吐露自己在这令人变得虚弱的疾病中苦苦挣扎是在四月《人物》杂志的独家封面故事中,而周一在杰西·帕尔默的《早安美国》访谈中,艾薇儿回忆起医生误诊的这段经历时,不禁潸然泪下。

    The singer - who first shared her struggles with the debilitating disease in an exclusive PEOPLE cover story in April - opened up to Good Morning America 's Jesse Palmer Monday , breaking down in tears while recalling doctors ' misdiagnoses 。