
  • 网络Free enterprise system;free-enterprise system;free-enterprise economic system
  1. 自由企业制度的体制意蕴

    The Institutional Implication of Free Enterprise System

  2. 产权制度的两个重要内生机制&激励机制和约束机制是自由企业制度宏观有效性的基础;

    Two mechanisms of property right system are the basis for validity of free enterprise system .

  3. 我信仰自由企业制度。

    I am a believer in free enterprise .

  4. 自由企业制度在吸纳人才方面发挥了重要作用;

    The system of free enterprise plays an important role in the talent employment .

  5. 工业政策会促使我们所熟知的自由企业制度寿终正寝。

    Industrial policy would mark the end of the free-enterprise system as we know it .

  6. 政府与自由企业制度

    Government and free enterprise system

  7. 在我们为自己的自由企业制度庆幸之前,我们应该认识到,我们的社会是多么容易受到压榨性活动的破坏。

    Before we congratulate ourselves on our free-enterprise system , we should recognise how vulnerable our own societies are to extractive activity .

  8. 美国在人才资源开发方面有其鲜明的特点:自由企业制度在人才资源开发方面发挥着重要作用;

    USA has obvious characteristics on the aspect of talented people resource development , namely , free enterprise system plays important role ;

  9. 建立自由企业制度是加入世贸的要求,也是市场经济的本义。

    Setting up free enterprise system is not only a requirement to enter into WTO , but also the meaning of market economy .

  10. 而自由企业制度的创立与发展,成为容纳多种生产力要素及整合各种资源的载体。

    With the founding and development of enterprise institution , firm become a carrier accommodating all kinds of productivity factors and integrating all sorts of resources .

  11. 而且归根结底,自由企业制度不应允许任何人通过并不新颖的点子,获得受法律保护的垄断地位。

    And ultimately it is right that in a free enterprise system , you cannot allow anyone who comes up with an obvious idea to enjoy a legally protected monopoly .

  12. 这种价值观体现在美国经济制度中就是自由企业制度,被用于美国的各个领域&医疗、艺术、教育、体育等之中。

    This value is reflected in the American economic system of free enterprise , and it is applied in the U.S.in all areas & medicine , the arts , education , and sports .

  13. 亚当·斯密的核心见解在今天仍然是正确的:一个能够全部发挥男性和女性的个人潜能的自由企业制度是带来财富和创新的最有力的引擎。

    Adam Smith 's central insight remains true today : There is no greater generator of wealth and innovation than a system of free enterprise that unleashes the full potential of individual men and women .

  14. 从政府层面看,建立自由企业制度就意味着要按国际惯例规范政府行为、转变政府职能,营造良好的营商环境,这是一个系统工程。

    As for the government , setting up free enterprise system means as international conventions to standardize the government behavior change the government 's function and to create a good business environment , which is systematic project .

  15. 与市场经济相适应的政府制度是自由企业制度建立的前提;自由企业制度是建立现代产权制度进而建立现代企业制度的根本依托,是市场经济体制趋于成熟的必然选择。

    Government system compatible with market economy is the precondition to establishing free enterprise system , which is in turn the support for the establishment of modern property system and modern enterprise system , and the logical choice of market economy .

  16. 许多国家实行的自由企业资本主义制度的不同变体。

    Many countries operate variants of the free enterprise capitalist system .