
zì rán sǐ wánɡ
  • natural death
  1. 我不是什么专家,但我不认为特蕾西是自然死亡。

    I 'm no expert , but I don 't think Tracy died a natural death .

  2. 细胞凋亡(apoptosis),是一种自主的、有序的,并按照某种预定程序发生的生理性自然死亡过程,是当前生命科学研究中的热门领域之一。

    Apoptosis is a kind of independent , orderly and according to some scheduled program of natural death process . Apoptosis is one of the most popular field in life science .

  3. 因为在英国,烟草是导致非自然死亡最大的原因之一,能改变吸烟习惯的措施,哪怕一点点,也值得一试。

    Since tobacco as one of the biggest causes of premature death in the UK , a measure that tames the habit even by a fraction is worth trying .

  4. 他想邻居一定会责备他的。于是他打扫了现场,把兔子拖进屋,给它洗了个澡,吹干兔毛。再把兔子放回邻居家的兔笼,希望他们以为兔子是自然死亡的。

    He thinks the neighbors are going to hate him forever , so he takes the dirty , chewed up rabbit into the house and gives it a bath , blow dries its fur and puts the rabbit back into the cage at the neighbors house , hoping they will think it died of natural causes .

  5. 不同误差结构对运用股分析(CA)模型求算鱼类自然死亡系数影响的初步研究

    An elementary study of impacts of error structure on the estimation of fish natural mortality coefficient using cohort analysis ( CA ) model

  6. 警方?你在暗示Abe不是自然死亡的?

    To the police ? Are you implying Abe died an unnatural death ?

  7. 植物的衰老(senescence)是指一个器官或整个植株生理功能逐渐衰退,最终自然死亡的过程。

    Plant senescence is a natural death process , in which an organ or whole plant physiological function gradually declines and eventually dies .

  8. 现在世界纪录是由2006年已故的RosalieBradford创造的,Eman相信她是自然死亡。

    That record currently belongs to Rosalie Bradford , who died in 2006 . I assume from natural causes .

  9. 目的心源性猝死(SuddenCardiacDeath,SCD)是指由于心脏原因引起的无法预料的自然死亡(在急性症状开始的1小时内),不论病人在过去有无心脏病史。

    Objective Sudden Cardiac Death ( SCD ) is usually referred to those unanticipated deaths caused by cardiac reasons . With or without past history of heart disease , it often occurred within 1 hour after the onset of acute symptoms .

  10. 辩护律师PeterBoushy说,现年52岁的PeterWald逝世于2013年3月份,有关当局认为与糖尿病有关的足部感染是引发他自然死亡的原因。

    Peter Wald , 52 , died in March 2013 of what authorities believe were natural causes following a foot infection linked to his diabetes , defense lawyer PeterBoushy said .

  11. 2008年末,Cites机构批准了中国与日本共同竞购4个南非国家的官方库存象牙。这些象牙是从自然死亡的大象身上收集而来的。

    In late 2008 , Cites authorities allowed China to bid with Japan for tusks from official stockpiles consisting of ivory collected from elephants that had died a natural death in four southern African countries .

  12. 《好莱坞报道》的奖项分析师ScottFeinberg与芳登的助理SusanPfeiffer取得联系,确认了芳登周日下午在加利福尼亚的家中自然死亡的消息。

    The Hollywood Reporter awards analyst Scott Feinberg spoke with Fontaine 's assistant , Susan Pfeiffer , who confirmed the actress ' death of natural causes Sunday at her home in Carmel , Calif.

  13. 考虑人口的出生和自然死亡等因素,但总人口是常数的SIRS模型,并添加对空间的扩散项,通过构造Liapunov泛函,得到其非负常数平衡解的全局渐近稳定性。

    In this paper , we study a SIRS model , considering the birth and natural death of the population , with diffusion terms when the total population is taken to be constant . By constructing Liapunov functional we study the globally asymptotically stability of the nonnegative constant equilibria .

  14. 公关人员丽莎·高登伯格称,哈维兰是自然死亡。

    Publicist Lisa Goldberg said she died peacefully of natural causes .

  15. 丘陵地区沟渠钉螺自然死亡观察

    Observation of natural death on snails in ditch in hills region

  16. 我们不敢肯定她是不是自然死亡。

    We weren 't sure if she died of natural causes .

  17. 查尔兹爵士是自然死亡,他不是呢?

    Sir Charles died of natural causes , did he not ?

  18. 人体三节律对自然死亡时间制约性之比较研究

    A comparative study of the biologic clock and the death of aging

  19. 皮特斯先生,他们是自然死亡吗?

    Mr petersen , did they die of natural causes ?

  20. 验尸证明是自然死亡。

    The post mortem showed that death was due to natural causes .

  21. 这位75岁的音乐家在纽约自然死亡。

    The 75-year-old musician passed away of natural causes in New York .

  22. 其中有些人将会在65岁时自然死亡。

    Some of the men will die naturally at sixty-five .

  23. 没必要让卓戈卡奥知道是否是自然死亡。

    Khal Drogo need never know it was not a natural death .

  24. 表面死因会是自然死亡。

    Death will appear to be from natural causes .

  25. 所以如果我当选,我就要找出一种治愈自然死亡的疗法。

    So if elected , I will find a cure for natural causes .

  26. 你的弟弟不是自然死亡。

    Your brother didn 't die a natural death .

  27. 一天,一只猫自然死亡,来到了天堂。

    One day a cat dies of natural causes and goes to heaven .

  28. 鱼类早期生活史阶段的自然死亡

    Natural mortality of early life stages of fish

  29. 自然死亡中心提供的一本手册上写了一些墓地的环保建议目标。

    The Natural Death Center provides a handbook that suggests environmental targets for cemeteries .

  30. 扣除心脏病和癌症,大多数美国人是自然死亡的。

    And despite heart disease and cancer , most Americans die of natural causes .