
  • 网络Big merchants;major dealer
  1. 目前,智能手机和iPad成了全球各大商家的新宠。

    At present , Smartphone and iPad become the new darling of businesses .

  2. Rational工具的价值可以由这些受IT支配的大商家(IBM的传统力量)和具有影响力的中小型商家简单地证明。

    The value of Rational tools is most easily demonstrated via these IT-dominated businesses , including large enterprises ( IBM 's traditional strength ) as well as influential small-to-medium businesses .

  3. 微软有它自己的相关研究项目,而AOL的“宜邮”服务为大商家提供了成功的反垃圾邮件保护。

    Microsoft has its own research project , while AOL 's Goodmail successfully offers anti-spam protection to large marketers .

  4. 并成为各大商家关注的焦点和市场追逐的热点!

    Major businesses and become the focus of attention and market hot pursuit !

  5. 医学界也因此成为美国的新的大商家。

    The medical profession has as a result become America 's new big businessmen .

  6. 我们是否应该制定道德指引,规管政客与政府人员,以及政客与大商家之间的关系?

    Should there be ethical guidelines governing the relationship between politicians and government officials ? Between politicians and big business ?

  7. 夏记者用这样的标题,自然将杨鸿和这两大商家之间的关系定格。

    Reporter Xia with such title , the nature frames between Yang Hong and these two big business 's relations .

  8. 因此,在圣诞节来临之际,各大商家为胡须男发明季节性配件才是经营之道。

    So , with Christmas around the corner , it was only right that companies are now inventing seasonal accessories for bearded men .

  9. 然而,各大商家普遍认为“用了'大红、大黄等颜色'就是中国风”这一观点,仅有33%的受访者表示赞同。

    Meanwhile , only 33 percent of the respondents considered bright red and yellow as elements representing Chinese culture , though the two colors were promoted by many designers .

  10. 随着企业之间的竞争日趋激烈,各大商家不但要努力提高起商品的质量,而且还应更加重视其商标。

    As the competition among different enterprises is getting fierce , these providers have to not only improve the quality of their commodities , but also attach more importance to their brand names .

  11. 两大C2C商家&易趣和淘宝进军B2C市场,让众多传统商家按捺不住纷纷跟进。

    EBay and Taobao entering the B2C market make many traditional vendors have to follow up .

  12. 美国第二大零售商家得宝(HOMEDEPOT)也一直在寻找潜在中国合作伙伴,美国第一大零售商沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)则正稳步扩张在华业务。

    Home Depot , the second-largest US retailer , has also been looking for possible partners in China , while Wal-Mart , the largest , has been steadily expanding its presence there .

  13. 大部分网上零售商尚未正式运行,大零售商家正在悄悄地建立其可靠而有信誉的网站。

    The dot com shakeout allowed major retailers to quietly build reliable websites , with reputations and deep pockets intact .

  14. 阿里巴巴没有透露淘宝网的交易数据,但是它的姐妹平台淘宝商城(针对规模更大的商家)今年的产品交易额预计将超过2000亿元,其中衣服占到了30%左右。

    Alibaba does not disclose transaction figures for Taobao Marketplace but its sister platform , Taobao Mall , which caters to larger businesses , is expected to see more than 200 billion yuan ( $ 31.45 billion ) worth of products traded this year , with clothes making up around 30 percent .

  15. 在促进本项目蓬勃发展的同时,各项赛事本身已成为各大媒体、商家关注与投资的对象。

    The sports event itself has become a target concerned by major media , business and investment .

  16. 支付宝系统被完美地嵌入其中,完成交易只需点击几下即可&完全绕过各大信用卡商家。

    The Alipay system is so smoothly integrated that the transaction can be completed in a couple of clicks & completely bypassing the major credit card companies .

  17. 支付宝系统被完美地嵌入其中,完成交易只需点击几下即可——完全绕过各大信用卡商家。

    The Alipay system is so smoothly integrated that the transaction can be completed in a couple of clicks - completely bypassing the major credit card companies .

  18. 去年,许多巴西人涌进那些宣传三折大减价的商家,结果却发现折扣根本没那么多,或者是附加了种种条件。

    Last year , many Brazilians went to stores promising discounts upwards of 70 % , only to find out the discounts were much lower , or were tied to other offers .

  19. 因此国内外各大名牌化妆品商家将目标锁定广大爱美的女性消费群体,各大化妆品品牌极尽所能纷纷打出诱人的广告来吸引消费者。

    So the major domestic and international famous brand cosmetics merchants will target the love beautiful women consumer groups , each big cosmetics brand best can hit in succession inviting advertising to attract customers .

  20. 安宁介绍,希望通过本次的漫博会与一些大品牌自有品牌商家进行合作。

    Peaceful introduction , I hope through this diffuse Fair with some big brands to own-brand business cooperation .