
  • 网络gm crops;Genetically Modified Crops;gmo;GMOs;GMC
  1. 全球转基因作物种植状况及其分析

    Global Status of GMO and Its analysis Crop Design

  2. NIC推荐了三项需要开发的新技术:转基因作物、精细农业和高科技灌溉。

    The NIC suggests three new technologies that need to be developed : GMO crops , precision agriculture , and high-tech irrigation .

  3. 我承认我从来没有完全理解过对转基因作物的痴迷。

    I 'll admit I 've never quite understood the obsession surrounding genetically modified ( GM ) crops .

  4. 这并不意味着转基因作物是完美的,也不意味着它是全球农业问题的一刀切解决方案。

    That doesn 't mean GM crops are perfect , or a one-size-fits-all solution to global agriculture problems .

  5. 对支持者来说,转基因作物是可持续提供粮食的关键,从而满足日益增长的全球人口的粮食需求。

    To supporters , GM crops are a key part of the effort to sustainably provide food to meet a growing global population .

  6. 她表示自己意识到很多人不想吃转基因作物,但她正在推进每种可用的工具,直到其中一种发挥作用。

    She says she is aware that plenty of people do not want to eat genetically modified crops , but she is pushing ahead with every available tool until one works .

  7. 不过,最重要的是,我希望人们能将那些花在无休止地辩论转基因作物上的精力拿出十分之一,集中在那些对全球农业更为紧迫的挑战上。

    Most of all , though , I wish a tenth of the energy that 's spent endlessly debating GM crops was focused on those more pressing challenges for global agriculture .

  8. 结论是:虽然转基因作物尚未实现其最初的承诺,而且一直由农业企业主导,但我们有理由继续使用和开发它们,以帮助应对可持续地为不断增长的全球人口提供粮食的巨大挑战。

    The conclusion : while GM crops haven 't yet realized their initial promise and have been dominated by agricultural businesses , there is reason to continue to use and develop them to help meet the enormous challenge of sustainably feeding a growing planet .

  9. 我希望看到更多关于转基因作物的非工业研究,不仅仅因为我们不太担心偏见,还因为除了像孟山都和先锋这样的种子公司以外,还应该有其他致力于利用基因改造的实体。

    I ' d like to see more non-industry research done on GM crops — not just because we 'd worry less about bias , but also because seed companies like Monsanto and Pioneer shouldn 't be the only entities working to harness genetic modification .

  10. 转基因作物可以而且几乎肯定将成为这一系列工具的一部分,但这些工具还将包括传统的植物育种、土壤改良和作物管理,以及更好的储存和运输基础设施(这可能是最重要的,尤其是在发展中国家)。

    GM crops can and almost certainly will be part of that suite of tools , but so will traditional plant breeding , improved soil and crop management — and perhaps most important of all , better storage and transport infrastructure , especially in the developing world .

  11. 结合DNA快速提取技术,可使转基因作物在野外快速检测中具有广泛的应用前景。

    Combined with DNA rapid extraction technology , this method has a widerange of applications in wild rapid detection of GM crops in the future .

  12. Bt棉花是一种转基因作物,由孟山都公司研发。

    Bt cotton is a genetically engineered strain , produced by the biotechnology company Monsanto .

  13. Bt毒素能通过转基因作物的花粉、根和残株进入土壤。

    Bt toxin Cry 1 Ac could be introduced into soil by pollen , root exudates , and plant residues .

  14. 转基因作物标记蛋白HPT融合表达载体构建、纯化及复性研究

    Study on vector construction , expression and refolding of fusion HPT protein

  15. 普遍认为,世界贸易组织(WTO)的规则为管理转基因作物和食品交易建立了一套标准的全球体制。

    It is widely assumed that the rules of the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) establish a standard global framework for regulating trade in genetically modified ( GM ) crops and foods .

  16. 自1983年首例转基因作物(GeneticallyModifiedCrops,GMC)问世以来,作为一项科学新产物,在给人类带来巨大恩惠的同时也可能带来了潜在的风险。

    The first Genetically Modified Crops ( GMC ), which was born in the 1983 maybe have brought up potential risk when it gave human much favor .

  17. 据NPR新闻的斯科特·纽曼报道,一些科学家认为转基因作物可能是其中一个影响因素。

    NPR 's Scott Neuman reports some scientists suspect genetically modified crops could be a factor .

  18. 潮霉素磷酸转移酶(HPT)是转基因作物中重要的标记蛋白,其活性的测定对含有该标记基因的转基因作物的植株构建、基因沉默、标记基因去除及安全性分析等具有重要的作用。

    Hygromycin B phosphotransferase ( HPT ) is a widely used selectable marker protein of transgenic plant .

  19. 根据基因序列,设计并筛选优化适合于常规PCR检测的特异性引物,建立了转基因作物19个外源抗性基因的常规摘要PCR检测技术。

    Bases on DNA sequences studied above , conventional PCR primers were designed and selected in an optimized way and the conventional PCR detection protocol for exogenous resistant genes in 19 GM crops was established .

  20. 草甘膦N-乙酰转移酶(GAT)能通过N-乙酰化的作用使草甘膦脱毒,在抗除草剂转基因作物中具有潜在的应用价值。

    Glyphosate N-acetyltransferase ( GAT ) is capable of detoxifying glyphosate by N-acetylation , which could potentially be used in herbicide resistence transgenic crops .

  21. 介绍了转基因作物的抗虫基因种类,如苏云金杆菌蛋白基因、蛋白酶抑制剂基因和其它抗虫基因;论述了转Bt基因棉、转基因玉米和其它转基因作物的抗虫性及其鉴定技术。

    This paper introduced some types of anti-insect genes , such as Bt protein , proteinase inhibitor and others genes , reviewed the resistance to insects in trans Bt genes cotton , transgenic corn and others crops .

  22. 目前棉铃虫防治中使用的大多数化学农药对环境和人类健康有害,而对于转基因作物如Bt抗虫棉的安全性也存在争议。

    At the present time , the majority chemical pesticides used to prevent cotton bollworm are harmful to human and environment , and there is controversy on the security of the transgene crops such as the Bt cotton .

  23. 2001年中国转基因作物种植面积为150万hm2,占全球的3%,主要为转基因抗虫棉。

    The area of transgenic crops in China was 1.5 million hm 2 in the same year , accounting for 3 % of total area in the world , mainly from the insect resistant cotton .

  24. 一些州政府例如RioGrandedoSul和Paraná州也出于意识形态而反对转基因作物,甚至用地方立法禁止了转基因作物。

    Some state governments too , for example in Rio Grande do Sul and Paran á, ideologically opposed GM crops and even implemented local legislation to prohibit them .

  25. 目的:制备抗潮霉素B磷酸转移酶(HPT)的单克隆抗体(McAb),建立一种快速检测转基因作物中该选择标记基因HPT编码蛋白的方法。

    Objective : To produce monoclonal antibodies ( McAb ) against hygromycin B phosphotransferase ( HPT ) and to establish a rapid method for the measurement of HPT antigen in the genetically modified crops ( GMC ) .

  26. 但是种植转基因作物的影响很大程度上依情况而定:比如AndhraPradesh的生态环境和种植方式和赞比亚非常不同。

    But the consequences of cultivating a GM crop depend heavily on context : the ecology and farming practices of Andhra Pradesh are very different from those of , say , Zambia .

  27. 然而非政府组织地球之友则对ISAAA报告中提到的转基因作物成功表示怀疑。

    But non-governmental organisation Friends of the Earth questioned whether GM crops have been as successful as ISAAA portrays .

  28. 简要介绍了转基因作物(GMO)的发展概况,对近年来国内外抗虫GMO在转B.t.毒素蛋白GMO;

    In this paper , the progress of genetically modified organism crops ( GMO ) was firstly introduced in brief , then recent advancement of research on anti insect GMO were reviewed , especially for GMO with B.t.

  29. JosefSettele及其同事在《自然》杂志撰文认为,生态工程可以比转基因作物提供更加廉价,更有效的长期战略控制害虫。

    Ecological engineering could offer cheaper , more efficient long-term strategies for pest control than genetically modified ( GM ) crops , say Josef Settele and colleagues in Nature .

  30. Paarlberg提出,在非洲科研机构工作的非洲科学家应该开发适合非洲大陆小农需求的转基因作物。

    Paarlberg proposes that African scientists working within African institutes should develop genetically engineered crops , tailored to the needs of the continent 's small farmers .