
qián zài gù kè
  • potential customer
  1. 这对于商家增加交易机会、发掘潜在顾客、提高个性化服务水平都有很大的促进作用。

    To the business , it can increase business , develop potential customer , and also enhance the service for individuation .

  2. 从潜在顾客使用搜索引擎的动机和目的看,顾客想通过搜索引擎查找他需要的信息。

    Uses search engine from the potential customer the motive and the goal looks , the customer thinks through the information which search engine searches his needs .

  3. 当前顾客和潜在顾客更倾向于何种iq?

    What IQ do current customers and potential prospects prefer ?

  4. 英国健身业者「LA健身」其广告传单神似停车违规罚单、潜在顾客感到困扰,而遭到斥责。

    UK gym operator LA Fitness was reprimanded for stressing out would-be customers with leaflets that looked like parking tickets .

  5. 邀请潜在顾客参加研讨班和产品展示会。

    Invite the potential customers to the seminars and product exhibitions .

  6. 所以面向市场就是面向这些潜在顾客(即面向用户、面向消费者)。

    So face to a market be face to these latent customers .

  7. 他们用“惊人巨奖”的口号来引诱潜在顾客。

    They tempt potential cus-tomers with " fabulous prizes " .

  8. 潜在顾客与现实顾客的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Potential Customers and Real Customers

  9. 以目前的方式,你无法赢得所有的潜在顾客。

    You won 't reach all your potential customers in the present way .

  10. 但潜在顾客不仅仅是富人。

    But potential customers are not just the rich .

  11. 但昨天在苹果旗舰店,一些接受采访的潜在顾客仍然对此心存警惕。

    But some potential customers at Apple 's flagship store remained wary yesterday .

  12. 你想吸引更多潜在顾客的注意吗?

    Do you want to attract the attention of more potential clients and customer ?

  13. 商业广告的主要目的是激发潜在顾客购买产品的欲望。

    The purpose of commercial advertising is to attract potential customers to purchase products .

  14. 我们必须发展更多的潜在顾客。

    We must develop more potential customers .

  15. 抓住你的潜在顾客的注意力。

    Grab your prospective customer 's attention .

  16. 这就是为什么几乎每家公司都竞争着影响潜在顾客的观点。

    That 's why nearly every company is battling to sway opinion among potential consumers .

  17. 最好的销售人员天生更容易与潜在顾客交朋友。

    The best salespeople have a natural ability to make friends easily with prospective customers .

  18. 他是一个潜在顾客

    He 's a potential new client .

  19. 将潜在顾客与现实顾客作以比较分析,具有十分重要的意义;

    It is of great importance to make a comparison between potential customers and real customers .

  20. 但这个有13.3亿人口的国家还有大量的潜在顾客。

    But with a population of1.33 billion , the country offers a large pool of other potential customers .

  21. 对潜在顾客群体进行市场营销的同时,蓝色尼罗河还需要了解这样做的几个特点与问题。

    There are several characteristics and issues Blue Nile needs to understand when marketing to its potential customers .

  22. 在不同场合向你的顾客或潜在顾客收集电子邮件地址,具体如下。

    Collect email addresses from your prospects and customers at a variety occasions , such as the following .

  23. 他相信这些飞机能够满载乘客:潜在顾客就在眼前,公司的定位很正确。

    He was confident he could fill them : the potential customers were there and the proposition was right .

  24. 这个功能是可选的,所以有隐私方面顾虑的潜在顾客不必担心。

    This feature is listed as optional , so would-be customers concerned about privacy issues needn 't be worried .

  25. 如今,该公司会筛选潜在顾客,并在能够确定新客户的信誉度之前,要求预先付款。

    Now it screens potential buyers and requires cash up-front until it can assess the creditworthiness of new customers .

  26. 父子二人还意识到,他们还需进一步努力,培养潜在顾客。

    The st pierres also realised that they were going to have to do more to educate their potential buyers .

  27. 服务质量构成要素对顾客满意影响力差异研究&现有顾客同潜在顾客间的比较

    A Comparative Study on the Relative Effects of Dimensions of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction & between Existing and Potential Customers

  28. 研究后他发现,白领和大学生都是潜在顾客。于是乎,他便在对外宣传方面把这两部分群体定为目标。

    He saw that white-collar workers and university students were potential customers , so he targeted these two groups with his publicity .

  29. 公司正在与其潜在顾客做进一步的接洽,这一举措很有可能对下一个投资项目大有裨益。

    The company is trying to engage further with its potential clients , which may be helpful to the next investment program .

  30. 了解潜在顾客,可通过在企业网页上设计问卷调查潜在顾客的情况。

    Dig out the latent customers by designing a questionnaire to the webpage of the enterprise website to investigate the potential customers .