
  1. 她还对通过“whitebox”方法改进产品质量感兴趣。

    She is also interested in a'white box'approach towards improving the quality of the product .

  2. 电磁兼容(EMC)技术在电子电气产品设计研发中起着重要作用,它有助于改进产品质量,提高企业品牌和产品知名度,使中国产品成功打入国际市场。

    EMC technology plays an important role in electronic and electrical products .

  3. 介绍了产品视觉评估法并辅以SPSS软件分析来评估用户对产品的态度,其结果将有助于设计者改进产品外观。

    This paper presents visual product evaluation analyzed with the software SPSS to retrieve evaluation from users and give suggestion to designers .

  4. 很多提供者选择将他们的软件一直维持在Beta状态,因为他们在不断地革新和改进产品。

    Many providers choose to maintain that their software is always in Beta , as they are continually evolving and improving the product .

  5. 去年8月,微软竞争对手苹果公司(Apple)发布了新的雪豹(SnowLeopard)操作系统。和雪豹一样,Windows7更多的是一款改进产品,而非革命之作。

    Like the new Snow Leopard operating system released in August by Microsoft 's archrival , Apple , Windows 7 is much more of an evolutionary than a revolutionary product .

  6. RequirementsComposer通过使组织能够优化需求沟通、协作和验证而继续让组织更轻松地减少开发成本、提高效率和改进产品质量。

    Requirements Composer continues to make it easier for organizations to reduce development costs , increase efficiency , and improve product quality by enabling them to optimize requirements communication , collaboration , and verification .

  7. 整合产品政策(IPP),是一种着眼于持续改进产品生命周期,全过程环境累积影响的策略组合。

    The integrated product policy ( IPP ) is one kind of policy sets which focuse on improving the environment accumulation influence of product life cycle .

  8. FMECA和FTA是装备设计阶段用于分析其故障模式和影响、改进产品设计的方法。

    FMECA and FTA are used to analyze the mode and effect of the fault and to improve the design of equipment in the stage of the equipment design .

  9. 既使那些已经通过了ISO系列认证或实施全面质量管理的企业,也缺乏系统性应用质量管理思想和工具的能力,以及能够连续改进产品/服务质量的工作机制。

    Even the enterprises authenticated by the ISO and / or implementing TQM , still lack the capability of systematically applying the quality management thoughts and quality tools , and the mechanism of continuously improving product / service quality .

  10. 这向Eclipse框架表明您希望操作集与CSIViewPart相关联,并显示带有该视图部分的改进产品。

    This tells the Eclipse framework that you want the action set to be associated with the CSIViewPart and to display the contribution with that view part .

  11. 预计苹果的律师将设法证明,iTunes的更新是为了改进产品,而不是故意削弱竞争对手,也没有损害消费者的利益。

    Apple 's lawyers are expected to try to show that various iTunes updates were designed to make improvements to its products rather than deliberately cripple a competitor and did not harm consumers .

  12. 目前,Tableau的主要任务是改进产品(一款新版软件,其中将包括用于渲染可视化效果的引擎),建立更多连接其可视化工具的接口。

    For now , tableau is focused on improving its product ( a new , upcoming version of the software will include a revamped engine for rendering visualizations ) and building out more connectors to its visualization tools .

  13. 本系列机型是在GC0618机型的基础上的改进产品,专门设计为厚重特料使用。

    This model is an improved product based on GC0618 , and specially designed for heavy weight fabric and leather .

  14. 我们发现,无论我们再怎么改进产品和营销信息,消费者对这个品牌的记忆还是太强大了,使他们无法用全新的眼光和开放的心态来对待Myspace。

    We found that regardless of how much we improved the product or the marketing message –– consumers ' memories about the brand were too strong to allow them to view MySpace with fresh eyes and an open mind .

  15. 导入CIS,改变企业自身形象,改进产品质量,改善服务,从而达到提高企业在社会各界的知名度和美誉度,巩固和逐步扩大企业的市场份额,进而提高企业经济效益。

    Introducing CIS into enterprise , it helps change image of enterprise s own , to improve quality of product and service so that the enterprise will be known throughout the society and enlarge and exploit market s quotas step and step , then raise enterprise economic benefit .

  16. 稳健设计是一种有效的改进产品/过程的质量设计方法。

    Robust design is an efficient methodology for process improvement .

  17. 通过改进产品设计以简化工序,解决了我们的产品质量问题。

    Work simplification through improved product design has cut our quality problems .

  18. 可以运用统计学的方法改进产品质量。

    Being able to use statistics processing control methodology to improve quality .

  19. 客户的投诉有助于你改进产品或服务。

    Make complaints which help your product or service improve .

  20. 我们将改进产品质量,提高生产率。

    We 'll improve the quality of our products and production efficiency .

  21. 改进产品的包装会提高销售量。

    Improving the product 's presentation will increase sales .

  22. 变量检索法&一种改进产品质量的方法

    Variable Search & A Method for Improving Product Quality

  23. 参与公司质量小组,持续改进产品质量。

    Attend the QC project team , continue improve the quality of product .

  24. 一种改进产品质量的方法&2~4-完全析因实验法

    A method of improving production quality 2 4 full factorial design of experiments

  25. 将钱花到不能改进产品的地方

    They spend money on things that don 't actually make the product better

  26. 用因素检索法改进产品质量

    Improve the Quality of Product with Variable Search

  27. 双响应曲面方法在改进产品设计中的应用研究

    A Study on the Application of Dual Response Surface Methodology in Product Design Improvement

  28. 用模块检索法改进产品的性能

    Improvement of the Product Quality with Module Search

  29. 纺织制造业的一系列令人注目的新方法有助改进产品质量。

    A series of remarkable innovation in textile manufacturing help to improve product quality .

  30. 用于故障检测和改进产品质量的以太网解决方案

    Ethernet Solution for Fault Detection and Yield Enhancement