
  1. 基于RS与GIS的喀斯特地区土地利用与保护格局探讨&以广西壮族自治区环江县为例

    Probing into the patterns of land use and protection in Karst region based on RS GIS & A case study from Huanjiang County in Northwest Guangxi

  2. 在构建模型属性数据库的基础上建立环江流域SWAT模型,利用1980-1990年的径流实测数据对模型进行校准和验证,结果表明SWAT模型在该地区具有较好的适用性。

    On the basis of the attribute database which has been constructed , the SWAT model is built in Huanjiang basin .

  3. 研究结果表明:进入90年代后,环江流域最大24h降雨量明显增大,径流、泥沙大幅度增加,单位(mm)有效降雨产洪产沙量为4个阶段的最大值。

    The results showed that since 1990 the maximum precipitation in 24 hours had increased evidently , runoff and sediment had increased by a big margin , and the effective precipitation per mm contributing to flood and sediment had been the highest in four periods .

  4. 环江古道及其周边旅游资源开发

    The Huanjiang ancient road and its peripheral tour resources development

  5. 从江香猪、环江香猪内脏器官测定初报

    Determination of visceral organs of Congjiang Xiang pig and Huanjiang Xiang pig

  6. 对大环江上游河段污染物总量控制的探讨

    Probing into pollutant control by total quantity to the Big Huanjiang river

  7. 环江县大环江沿岸土壤重金属污染特征研究

    Characteristics of heavy metals pollution in soils along riverside of Huanjiang river

  8. 环江流域高含沙洪水持性研究

    Study on Characteristics of High Sediment Concentration Floods in Huanjiang River Basin

  9. 毛南族的资源生态、土地制度与农民收入的变迁&广西环江南昌屯毛南族社会经济发展状况个案研究之三

    The Changes of Maonan 's Resource Ecology , Land Regulations and Farmers ' Income

  10. 在我国小型猪资源较为丰富,适于作医学动物实验的有五指山微型猪、环江香猪、巴马小型猪、西双版纳小型猪、芷猪等品种/品系。

    The mini-pig resource is abundance in China .

  11. 我国县级石漠化综合治理的思路与技术探讨环江流域综合治理蓄水减沙效益研究

    Research on Benefit of Water Reception and Sediment Reduction After Comprehensive Control in Huanjiang Basin

  12. 1957-2007年广西环江毛南族自治县疟疾防治效果评价

    Evaluation Effective of Malaria Control in Huanjiang Maonan Nationality Autonomous County in Guangxi in 1957-2007

  13. 环江县异地扶贫开发与持续发展途径探讨

    Helping the Poor to Improve at Foreign Lands and Sustainable Developing Ways in Huanjiang County

  14. 环江流域90年代水沙变化研究及治理方略探讨

    Water and Sediment Variations of Huanjiang River Basin in 1990s and Discussion on Its Controlling Methods

  15. 县域旅游资源开发利用探讨&以环江毛南族自治县为例

    Study on exploitation and utilization of tourist resources in countys & take Huanjiang County as an instance

  16. 环江毛南族自治县50年疟疾防治措施及效果评价

    Evaluation on Results of Malaria Control and Anti-malaria Measure in Huanjiang Maonan Autonomous County in past 50 years

  17. 环江翼龙化石的发现,是中国古动物学界,特别是翼龙研究学的一件大事。

    Huanjiang pterosaur fossils , ancient animals of China scholars , in particular pterosaur Studies is a major event .

  18. 西南喀斯特区域土地利用与石漠化相关性分析&以环江毛南族自治县为例

    The correlation analysis of land use patterns and rock desertification in Southwest China & A case study in Huanjiang County

  19. 草食畜牧业在桂西北喀斯特环境移民地区的作用&以环江毛南族自治县为例

    Role of Developing Herbivorous Stock Raising at Immigration Region in the Karst Region of Northwest of Guangxi & a Case of Huanjiang County

  20. 现已知的单性木兰分布区有广西北部(罗城、环江)、贵州东南部(荔波)和云南东南部(麻栗坡、马关)。

    Is narrowly distributed in northern Guangxi ( Luocheng and Huangjiang ), southeast Guizhou ( Libo ), and southeast Yunnan ( Malipo and Maguan ) .

  21. 环江地区位于鄂尔多斯盆地西部,主力含油层为三叠系延长组和侏罗系延安组。

    Huanjiang area is located in the western of Ordos Basin , the main oil-bearing bed is the Triassic yanchang formation and Jurassic yan ' an formation .

  22. 结果表明:流域北部的环江上游、合水川与汭河的径流量和输沙量以及土地覆被空间格局分布差异显著;

    Results show that the visible difference of runoff yield and sediment yield and land cover pattern were found in the up of Huanjian , Heshuichuan and Ruihe .

  23. 后来,他又被邀请回到环江县,作为专家帮助扶贫。他已经在当地政府服务了4个2年的任期。

    Since then he has been asked to return as an expert to help fight poverty , and has served four two-year terms of office in local government .

  24. 以环江县为例,分析了50年来环江县粮食供需态势、耕地资源动态以及两者之间的相关关系,提出了实现粮食安全的主要途径。

    The main concerns of this paper are devoted to the situations of grain supply-demand , land resource change and their relation , and offers some measures on the grain security .

  25. 桂西北喀斯特区域的耕地安全性&以环江毛南族自治县为例桂西南中越边境石灰岩地区苔藓植物的初步研究

    The Cultivated Land Security in the Northwest of Guangxi Province A Case Study of Huanjiang County ; A Preliminarily Study on Bryophytes of Limestone Regions in Sino-vietnam Border Area Southwest Guangxi

  26. 环江地区是超低渗透砂岩油藏的典型代表,储层物性差、非均质性强、孔隙结构和油水关系复杂。

    Huanjiang oilfield is typical of the low permeability tight sandstone reservoirs , reservoir property is bad , anisotropy is strong and the relationship between oil and water is complicate of the reservoir .

  27. 毛南族是中华民族大家庭的重要一员,主要居住在桂北和黔桂交界处,其最主要最集中的聚集地是环江毛南族自治县下南乡。

    Maonan is an important member of the Chinese family , living mainly in the northern of Guangxi and the border of Guizhou-Guangxi . The most concentrated gathering place of Maonan is Nango Maonan Ethnic in Huanjiang County .

  28. 根据实测水文资料,对泾河2级支流环江流域20世纪90年代水沙变化进行了较为深入的分析和研究,利用3种方法计算环江流域90年代综合治理的减洪减沙效益;

    Based on surveyed hydrologic data , the water and sediment variations in 1990s ( from 1990 to 2000 ) of Huanjiang river basin were deeply analyzed and studied , which is the second level branches of Jinghe river .

  29. 结合德胜至环江二级公路改建工程路基工程设计、施工及施工过程中碰到的问题和采取的措施,介绍旧路改建工程中路基施工的要点。

    Based on the engineering design and construction for Desheng ~ Huanjiang Class II Highway improvement works , as well as the problems encountered and countermeasures taken during construction , the paper specifies the key points about subgrade reconstruction for those highway improvement works .

  30. 简述金城江至水任、六寨至水任、德胜至环江、罗城至宜州等几条公路工程的管理成果,分析加快工程进度的措施。

    The paper provides a brief introduction to the achievements on project management for the highways of Jinchengjiang ~ Shuiren , Liuzhai ~ Shuiren , Desheng ~ Huanjiang and Luocheng ~ Yizhou , also it analyzes the measures for speeding up the project progress .