
  • 网络boron ore
  1. 研究了硼矿脱硫的工艺条件。

    The technological conditions for desulfurization and boron concentrating were studied .

  2. 常宁县汤市硼矿属接触交代&热液型矿床。

    Tangshi boron deposit in Changning county is a contact metasomatic-hydrothermal type one .

  3. 辽东地区硼矿成矿带远景区预测

    Predicting the prospects of boron ore-belt in Eastern Liaoning region

  4. 硼矿石粉灭螺效果观察

    Effects of snail control by using boron ore powder

  5. 黑龙江省铁力&通河地区硼矿地质特征

    Geologic features of Tieli-Tonghe boron deposit , Heilongjiang Province

  6. 大义山地区硼矿地球化学特征及找矿方向

    Geochemical Feature of Boron Ore and Its Prospecting Direction

  7. 因此,硼矿在国民经济中具有十分重要的作用。

    Therefore , boron minerals play a significant role in the national economy .

  8. 柴达木盆地盐湖硼矿资源的形成和分布特征

    Formation and Distribution Characteristics of Boron Resource in Salt Lakes of Qaidam Basin

  9. 营口东部区是我国硼矿重要产区之一。

    East Yingkou area is one of important localities of boron deposits in China .

  10. 硼矿、菱镁矿与元古界特定层位有关。

    The boron , magnesite are related to special layer of Proterozoic . 5 .

  11. 低品位硼矿的富集加工技术

    Study on beneficiation of low grade borate ores

  12. 利用低品位硼矿治理硫酸尾气

    Removing SO2 Emitted in Sulfuric Acid Production by Using Boron Minerals in Low Tenor

  13. 其中硼矿开采区的土壤硼含量高达1195mg/kg。

    The soil boron concentration in boron mining area is up to 1195mg / kg .

  14. 辽东硼矿中遂安石的微结构研究及其地质意义

    Microstructure and its Geologic Implication of Suanite in the Boron Deposit on East of Liaoning Province

  15. 柴达木盆地硼矿

    Borate deposits in Qaidam Basin

  16. 辽东&吉南硼矿带硼矿成矿作用及成矿远景评价

    Metallogenesis and Mineral Prospecting Assessment of Borate Deposits in Eastern Liaoning-Southern Jilin Borate Ore Belt , Northeast China

  17. 各国硼矿资源各有特点,其生产硼酸的方法也不尽相同,但以酸法为主。

    The boron ores in different countries have different characteristics , which determine diverse production methods of boric acid .

  18. 在众多领域硼酸钙比硼酸、硼矿等具有更优异的性能。

    In different fields , calcium borate has more excellent performances than either boric acid or boron ore has .

  19. 辽东吉南硼矿矿石特征及其与容矿岩石的关系

    Characteristics of boron ores and relationship between the ores and host rocks in Liaodong - J in an boron deposits

  20. 用△T高精度磁测寻找埋深大、磁性弱的隐伏内生硼矿是有效的方法之一。

    The high precision T magnetic survey is an effective method in finding deeply-buried concealed endogenic boron with weak magnetism .

  21. 硼矿是一种比较稀缺的化工矿物资源,主要作为生产硼酸和硼砂的原料。

    As a relative scarce chemical mineral resource , boron mineral is mainly used as the raw materials of boric acid and borax .

  22. 提出利用低品位硼矿脱除硫酸生产中废气SO2,并使硼矿得到富集的新工艺。

    In this paper a new technique was proposed for removing SO2 emitted in sulfuric acid production and concentrating the boron minerals in low tenor .

  23. 辽宁宽甸大西岔乡庙沟硼矿赋存于下元古界辽河群含硼变粒岩层位。

    The Miaogou boron deposit occurs in granulitite of Liaohe group , lower proterozoic erathem , locating at Daxicha village , Kuandian town , Liaoning .

  24. 再论紫金山矿田成矿系列与成矿模式辽东&吉南硼矿带硼矿成矿作用及成矿远景评价

    Metallogenic Series and Model of the Zijinshan Mining Field Metallogenesis and Mineral Prospecting Assessment of Borate Deposits in Eastern Liaoning-Southern Jilin Borate Ore Belt , Northeast China

  25. 辽东地区硼矿赋存于以“含硼岩系”而著称的辽河群里尔峪(岩)组中,表现出明显的地层岩性控矿性。

    The boron deposits in Eastern Liaoning Province occur in Liaohe Group Lieryu formation , which is famous as the " boron-bearing rock series ", showing obvious control by stratic lithology .

  26. 目前硼矿资源利用的前景研究主要集中在两方面,一是辽宁铁硼矿资源的大规模开发利用,二是盐湖硼资源的综合利用。

    About boron resources at present two aspects are noticed : first is the utilization of the iron-boron mine in LiaoNing province ; second is the compositive utilization of the salt lake boron resources .

  27. 结果表明,辽东地区硼矿资源潜力较大并符合客观实际。

    Comprehensive analysis , that the scale of resource potential is 33,459,600 tons in the Liaodong area . The results show that the large resource potential of boron in eastern Liaoning and With objective reality .

  28. 以辽宁某地硼矿开采和加工厂的硼作业工人以及远离硼矿的背景地区的人群作为研究对象,分析了班后尿液硼浓度与日硼暴露剂量之间的关系。

    Relationship between post-shift boron concentration and daily boron exposure was analyzed with the workers from boron mining and processing plants in Liaoning Province and population from sanitary background area far from boron industry as subjects .

  29. 虽然辽宁省硼矿资源较丰富,但是经过50多年硼镁矿的大量开采,省内硼矿贫化趋势明显,平均品位由20世纪60年代初期的18%降至12%左右。

    Although boron resources in Liaoning Province is rich , the dilution trend of ascharite is clearly after 50 years of substantial mining . The average grade of ascharite decreases from 18 % to 12 % since the early sixties of the 20th century .

  30. 低品位硼镁矿制备硼酸及回收硫酸镁的研究

    Preparation of Boric Acid from Low-grade Ascharite and Recovery of Magnesium Sulfate