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  • ferroboron
  1. 硼铁ICP-AES分析方法研究容量法快速测定硼铁中硼

    ICP-AES Approach to Ferroboron Determinating Boracium in Ferroboron Rapidly by Volumetric Analysis

  2. 为建立用ICP-AES技术分析测定硼铁的方法开展了试验研究。

    Tests were studied to make an approach to ferroboron by ICP-AES technology .

  3. 关于硼铁矿石选矿的几个问题

    On Some Problems of the Beneficiation of Boron - iron Ores

  4. 硼矿石代替硼铁生产硼铸铁气缸套

    Application of Cylinder Liner with Boron Ore Instead of Boron Iron

  5. 硼铁精矿作为造块节能添加剂的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Ferroboron Concentrate as Energy Conservation Additives for Agglomeration

  6. 管式炉燃烧-硫酸钡比浊法测定硼铁中低硫

    Determination of low sulfur in ferro-boron by tube-furnace combustion-barium sulfate turbidimetry

  7. 鞍钢烧结配加含硼铁精矿工业生产实践

    Commercial Practice of Sintering with Adding Boron-containing Concentrate in Angang

  8. 铝热法低铝低硅硼铁的研制与生产

    Researching and producing low-aluminium and low-silicon ferroboron with thermit process

  9. 硼铁矿火法分离过程的AT&T矩阵系统评价

    AT & T Matrix Evaluation System for Pyro-Metallurgical Separation of Paigeite Ore

  10. 激光直接重熔硼铁粉末的组织与性能

    Microstructures and properties of iron with addition of boron made by direct laser remelting

  11. 含硼铁精矿在具备条件的情况下是炼铁工业的经济合理的新型添加剂。

    It was a new kind of economical and appropriate additive for ironmaking industry .

  12. 稀土镁对高硼铁基合金的影响

    Effect of RE-Mg on High Boron Iron-Base Alloy

  13. 凤城硼铁矿石选矿试验研究

    Beneficiation Test Research on Fengcheng Boron-Iron Ore

  14. 含硼铁精矿作球团矿含硼添加剂的探索

    A Study of Boron - bearing Iron Concentrate as Boron - bearing Additives to Pellet

  15. 含硼铁精矿添加剂改善烧结矿质量的工业试验

    Industrial Experiment and Research of Improving Quality of Sinter With Boron-Bearing Iron Concentrate as Additive

  16. GB/T3653.1-1988硼铁化学分析方法碱量滴定法测定硼量

    Methods for chemical analysis of ferroboron & The alkalimetric method for the determination of boron content

  17. GB/T3653.2-1983硼铁化学分析方法气体容量法测定碳量

    Methods for chemical analysis of ferroboron & The gasometric method for the determination of carbon content

  18. 对含硼铁精矿作为烧结矿含硼添加剂进行了探索。

    An exploratory test is made on using boron containing iron concentrate as bearing additive for sintering ore.

  19. 采用高炉法处理含硼铁精矿可使铁硼有效分离得到含硼生铁和富硼渣。

    The pig iron containing boron and boron - rich slag were produced by blast fur-nace separating .

  20. 硼铁含量和粒度对铁铜基摩擦材料性能的影响

    Effects of total amount and grain size of FeB on the properties of Fe - Cu based frictional materials

  21. 实验结果表明,铜可以有效的增加高硼铁基合金的淬透性,并且可以提高其冲击韧度。

    The results indicate that copper can improve hardenability of HBIA effectively and increase the impact toughness as well .

  22. 实验结果表明,在金刚石的合成中,触媒中硼铁含量为2wt%的合成效果相对最好。

    The results showed that the synthetic effect of the catalyst containing 2wt % iron boride is relative best one .

  23. 用热重法研究了硼铁矿石氢气还原动力学。氢气流量600ml/min,温度600~1000℃。

    The reduction kinetics of ludwigite ores was studied by thermogravimetry at 600-1000 @ with a hydrogen flowrate of 600ml / min.

  24. 偏硼酸钠是硼氢化钠的还原副产物。管式炉燃烧-硫酸钡比浊法测定硼铁中低硫

    Sodium metaborate is a by-product from deoxidation of sodium borohydride . Determination of low sulfur in ferro-boron by tube-furnace combustion-barium sulfate turbidimetry

  25. 鞍钢烧结生产配加含硼铁精矿后,烧结矿自然粉化率降低,冶金性能指标改善;

    The natural degradation index of the sinter has been decreased and the metallurgical performance index improved after sintering with adding concentrate in Angang .

  26. 通过在焊条药皮中加入氧化硼或硼铁向焊缝渗入微量硼。

    Small amounts of boron were transferred from the electrode to weld metal by adding boron oxide or ferroboron powder to the electrode covering .

  27. 在灰铁生产中加入含硼生铁,代替价格较高的硼铁合金等,以达到提高性能的目的。

    In order to improve the properties of gray iron , the B containing pig iron is added to it instead of high priced ferroboron .

  28. 高硼铁基合金是一种新型的耐磨材料,其特点是以组织中硬脆的共晶硼化物作为材料的耐磨相。

    High boron iron-base alloy is a new kind of wear-resistant material , which takes high hardness and brittle eutectic borides as its wear-resistant phases .

  29. 通过预先制备带有孔隙的硼铁合金预制块,用普通浇注的方法,获得以灰铸铁为基的铸造表面复合材料。

    Using a prefabricated porous ferroboron lump , a surface composite layer was made on gray cast iron matrix , with a common casting method .

  30. 辽宁凤城硼铁矿硼镁石矿物浮选分离研究辽东&吉南硼矿中镁质岩石的岩石学及成因

    Study on Recovery of Camsellite from Liaoning Fengcheng Ludwigite Ore Lithology and Genesis of Magnesium-rich Rocks in Boron Deposit of Eastern Liaoning and Southern Jilin