
  • 网络environmental resource management
  1. 从可持续发展谈中国环境资源管理的决策思路

    Sustainable development : a trajectory of china 's environmental resources management strategy

  2. 生态脆弱区环境资源管理的制度与政策创新

    The innovation of the systems and the policies about the environmental resources management in Vulnerable Eco-regions

  3. 再次分析了农业环境资源管理立法的动向;

    Also analyzes the trend of legislation for management of agricultural environmental resources ;

  4. 水环境资源管理措施探讨

    Approach on Management Measures of Water Environmental Resources

  5. 我国农业环境资源管理立法现状与动态综述

    Summing up of legislation status and dynamic state for managing agricultural environment resources in China

  6. 其次阐述了中国现行农业环境资源管理立法体系的基本情况;

    Secondly expounds the basic status of the existing legislation system for management of agricultural environmental resources ;

  7. 霍沃德来自美国夏威夷,毕业于美国瑞维大学环境资源管理系。

    A graduate of American River College with a major in Environmental Resource Management , Howard is from Hawaii , the United States .

  8. 王位继承人查尔斯对美国的费城进行了两天的访问,就年轻人发展问题,城市重建问题以及环境资源管理问题表示关注。

    The King-to-be took in the sights of Philadelphia as part of the two-day visit to the United States that focuses on youth development , Urban renewal and environment stewardship .

  9. 机会成本法在自然环境与资源管理决策中的应用

    Application of Opportunity Cost Method in Natural Resource and Environmental Management

  10. 区域海岸带环境资源综合管理的理论与实践

    Theories and Practices on Regional Coastal Environmental Resources Comprehensive Management

  11. 撒哈拉以南非洲迈向可持续环境和资源管理的未来

    Towards Sustainable Environmental and Resource Management Futures for Sub-Saharan Africa

  12. 区域经济一体化进程中环境与资源管理的制度创新

    System Development of Environment and Management in Integrated Process of Regional Economy

  13. 网格计算环境下资源管理优化策略研究

    Optimization strategy of the resource management in grid computing based on virtual organization

  14. 完善的管理制度是加强流域环境与资源管理的重要保障。

    Perfect management institution is the important guarantee for strengthening the River Basin environmental management .

  15. 针对网格环境下资源管理存在的问题和现状,本文提出了一种基于市场机制的资源管理模型。

    In this thesis we introduce a resource management model based on market mechanism and equilibrium theory .

  16. 本文通过构建智能空间资源管理系统,意在为智能空间下的设备管理调度提供一个研究平台,为设备调度算法的设计开发提供便利,从而促进智能空间环境下资源管理与调度的研究。

    By constructing smart space resource management system in the thesis , a research platform was provided for equipment management and scheduling in smart apace , thereby facilitating the design and development of equipment scheduling algorithm .

  17. 现在这种趋势更加明显,代表了未来相当长时期内发展的大方向,对全球及各国的海洋环境与资源管理具有重大影响。

    Now , this trend gets still more obvious , which stands for a major development direction in the quite long time to come and brings great influence on the marine environment and resources mangement of all coastal countries .

  18. 给出了ERP环境下人力资源管理系统的结构和设计,从需求定义、系统分析、系统设计、系统实现等方面出发,对系统进行分析与建模。

    The management subsystem is modeled and analyzed in the aspects of requirement definition , system analyze , system design and system realization .

  19. 3S技术的空间特性决定了其在水文水环境和水资源管理中有着广阔的应用前景。

    Spatial characteristic of " 3S " technical decides that it has the broad application prospect in hydrology water environment water resources management .

  20. 作为网格(grid)环境下分布式资源管理系统,Globus项目的GARA(GlobusArchitectureforReservationandAllocation)是一种保证服务质量(QoS)、实现端到端(poin-to-point)的资源管理体系结构。

    For distributed resource management systems in grid environments , GARA of Globus project is a point-to-point resource management architecture , which guarantees QoS .

  21. 数据库网格是一个基于现有网格体系标准(OGSA)的,面向动态、开放分布式计算环境的数据库资源管理平台。

    Database Grid , compatible with the existing Grid architecture specification OGSA , is a database resource management platform oriented to the Grid computing environment .

  22. 首先,通过访谈和问卷调查的方法对HN建筑设计院的内外部环境和人力资源管理中遇到的问题进行了确认和分析。

    Firstly , using methods of interview and survey , the author analyse the problem of HN architectural design institute which concentrate on the issues of interior and exterior enviroment and human resource management .

  23. 在P2P-Grid环境下的资源管理系统的构架中,Grid-Peer系统中采用层次式资源组目录树组织资源,各Grid-Peer系统可以通过Broker和其它的Grid-Peer实现资源共享。

    In Grid-Peer system resources were organized by a layered resource-group-directory-tree , and be classified as PC resource , LAN resource and HPC resource .

  24. 第五部分对QC集团ERP系统实施项目中人力资源的管理,从组织外部环境、人力资源管理意识、培训体系、团队文化建设等方面提出ERP系统实施项目人力资源管理建设策略。

    The fifth part of the QC group ERP system implementation projects in the management of human resources , from the external environment , human resources management consciousness , cultural construction , team training system in such aspects as ERP system implementation project construction of human resources management strategy .

  25. 在对三种比较流行资源管理模型:层次模型、抽象所有者模型和市场经济模型的思想及实现方式进行了分析与研究之后,提出了P2P-Grid环境下的资源管理系统的构架。

    After discussed the hierarchical , abstract owner , and computational economy models of grid resource management architecture , we put forward architecture of resource management in P2P-Grid environment .

  26. 现有网格环境下集中式资源管理和调度策略逐渐暴露出扩展性不佳、资源负载不平衡等问题。

    Existing resource management and scheduling systems for grid have troubles in scalability and load balance .

  27. 上海贝尔公司基于项目环境下人力资源管理问题的分析

    The Studies of the Human Resource Management in Shanghai Bell under the Environment of Program Management

  28. 网格环境下资源的管理和调度是网格系统的研究重点之一。

    Resource management and one of the key research fields scheduling under grid environments of grid systems .

  29. 在这种大规模的分布式环境中进行资源管理和应用调度是一项复杂的任务。

    The management of resources and application scheduling in such a large-scale distributed environment is a complex task .

  30. 研究了数字化技术在复杂水环境资源系统智能管理应用中的新图景。

    Chapter 3 combines the management model of complex water environment and resource system to the digital technology .