
  1. 据官方的新华社报道,天舟一号可以携带近6吨物资,包括燃料。

    The Tianzhou-1 can carry nearly six tonnes of supplies including fuel , according to state media agency Xinhua .

  2. 今年4月,中国成功发射了首个货运飞船天舟一号(Tianzhou-1),以支持其刚刚建成的太空实验室。

    In April , China successfully launched its first cargo spacecraft , the Tianzhou-1 , to support its fledgling space lab.

  3. 完成任务后,天舟一号将与天宫空间站分离,从轨道下降,在大气层中焚毁。

    When it has completed its mission , it will decouple from the Tiangong space station , descend from orbit and burn up in the atmosphere .

  4. 同样是在该新闻发布会上,中国载人航天工程办公室主任王兆耀表示,我国将在明年上半年发射第一艘货运飞船天舟一号,与天宫二号完成对接。

    Also at the news conference , Wang Zhaoyao , the agency 's director , said that the country will launch its first cargo spacecraft , Tianzhou 1 , in the first half of next year to dock with Tiangong II .

  5. 被中国媒体亲切称为“快递小哥”的天舟一号,长11米,直径3.35米,重13吨,由中国长征火箭从在海南省新建的文昌卫星发射中心发射。

    Tianzhou-1 , nicknamed " Tiangong 's express delivery little brother " by Chinese media , is almost 11 metres long , has a diameter of 3.35m and weighs 13 tonnes . It was launched by a Chinese Long March rocket from the newly built Wenchang Satellite Launch Centre in the island province of Hainan .