
  • 网络homing
  1. 在危机之中,资本和金融流动往往表现出一种返巢的本能。

    Capital and financial flows tend to display a homing instinct in a crisis .

  2. 而与“青年回巢族”不同的是,“离婚返巢族”完全已经长大成人,经常有配偶和孩子。“青年回巢族”指的是离开家不久就又搬回家居住的年轻人。

    And unlike the ' boomerang generation ' , who return to the family home not long after flying the nest , the ' doomerangers ' are fully and children .

  3. 但调查显示,有超过700万英国人在与伴侣分手后却被迫这样做,因为他们无法负担自己居住的费用。他们被称为“离婚返巢族”。

    But more than seven million Britons - dubbed the ' doomerangers ' - have been forced to do exactly that after a break-up because they can 't afford to live on their own , a survey found .